
Parking Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"What people would do is they would go to Contemporary and be like, 'Uh, yeah, I'm just gonna park here,' and then they would walk over to Magic Kingdom."
"It's always free parking if you arrive from the sky."
"Don't take my parking spot. I just feel like it's pretty obvious if like there's a shoveled spot and the rest of them aren't shoveled that you probably shouldn't take it because someone's coming back, you know?"
"Disney Springs parking: still miraculously free for everyone."
"I think the one area that it would excel in is for parallel parking."
"Accuracy-wise, Katie finishes in a good position nice and close to the curb."
"The maneuver, the parallel parking, positioning wise great."
"You just need a good parking spot, a few friends, yeah, and you can take disclosure to the people."
"Park in expired meter parking to save on parking tickets."
"I'm probably just gonna park behind the truck."
"You're never camping, you're parking, as a fact."
"Skip the cruise line parking lot and instead opt for an off-site parking lot... there are going to be significant savings."
"It's like he couldn't have parked any better, right?"
"$4 for parking is cheaper than valet, but I would rather spend an hour looking for parking."
"I want to park as close to the door as I can so that we have less time spent in that transitional space."
"The best revenge is 4 years of good parking."
"White spaces are free, yellow spaces are for residents or disabled, and blue spaces are the ones you need to pay for."
"If the surround camera, the parking sensors, and all the tech in this car aren't good enough for you to be able to back it in yourself, then you probably shouldn't be driving in the first place."
"The problem with parking is that the rules or the regulations that we came up with don't actually solve the problem, and they actually make it worse."
"Goodbye street parking. Now anyone who did not fit in the garage had to park three blocks away outside the condo units."
"I literally back in a house on Wheels with a trailer backing a trailer in over rocks around everyone and we got the perfect parking spot right on the course."
"It's phenomenal for parking spots, like when you're going out to eat at a restaurant or something."
"I parallel parked on the first try like this is something everyone needs to like Round of Applause for."
"Parking in Italian cities is very difficult."
"If you see a cart zip tied to your car, you're an idiot. Stop parking like one."
"Consider this a warning: next time you take up two parking spots, I will line your car with slices of cheese."
"You make a big mistake if you don't realize how much store people set by where their car is parked."
"The hotel zone is wild, there's traffic everywhere, there's almost zero parking."
"Big Blue is a 22 foot - so about 8 foot wide. Sometimes it's a little tough, but it fits in any standard parking spot."
"You ain't getting on here with that Cadillac, two spaces, I'll be charging you."
"thank the Lords I live really close to the convention center cuz that was like a 10-minute drive but anyway look how I don't know if you can see it cuz it's blurry but look how tiny that parking space was that gave me a lot of anxiety."
"The worst kiss to death in the world is parking a car."
"Absolutely, all right, Scott, we're here and I see a parking spot right there, so let's test out this automatic. Push the button there it is."
"You've got the reversing camera which negates that rear issue when you're parking."
"It's not uncommon to find an empty car parked on the side of the road, more often than not it will be there a few days later until the county comes and gets it."
"I live in Queens, NYC where parking can be difficult on occasion."
"I really don't remember why I parked this thing."
"This is where the Jeep sits for the time being."
"Backing into a parking spot is the fanciest version of parking it."
"...it's like a big SUV. You know, so people can park it, they love that. Super easy."
"You offset by a half a car width and you just park your lights in the mirror."
"When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals when pulling next to or away from the curb."
"The camera quality is superb, giving you an excellent bird's eye view of the car when parking."
"The entitled parent responded with, 'Well, where else am I supposed to park?'"
"I have never once in my life seen a parking job that was so bad that it made me want to actually commit a crime."
"...next time she'll probably think twice about parking in a toe away Zone."
"Parallel parking is something that I think everybody universally hates. It's a time of stress. You're worried about if other drivers are judging you, if your passengers are judging you."
"If any damage is done to the cars in the parking sequence, it won't be yours and you won't care if it's a beater truck."
"I can still fit it in a regular parking space if I need to."
"We better Park a tea cab next to it."
"Who parks in front of a fire hydrant? Don't yell at me, valet service told me to put my car here."
"Parallel parking in a tight space can be tricky, but for experienced Drifters, it's a little bit easier thanks to a drifting technique called crab walking."
"I never ever park near a school for obvious reasons."
"I'm pretty sure if this lady's back tires were on that line, she'd still argue that her vehicle was not over the line."
"I girl boss my way into remembering where I parked."
"No parking lot at Thousand Steps Beach, all parking is street parking."
"I've always dreamed about finding parking like this at the airport. I love this, it's gonna be so nice and easy getting off the plane."
"Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere."
"I had to take a shuttle cuz I parked my car."
"Please don't park in my driveway. I live next door to an apartment building, and where their parking lot ends and my driveway starts, there are concrete slabs."
