
Believers Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"I care sincerely about people, about believers who I think are being led astray by some of the bad Bible study practices that I see."
"Isn't it time for the believers that their hearts become soft for the remembrance of Allah?"
"It will come a time where the Believers will hide themselves from the because of the amount of the corruption that's out there."
"Believers in Christ, we're the Israel of God, we're the temple of God."
"We're not just going to see one man saying prepare the way but instead a generation of Believers."
"Believers desire financial resources for time redemption and efficiency."
"Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most suitable and gives glad tidings to the believers."
"God is raising up a nation of believers."
"there's no priesthood but the priesthood of believers"
"We have over 30 million believers in our country now."
"The real sin is criticizing your fellow believers."
"We have authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions."
"Believers must know and operate in authority."
"These prayers are for born-again believers who desire to see the growth of the kingdom of God."
"Confessing the word of God is an important part of every believer's spiritual life."
"Antichrist is coming to declare war on Believers."
"The inhabitants of heaven and believers on earth might seem to be two orders of being, yet in truth they are one family."
"Joyless believers are an insult to my grace."
"How do you think... science Believers can help facilitate more people to listen to what science has to say?"
"Believers face relentless spiritual warfare guided and strengthened by scriptures."
"The Holy Spirit often described as the Breath of God moves through believers' lives in profound and subtle ways."
"We have a description that all true and faithful Believers will go through the resurrection to receive glorified bodies."
"As we approach the return of the Lord, believers in Christ should be prepared for persecution, a reality that becomes increasingly pertinent."
"Believers in Christ should be prepared for persecution, a reality that becomes increasingly pertinent as we approach the return of the Lord."
"Heaven is a real place, a real home for believers."
"You're going to be judged by how you treated other believers."
"The judgment seat of Christ for believers immediately after the rapture is not a judgment of sin. It's a judgment of service."
"John wants people to recognize that we're talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Moses, the God of the burning bush."
"John wants people to know that the same God who delivered the Israelites is still their God. He's not just the God of Israel, but of all believers."
"From a theological perspective, believers are a means of God helping us."
"Miracles are happening right now at the hands of believers."
"Resist the schemes of Satan, for it has taken the best that God has from his people, over and over, leaving believers on the sidelines."
"We start to relate to other believers, 'Help me, help me, help me.'"
"The spirit of fear sometimes will want to take hold of believers, meanwhile, fear is a torment and it is not real."
"He argues instead for the priesthood of all believers."
"Baptism is an expression of faith and therefore for believers only."
"Believers do not agree among themselves whether the virtuous will be raptured before or after the Tribulation."
"The Holy Spirit takes all the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ and makes them real possessions that operate in the life of the believer."
"It is the experience of believers to be joyful."
"The first steps of persecution are never assaults directly upon the lives of believers, but usually the livelihoods of believers."
"Because a lot of stuff that believers are going through is not the test of the devil. It's because they've been using my word without consecration."
"The Quran preaches that Satan has no power or authority over the believers."
"Every believer has access to all the power."
"Humble, loving unity among believers and fearlessness before adversaries is a clear sign of salvation and a warning of destruction to the enemies of Christ."
"Deep believers are going to rise up and begin to operate in Miracles, signs, and wonders."
"What we should be focused on as Believers is not just going for the outward appearance but going for the heart and really getting to know people."
"The same water that drowned unbelievers saved the believers."
"All believers baptized into one body constitute the one body of Christ."
"When God moves and blesses the Jewish people, the blessing surrounds the Earth for all believers in Yeshua."
"Throughout history, there have been names of believers... that have been distinctively baptistic, if you will, Baptist in their teachings."
"How you treat other believers is how you treat Christ."
"Even carnal believers are the object of God's grace."
"By grace, God transforms believers into the image of Christ."
"Jesus grants the morning star to believers."
"Believers will shine like the brightness of the sky."
"Believers will become members of God's heavenly entourage."
"The church grows when true believers are added, true believers in the Lord are added."
"Christ will return in glory to judge the ends of the earth. And all who have believed in him will reign with him in the wonders of God’s kingdom to come."
"As believers, we're living saints too."
"For believers, the holy is made common. So now we are the building, we are the temple, we are the minister."
"What do believers do? They kill the remaining deeds of the body."
"Church is an assembly of regenerate believers."
"Inspire believers to live out the good news."
"As believers, we are called to shine the light of truth and salvation in a dark culture."
"God's purpose is gatherings of believers who declare his praise."
"Armageddon has implications for how Believers understand their role in the world."
"Every believer can prophesy, and every believer can see in the Spirit."
"There are only two kinds of people in the world: believers and unbelievers."
"No matter how the government might come down heavy upon believers, God will never abandon you."
"Evangelism is our mission, but it doesn't occur effectively... unless you have Spirit-filled, maturing, Christ-like believers."
"The wheat are the true believers, the tares are the counterfeit believers—they look like them but they don’t bear fruit. And remember what Jesus said, "By their fruit you will know them.""
"How you treat other believers is a very important thing to God."
"Reminder will only benefit the believers."
"The church is not a building, it's the people, it's the priesthood of Believers."
"The manner in which you should partake in communion... it's designed for believers... it's a reminder for us to examine our hearts before the Lord."
"...to equip and to edify and to build up, to mature the believers."
"The hope of heaven is a source of strength, comfort, and anticipation for believers."
"The believers are but brothers." [Quran]
"The purpose of revival is to empower the believers for the end time harvest."
"The local church is a physical group of believers in a certain place."
"The only statement of the true believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, is that they say: 'We hear and we obey.'"
"Perfect your Salat, and this is why we are here today. The Believers are successful."
"And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had."
"Children of believers are included in the covenant."
"Let's remind ourselves that the letter written to these Christians from a Jewish background in the first century was written to encourage discouraged believers."
"Baptism is a covenant sign and covenant signs are given to believers and their children."
"I'm here for the dreamers, I'm here for the believers."
"The unity of the believers is one of the most glorifying things to Christ."
"Let the brotherhood of believers be the most real thing beneath the stars."
"You are a priest, you have been born into the priesthood of believers."
"The good news of the Gospel isn't just for the lost; the good news of the Gospel is for believers."
"The true believers are those when Allah is mentioned, their hearts tremble."
"He delights in them, and they delight in him."
"The church is not a corporation or an entity that has some Christians and is also filled with many non-Christians."
"The remnant in Revelation is this larger body of Believers."
"What does Yom Kippur, the day of atonement mean? Why should it be significant even today for believers as a result of what Yeshua has done for us?"
"He is full of compassion and full of mercy for the believers."
"God has not entrusted the truth to them; He's entrusted the truth to us, His believers, His worshipers."
"The vision of the house: to raise an army of believers to take over their world."
"Whenever the true believers are angry, they forgive."
"I'm waking up an army of believers."
"There's no other place I'd rather be than with the fellowship of true adamant believers."
"So remind them because reminder helps believers."
"The greatness of His power in us who believe."
"The purpose of the church is not to get those unbelievers in; it's to equip the believers."
"Let the believers place their trust solely in Allah."
"This Quran is only a guidance and it is only a mercy for the Mu'min."
"Verily from the believers are those who have fulfilled what they promised Allah."
"Unity of believers is at the very core of this fellowship and of God's presence in His temple."
"Indeed, the Believers are brothers; rectify between them."
"Let love for your fellow Believers continue and be a fixed practice with you, never let it fail."
"God does not want wishy-washys or doubtful people, God wants solid believers."