
Pop Culture References Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Man, I love the art style, I love hand-drawn stuff; it really just reminds me of 'Where's Wally' or 'Where's Waldo' if you're that way inclined."
"In some ways, it's just a bit of a love letter to the SCP universe, containing dozens of references to other anomalies and individuals."
"Carl Weathers is the new cowbell. I need more cowbell, need more Carl Weathers."
"According to his memoir, Slash once believed he was being hunted by an alien from the Predator film series."
"I thought they were gonna John Wick my [__] but we may use it for its high DNA compatibility."
"Dude, anime dimensions, simul-later. Definitely don't want to play that Ultimate Football... they got Luffy in here though!"
"I'm totally going with see in the future. Yeah, I definitely like the whole concept of going full Biff like Back to the Future Biff level."
"I can only imagine now that's gonna be people pull that out is like Goldberg whenever."
"He just got deleted. That was like a Thanos snap where he saw him and next thing you know he was gone."
"Dan Mintz, who voices Tina, has named the Edward James Olmos burger as his favorite burger of the day."
"Nobody that important dies off screen unless they're Tank in The Matrix."
"Survival depends on our ability to observe these things closely for subtle nuances, missable details, hidden agendas, and good old-fashioned Marvel Easter eggs."
"I'm going the neuralizer for Men in Black. I could think of so many I could think on a daily basis how many people I would love to be speaking with in the afternoon."
"Force be with you, be excellent to each other."
"Don't panic! We're gonna use those great words of Douglas Adams right now."
"For them to be like the Hulk is like the purest form right, like Bruce Banner is a [ __ ] hoe, he's the strongest."
"He is the peanut butter to my jelly, the spongebob to my Patrick, the Han Solo to my Chewbacca."
"The Simpsons Hit and Run at Marathon runs is always funny because there are so many references."
"So, Brainiac corn... Superman, oh man, I'm sorry, children of the corn, literally."
"I've had more of the moments where it's like, uh, in TV shows or like, you'll see an IG reel and they'll like pause the tape or everybody will freeze and they'd be like, this is where Travis knew he [ __ ] up."
"Remember we all remember what the Kessel run was we didn't have to go do any research there was no handout for it."
"Bungie is the turtles that made it to the water. They are Sandra Bullock not looking at whatever it is you're not supposed to look at in Bird box."
"Oh, please. You couldn't even change into Bill Bixby. Come on, damn it, change!"
"Besides, when you have Austin Powers references in your Nintendo videos, what more do you need?"
"A fun way to end off this video is the inspiration for Nuketown actually came from an Indiana Jones movie called the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull..."
"The trend that it's brought that I can't [ __ ] stand is every single multiplayer game now needs to jam every reference and every pop culture thing you can think of to stay relevant."
"The blue-eyes white dragon, see? I just had to bring up black luster soldier and I knew it would be brought to us."
"Even the language, saying stuff like 'the matrix' or 'you're red pilled or blue pilled,' that would have been meaningless before the film."
"We are heading towards an Attack on Titan version of Ragnarok."
"It's kind of a mix of Hunger Games on Mars and Game of Thrones."
"So both the voice of the car and the promise to kill you while telling you their cake is a lie are references to GLaDOS, the murderous AI from the Portal series."
"Love is the answer to everything, guys, because Sonic loves to oof people and eat chili dogs, and we love Adam's mom, right?"
"And then they were all a tease like Tommy a lot of Ferris Bueller... it's a Breakfast Club homage."
"More than meets the eye from the Transformers movies, our heroes in a half-shell from the Ninja Turtles movie, how dare you."
"You remind me of an older version of L from stranger things like okay but the put the blindfold on get some music and now let's go see what they're doing and you're like mmm you're opening the door you can see where they're at you can."
"If this seems like comic book villainy, that's because it is."
"The hits don't stop coming: razor sharp banter, character-based gags, clever pop culture references, dumb pop culture references, visual gags, continuity gags."
"If there's any Pokémon trainers out there that I can be compared to, it is Ash."
"But as a veteran of the series every single one of these references made me do the Leonardo DiCaprio point from that one meme."
"Goodbye mega sparse you know you try so hard got so far but in the end I've made this joke way too many times I need to stop I need to cleanse myself of this stupid stupid song reference."
"I had no horse in this race. I had a big fat horse. I had a one horse in Zelda that you get in, it's really big horse in Breath of the Wild."
"Inside the Soul Cairn, wandering souls murmur references to Elder Scrolls games and out-of-game sources."
"You are a war criminal if you don't like Baja Blast."
"She's strong as mate, and I think she's got the ring powers or whatever, not the ring ring like the girl from The Ring, you know?"
"Blackwood oh it has he has a surname all of these cromoz I don't know that this one looks really I don't know oh it's like Android 16 from Dragon Ball Z."
"I've come to expect the unexpected from Labor Day Star Wars."
"Remember, everyone's gangster till the fish start turning their cities into starships, and the Force will be with you always."
"Knock knock, who's there? Y'all around and let death in. I'm John Lennon, I'm Michael Jackson, I'm Cobain, I'm Steppin'."
"I mean it's legit like Star Wars, they built something that you could shoot something in the Death Star and blow us up."
"If magic was real, you would have people like Obi-Wan and Gandalf demonstrating it."
"They killed him holy [__] in 10 seconds, he actually made gangster back look cool what the hell I've never seen that before."
"If Michael's just out here in the middle already, where's Eminem boy at?"
"Apparently, there's a planet somewhere called Earth which has its own set of Dragon Balls."
"Smart watches were still in their infancy then while similar devices did pop up in mediums like spy movies."
"I'm a sucker for the scar, I needed it like SpongeBob needs water."
"At first, it appears he was murdered by an even trampier version of Catwoman, but nope, it's Jennifer Tilly."
"The Akira bike is a direct reference to both the Akira and Ghost in the Shell franchises."
"Like Sean Bean's death, some moments are fixed in time and cannot be changed."
"I just like to say I'm sailing with The Rock and I'll be back like Independence Day With Jesus June 6. like the movie Big Mothership And all I'll be back." - Eileen Wuornos
"Every time is an opportunity to make a reference, you have to do it."
"Vicky throws water on his face and he says I'm melting I'm melting just like the Wicked Witch and The Wizard of Oz in my running theory that every American Film is trying to be either The Wizard of Oz or citizen game."
"Before you go chunking pumpkin spice lattes at me and typing 'Hocus Pocus' quotes and all caps, hear me out."
"I never really thought about his name. It's kind of like the Martha situation for Batman Superman where, even though they're both named Martha and they never played it for, like, 100 years, we were all just like, 'Do they have the same name?'"
"I hope to God somebody ain't using me for horrible hostage torture tactics and strapping people into chairs and making them watch Peter mon Drama videos."
"Zebra is riding a giraffe because everybody on the NWO has a blue-eyes White Dragon."
"May the force be with you, may the Schwarz be with you."
"Dust to dust, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, may the force be with you because you're worth it. Amen."
"They are known for their movie review prowess, their beauty, their love of things like Point Break and Keanu Reeves."
"Until next time, I love you 3000, plus ultra."