"Do you guys want to know how I find parking spots on my phone? I'm parking somewhere West from here tonight."
"So if you don't have parking, don't come or come early, park in those parking lots. People, the lots are open."
"I'm not sure if anyone's doing it but I'm going to show you two things: first thing's parking, next thing is charging."
"I love the 360 View and I love that overhead view because I know exactly where I am in the parking spot."
"Of the three apartments that we saw, day one, only the Strata I think actually had parking."
"Parking this thing is an absolute Breeze in Town."
"If everybody parks the same way, it's going to give you way more space."
"Can you get that car between those two cars? No, I can't. I just drive around till one of those cars leaves."
"We parked in a little bit of free parking, but that fills up very fast, but don't panic because there is a large, um, paid display car park literally opposite."
"'If I can't make it here, the entire building is automated. So I could park this in front of the door with the key in it.'"
"We just parked up...I don't think I've ever felt so nervous...really nervous."
"...that's a powerful. How angry do you get when you see someone parking in a disabled spot when they are not? I don't give a [ __ ] man. I don't give a [ __ ] the world."
"...parking is free so that's another plus."
"One of the most important elements of being stealth parking in the city is learning shade. Always be looking for shade every time you pull into a parking lot anywhere in your town."
"...there's nothing worse than the monster in Christmas traffic trying to find a parking like I'm literally in a 15-minute parking spot like I need to move."
"When parking up, you might even permit yourself a feeling of quiet satisfaction."
"So, let's take things one step at a time. First things first, oh, there's a parking spot right there."
"Parking in DC: Expensive, confusing, and risky."
"Victory over terrible parking jobs."
"The 360° camera system is pretty good because it helps you in parking around, especially in tighter spots."
"Wow, awesome bit of parking right there."
"I like this location the best. Usually they're so busy and there's like no parking, but today there is for some weird reason."
"It's just about being safe at parking."
"Motorcycles are parking garages, I know nobody likes it except for the person on the motorcycle but god damn it, it's fun."
"You also have at least here in the ultimate version the bird's eye view when you're parking for the backup cameras you can see the sides and in front of you as well so that makes it very easy to maneuver you know at low speed situations too."
"So to summarize, you need to get the space behind you and in your wing mirrors. If you can see it in your wing mirrors, then you can guide the car into the space."
"The idea is very straightforward, which is that give less space to cars, don't have so much space for car parking."
"I park in the back because people are so disrespectful with their cars."
"...independent lots near the cruise ports offer lower parking rates... they can cost as little as half as much as parking at the official port parking."
"I love not having to worry about parking when I get to my destination."
"Probably my favorite thing about this truck is that you can just pull up into a parking lot and park wherever you want and not have to worry about someone scratching your door."
"This allows you to move the vehicle forward or back if you park incorrectly."
"Is it worse to be stuck in traffic or driving in circles for 30 minutes trying to find a parking spot? I personally don't know, but you vote for parking spot, it's a whole different ball game."
"We don't want to be too close to the parked car or too far away."
"Sorry I parked in a weird spot, no options, please accept this cheese as my token of gratitude."
"Turning the wheels towards the curb will prevent any forward movement of the vehicle."
"Really easy to park this thing really easy to back it in anywhere you're trying to get to."
"A V8 manual transmission and park distance control because here in Southern California you park about four inches from other cars."
"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary that night and the parking lot was actually quite empty."
"I ain't gonna lie, that is kind of weird with the whole parking situation."
"So if you have another vehicle, you could potentially even park it out here."
"That's what you call parking mate, yes sir, I love it, let's go."
"Of course if you're in the city and you're parking maybe in a parking garage or parallel parking and you want to see how close you really are to that car in front of you, you can switch on the front camera with a switch just to see how close you are."
"Live the freedom that is van life and just do the best you can finding parking."
"Fun fact if you come late enough to a Disney theme park, parking's free."
"I really love the stories where people think that they can park wherever the heck they want without consequences."
"So one of the benefits of this storm is we had no problem finding parking on a Saturday evening at the South Beach Grill."
"A man who illegally parked in a disabled space outside a court while he was inside admitting to illegally parking in a disabled space has been fined."
"The expectation that you should be able to drive directly door-to-door and find cheap or free parking right in front of your destination at any hour of the day is pretty unrealistic."
"Americans were really obsessed with teeny-tiny cars built for the urban environment where you could literally park everywhere."
"It's just a sort of crazy thing, you can park it virtually anywhere."
"People didn't park there for a very good reason."
"It's easier to park, much easier to fit in the garages."
"Imagine whipping around tight corners and slipping into parking spots with the grace of a ballet dancer."
"This innovative solution could completely transform parking norms."
"You can pull over and park up on the left somewhere safe."
"That was a successful parallel park; we just parallel parked over parallel parking delights."
