
Personal Assessment Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Sure, in retrospect, it could have been a lot worse, and he was actually definitely above average."
"The only way to consider less is to identify what is enough in my life."
"I've been working with Tubbo for a very long time in L'Manberg. I know that Tubbo is an inherently good person at heart."
"His character and his behavior speak for him."
"He is, kinda surprisingly given his meathead looks, a good man!"
"I've been like, yeah, I've been healthier but not still it's not great to be fair."
"From my experience in scrims last year, Inspired was the best jungler in scrims, 100% no doubt about it."
"I have a feeling that my restaurant is looking a little bit better than Hannah and Cam's."
"Potential is only what is possible, pattern is what is recurring."
"On a scale of self-love, I was at a strong eight."
"That's as good as he can play... I don't think he's good enough for Manchester United."
"I am a failure at life, chat. I'm really a failure at life."
"You measure people by what they've done, not just what they say."
"It's the very definition of mediocre or average."
"I don't like the drama but the truth is the truth. He is not a boss. He's a nice guy ultimately that is a detriment to the company." - CM Punk
"You're looking at your sense of worthiness... if you are valuing what you're producing."
"His career is officially over... pretty much."
"He's a very solid manipulator from what I've seen so far."
"I know more than anyone that he's going to do well."
"He will question everything about them, from their credibility to their qualifications."
"To be the best you need to constantly reevaluate yourself."
"He is ignorant and unsophisticated and he is not a good person to now have in a courtroom."
"Being aeroace helped me feel much more confident and sure of myself."
"He's kind of just like not trying super hard."
"You gotta resist. You gotta resist at least for a moment to give yourself time to make your own assessment."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"He's the real deal... he's out there [ __ ] you know like it's warranted."
"Functionally speaking, he was probably both good and bad simultaneously."
"He wasn't the highest rated, he wasn't the best athlete, he didn't have the best numbers, he didn't win a championship, have the best mechanics, or the strongest arm."
"He is not a good person and I don't think he ever will be."
"I wouldn't do the job, that is me complimenting."
"You can always judge a man by the quality of its enemies."
"Normalize the weighing of the pros and cons of people in your life."
"He's such a brilliant guy then the second parameter your personality will be judged is a grasp of narrative and argument yes sir we didn't find you lacking in that also."
"Does what you have right now suit you? Is it enough?"
"Check in with yourself often. Reflect on the day, the week, the month."
"Tulsi is a 10 in terms of her mental capacity, physical fitness, and commitment."
"She knows her strengths, she knows her weaknesses, she knows that she can be a bit ditzy."
"It's been a year since Biden's been in office, has your life improved?"
"Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player I've ever faced. He's always a threat."
"Was it a success? The answer for me is a resounding yes."
"You're only as good as your last showing. You're only as good as you actually are."
"Unlike so many of the people out there, Candace is somebody who actually knows what she's talking about."
"Numbers don't lie, so what I'm doing is obviously working."
"If you're not doing your job, that's usually an indication that you need to get out of that job."
"I ain't going to lie, I was a little nice though."
"In today's day and age from a longevity standpoint, you're kind of a vet."
"It’s hard to boil down a whole person to a quickfire list but every so often in life it’s good to stop and check in."
"She was she was a lot less mature than what paper might tell you."
"Don't underestimate this guy." - Michael Knowles
"Tulsi was a thousand percent right, he's a bullshitter."
"You're a half-measure. You're not Batman. You're not Bruce Wayne by any standard of measurement."
"Physically, I've held up a lot better than I thought I would."
"He's a great kid, I mean smart, full of energy, well-spoken, you know, I mean he's a good kid."
"Our relationship has never been stronger than it is right now."
"I'm a really confident person in the sense that like I think I'm really cool."
"Do I provide a valuable service to society? If the answer is yes, it's a worthwhile job."
"Long story short, I think he's gonna have some use."
"I think all my stuff is pretty solid. I hope that what I say is interesting enough or unique enough to cite."
"I could not find one negative thing in the background of any of these young men."
"I thought this was gonna be a lot more but I realized after looking at this like how am I gonna rank some of these oh well it is what it is that was that was a good tearless."
"I learned to measure the value of a man based on his deeds and intent."
"You don't judge a book by its cover, or a person from the outside."
"9.9 sorry it couldn't have been better but it would have been a 10."
"Pause time mentally and assess where you're at."
"He's gotten crazier." - Anonymous Trump acquaintance
"I think we're all pretty good nice guys, right? I think Dion is genuinely a nice guy."
"Knowing that he's probably a very responsible seems like a nice guy has really strong family values."
"his mistake is better than me actually trying"
"He had a good year, not a bad year, not an average year, a good year."
"Take an honest look at your results. Ask yourself, 'Am I living the way I really want to live?'"
"Trump is more vulnerable than he's ever been."
"Once it's really negatively affecting you, you need to pull back and actually judge what you're doing and why."
"Not the worst, you know, not the worst could be a hell of a lot worse could be a little bit better but I'm 8 and 2 is a good start positive start."
"I prefer judging people by how they respond to their mistakes."
"Saturn returns happen every 27 to 30 years... it's like a reality check for your life."
"The Highlander comes across as very confident."
"Always do your own calculations about whether a card's going to be worth it for you or not and if it's not worth it for you then it doesn't matter what other people say."
"Am I a good person? Yes, I am a good person."
"I'm very rarely wrong in judging a man's character."
"My best tip would be to assess your life in general what do you really want don't look at the job look at what you want outside of work and see if that job fits with that narrative."
"My confidence... it's probably like a solid four out of ten, but you know what, four out of ten is better than zero."
"Trust the process, then afterwards, we can assess where you're at, how you feel, what you want to do from there."
"Global self-esteem is an overall evaluation of the self as a person of worth."
"On a scale of 1 to 10, you and this person would both be somewhere between an eight and a 10."
"We weren't perfect, you know, but I think for the most part, yes, definitely we were doing our best and doing pretty good at it."
"You consistently rate your work days as 8 out of 10 or more."
"He's a good man, he's a good human being."
"His talent level might be like a 10 out of 10."
"I'm not saying I'm the most intelligent person, I consider myself... moderately intellectual."
"It's like a good reality check for yourself."
"You need to be honest about your capabilities."
"I think I'm quite happy with the current status."
"It's only natural that people will assess their future."
"The benefits to me definitely outweigh the disadvantages."
"I would start with the test completely by itself and see how you feel."
"David is the cleverest man I ever met. Bar none."
"On a scale from 0 to 10, we estimate that our lives have a cost of approximately 22, with a reward of 25."
"Reflect on the prior month, see what you had the most trouble with, what you can improve on."
"It depends on the person. Who is he as a person? Is he a good person?"
"At the end of the day, is it worth it? I absolutely think so."