
Historical Violence Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Every American knows that voter suppression looks like the nearly 3,500 African-American men who were murdered, beaten in front of their families, and hanged from trees between 1865 and 1933."
"We were the ones killing women and children and making hats out of their body parts. Wouldn’t you retaliate?"
"Germans of the Vermont, the police, the SS, the Civil Administration and their allies engaged in mass socialization including gang socialization on enormous and routine scale."
"The US has been through periods of pretty intense political violence"
"There's not a single era in US history in which the police were not a force of violence against black people."
"More people have been killed now in the last what like eight years than in the entire Jim Crow era."
"Some skeletons with spears and knives still sticking out of them."
"The first romantically recorded gesture in history was thousands of years ago when a man brutally caused the still beating heart from the chest of his lifelong enemy."
"Governments are the greatest instigators of murder in human history."
"In order to get gold, we need to kill people and take their territory."
"To reinforce the history of lynch mobs, of slides into autocracy, of mob justice, of pogroms..."
"A history of brutality, etched into the walls."
"Dehumanized people will kill the Jews, dehumanized people will kill the Ukrainians."
"Death squads sponsored by the military regime roamed the country freely."
"The burials likely reflect the rampant and widespread instability and violence."
"Reason number five: communists murdered mostly their own people..."
"There had been previously points in the nation's history where violence was necessary to protect the Republic."
"In a more direct method of population and political control, it was not unheard of that newborn children of women who were suspected of being associated with Fretilin would be murdered."
"These were real people who were killed who were hanged who were burnt at the stake."
"When justice fails to hold her father accountable for his brutal slaying of Mayan descendants in a past Civil War, his victims take matters into their own hands."
"The angry posse-turned-mob that had burned most of Rosewood and left a path of destruction in its wake."
"Never since the barbarian invasions had Europe witnessed such an orgy of brutality and vandalism." - John Julius Norwich
"John slumped to the floor in front of everyone and Selman senior fired three more shots into his dead body John ended up dying at brutal and violent death just like most of his victims throughout the years."
"White men are Devils... lynching, killing, cutting..."
"Families were violently separated, torn apart, never to see each other again."
"It was not very long ago that like a million and a half Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda slaughtered each other with a machete."
"The Spanish had previously burned native rulers alive."
"They genocidally wiped out an entire generation of the family."
"We've gone from lynchings to beatings, now to peaceful arrests."
"Eleven violent deaths for eleven violent men meant the end of the most ruthless gang that the old west had ever seen."
"All was betrayal, all was massacre, apocalyptic, vicious, sadistic, impossible but so terribly real."
"The USA is a nation which has consistently built and maintained ruthless self-serving underhanded and deceptive campaigns of violence and war since its inception, both domestically and abroad."
"Psychedelics allow one to achieve gnosis, enlightenment, self-actualization; this was the original catalyst for the leap in our psychological evolution."
"Violence against Asians is as old as American history."
"Massacres are usually processes and not singular events with certain patterns of violence that unfold over time."
"The psychology of making the others baby eaters or horrible people possibly why religious wars became so violent."
"The biggest victim of Redguard violence during the cultural revolution would be none other than the red guards themselves."
"Violence against us has been historical and extends beyond the discourses of hate."
"Maegor went about personally slicing, dicing, and incinerating his excessively religious enemies."
"Back then you could kill anybody and get away with it."
"The European Crusades to the Middle East killed and slaughtered Jews, killed and slaughtered the Muslims, and killed and slaughtered Europeans underway and raped them and everything else in between."
"The brutal nature of the injuries and deaths in those 3 days revealed a well of hatred that went much deeper than city officials were prepared to publicly acknowledge."
"We are proud society but we cannot deny we've been violent."