"Most Green Space in LA has one unique decidedly not green feature that most Urban Parks don't have, and that's parking lots."
"My parents would park their cars in the garage and offer the four free spaces to friends and family."
"You can always find parking in New York if you know what to do."
"There's even a Park Assist system that will help you identify parking bays and automatically steer you into them."
"It has a small footprint so it's going to be easy to park, yet it still gives you an ample amount of interior space."
"The Smart EQ for two is much better suited to urban lifestyles and can park in places that other cars cannot reach."
"The trick to parking is consistency. If you keep doing everything the same way every single time, it gets a lot easier."
"That's the beauty of parking; once you start parking and you've got a few in, it's so much easier to work out where you need to park."
"I got so lucky, I've got almost like front row parking."
"Motorcycle parking is easier and more affordable."
"Motorcycles are cheaper and I think the best example of this... motorcycle parking is free and you can park directly next to your terminal."
"Learn to appreciate free parking, guys."
"It's free to park. How many theme parks still offer free parking?"
"This is not a mere parking, this is art."
"Thanks for letting us park our cars for the past 10 days; it helped us a lot."
"The active Park Assist... controls all the steering while you control the gas and the brake."
"I think I just came up with the perfect parking hack."
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, nowhere left to park."
"The goal is that when we pull in out of parking spaces, we don't hit cones."
"We're on the beach, we've parked on the beach."
"If you actually use this properly and practice a little bit, you can actually park this car more straight backwards than you can forward."
"Where else can I find parking for three weeks in New York for only eleven dollars?"
"Active Park Assist 2.0 allows you to reverse perpendicular park, parallel park your vehicle."
"The safest place to park your vehicle at night is in a garage."
"Well now that you've ticketed me, I can just stay parked here because you can't write another ticket."
"Are you sure I can park here? Totally."
"Finally, a parking spot for us fat guys who love barbecue."
"One thing about me, I'ma back into a parking spot every time."
"Every driver in America is going to need parking or already needs parking and has been looking for parking for 30 years."
"We understand that especially in narrow parking spots."
"The base of the triangle represents your gap from the curb."
"Parking fees were non-existent, did not charge me anything to park my vehicle, which is nice."
"This has one of the best parking record setups money can buy."
"It's fantastic, it's such a great feature and a good peace of mind when parking in small tight car parks."
"This is the most rebellious act of parking I've ever done."
"You have parked in giraffe 229 or giraffe 230."
"It's cooking in the oven; we have a tool for parking, and we're gonna call it Road Marking Tool."
"Parallel parking got the spot on the first try."
"I always get good spots because I'm nice to others, and that's what I tell myself."
"Are you coming to me? No parking in LA."
"Please don't park too close, I'm fat."
"Wow, and it's going to park us here. That's pretty awesome."
"It eliminates parking tickets and gives you exactly where you need to go."
"If you can drive an F250, you can drive anything, especially when it comes to parking."
"We would like to be the McDonald's of truck parking."
"When you want a hamburger, you think of McDonald's or Burger King or Wendy's; when you want to park, I want you to be thinking about storemytruck.com."
"This home is really spacious, you can pack up to about four cars."
"The best way to parallel park is to find another parking spot."
"The zoo is so packed today, we have overflow parking in this huge field."
"It's a very small space, so forgive the parking lot."
"The beauty of this thing is you can parallel park it downtown which is awesome."
"In Santiago, as in any big city, there are not enough parking spaces for everyone."
"So pro tip: if you're parking on a little bit of a hill, right? Say you were driving, once you put in park, keep your foot on the brake and wait till you see it say 'park', then take your foot off the brake, and it won't roll."
"I always park where I can easily get a spot and carry on with my tasks at hand."
"Parking lots are by far my favorite for a few reasons: they provide a sense of security."
"No way I'm paying fifty dollars for two hours of parking."
"Look how you parked! That was perfect!"
"It's very rude to just park your car in someone's front yard."
"We made it, the typical, we have to park sideways to fit in any driveway in California."
"We're already winning with free parking."
"It's a good day when you find a parking spot."
"I used the clicker, pulled my car into the parking lot where I normally park my car."
"Pro tip: If you ever park in a garage, take a picture of the column."
"If you're parked on a hill, make sure to set the parking brake so the vehicle doesn't roll away."
"I imagined us parking in this size of the car park, and we did."
"Keep the tires turned toward the curb when parked, that's because when your car wheels are positioned like that, thieves are less likely to be able to maneuver the vehicle."
"Will you move your car out of that spot, please? Thank you so much."
"The Dream Key also includes parking paid in full."
"I feel a great sense of achievement whenever I parallel park."
"If you are recording while parked in even mild weather, you need a heat resistant camera due to the greenhouse effect."
"The main feature on this screen right here is the new parking mode."