
Tabletop Gaming Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Still, I am a lot more excited to put Guard on the table than I was before."
"The community is what's allowed D&D to constantly remain fresh and many would argue that the community has created some of the most compelling content even compared to what Wizards of the Coast has officially produced."
"Kill Team Nightmare is coming this weekend. This is the box set that's fairly hotly anticipated."
"D&D 5e's advantage and disadvantage system rocks."
"Pathfinder 2e brought something totally different to the table with their plus 10 minus 10 crit system."
"Remember that you will never waste any time when you listen to teaching."
"D&D was designed by Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson, as a combination of miniature wargames and epic fantasy novels."
"She's pretty amazing, so I have a new Commander as well that I wanted to play."
"Tabletop role-playing game is not supposed to be a solitary endeavor. It is not solely up to the game master or keeper to create a fun experience; players should meet the GM halfway."
"Okay, so anyway, Cold Frontier Scout and uh, a Craig Carby, actually a couple of different guns."
"Healing word is the most surefire insurance policy most adventuring parties have."
"You won't have the known option in your table."
"I hope you have a fantastic day, a fantastic week, and that you get to play lots of D&D."
"We hope that this helps you pick and choose which modules might be right for you and your experience level and the group that you are playing with."
"Collaborating with your players, listening to them, delivering on these experiences is really, really important."
"The cards that have the table talking are good magic cards."
"Overall seems pretty scary a big beat down gun line with a whole lot of general purpose Firepower big re-rolls from Gilman and some very scary desolation happening with the enemies units getting hoovered up by the Desolation Squad..."
"The list is built around two big units of assault Marines and one big unit of death company with jump packs."
"Massive general purpose attacks at strength 14 and damage D6 plus 2."
"It's your game, and you should do what's fun for you. But don't let anyone convince you that a table full of people who are excited to tell an in-depth story together is some sort of social media fabrication."
"This is a great environment to play Commander and I love this."
"I do feel that the Silent King is a really solid centerpiece to the army."
"If you want to play a more balanced game, play matched play. If you want to focus on fun and narrative, maybe play crusade."
"Overall, I do think that there's quite a lot of positives to crusade."
"You're starting to lose feelings of low self-worth and lack."
"Have you ever wanted to scratch that tabletop gaming itch but you do not have a game at that moment? Well, do I have the game for you."
"Join me at the table and let's learn how to play Key Flower."
"I know it doesn't mean a lot to you guys because you're just gonna get the character and play with him in Total War but for those in the tabletop, you're looking at him the same way I am."
"Using these three options properly can actually have a major impact and improve role-playing at the table, improve the fun that the people at the table are having, and help you run a satisfying adventure."
"Dungeons and Dragons is a game where people come together and play."
"You don't strictly need the book to run this style of game."
"If you're not sure if these points apply to your table, all you can do is ask. Open the lines of communication, make sure your players know that you're open to feedback, and receive it as gracefully as you can when they give it to you."
"Every D&D group is different, and wants different things. The only way to learn what's best for your table is to talk with them."
"For 9th edition missions, it really helps that they have army-wide objectives secured."
"Harlequins might be one of the most frustrating armies to play against in 40k right now."
"Dungeons and Dragons is a game where both the fans and the source material consistently say, 'Don't worry about the rules, just have fun.'"
"Definitely puts you at the level where you could very easily put 100 Space Marines on the board."
"The Play On Tabletop guys have come in very recently and they have completely blown things away with their incredible production value..."
"Tabletop Tactics is probably one of the biggest names in the battle report business..."
"Warhammer has what I consider to be one of the most welcoming, inclusive, and supportive communities out there."
"Having a DM who shuts down divination completely and doesn't give you what you're hoping for out of divination is not a good DM-player relationship."
"D&D is more popular now because the generation who grew up playing it are now adults."
"Pathfinder is probably my favorite of all the different role-playing games that I have played."
"Critical Role was able to show everyone just how fun and successful Dungeons and Dragons was capable of being played at the highest level."
"D&D isn't about winning or being the best, it's about the fun you have with everyone around the table."
"And then I think last but not least Sarco flagellants right yep that's the last one okay Arcos uh squads of three to ten uh T3 but two wounds with a four up feel no pain oh saucy."
"When eighth edition came along shockingly all the way back in 2017 we saw a massive explosion of progress."
"Look, I understand it could be really hard to find a group, but you know the whole no D&D bad D&D thing? Yeah, that still applies."
"I think this card is still incredible, but I don't find it as obnoxious at the table because it doesn't hit creature spells. And I think it's a lot easier to get an agreement out of the table to just cast creatures." - Seth
"Player driven campaigns: Putting the players first."
"The benefit of player driven campaigns: Bringing the rest of the table in."
"Welcome to the second yolk pot Dungeons & Dragons adventure with an all-new cast of characters."
"We just gotta make it to the castle. Plus, I mean, this is just the first session."
"Games Workshop had specifically chosen to highlight a battlefield story concerning a female custodian."
"When we see a player that can laugh off rolling three straight ones or even worse maybe even a character death that goes a tremendously long way for us."
"I highly recommend it just sitting there on the table on your laptop or on your phone or whatever as a rules reference."
"I'm the only girl in my current DND campaign but I don't really mind or feel uncomfortable about it since all the guys I play with have been nothing but welcoming and chill towards me."
"An extension of that would be the d100 table that's the ever-popular... You can mix and match and take from those and from your favorite product and create this sort of big master table."
"My take on this and any other ttrpg stuff is that you and your friends can do whatever you want forever as long as it helps you have more fun."
"We don't run pre-written adventures, but it is super rare and only more recently that we've done anything with pre-written adventures."
"Gene Stealer Cults can bring some really powerful tricks to the table."
"When the DM just looks around and the PCs are telling a chapter of their own story to themselves, that's fucking great."
"It's always an interesting moment that fascinates everyone at the table."
"If you hate chaos like I do, the lumineth are quite possibly the best army for you."
"Do you like magic? Because boy howdy can the lumineth do some magic."
"D&D is not about comparisons. How you play is going to be different from how anybody else plays and that's fine. It's just important that everyone's having a good time."
"There's a lot of precision, there's a lot of OCD-friendly things about D&D. You know, there's a lot of rules."
"Critical Role showed people what a real game of D&D looks like."
"The story of D&D began in the early 1970s with Gary Gygax and chainmail, his first professionally published tabletop game."
"Expand on all the pillars of D&D, including new tactical options in combat, new conditions, new spell mechanics, and many more ways to customize combat at your table."
"3D printing brings customization and engagement to tabletop gaming."
"It's gonna be three shots, strength six, AP two, but three damage."
"New players can literally just pick up a box, the rules are free, build, paint, and play."
"In many ways, we stand on the shoulders of giants whenever we create our own material for fifth edition."
"When the players see you rolling in front of them, they suddenly get apprehensive."
"All right Callum Linton says want to thank you guys for getting me and my friends into D&D better fan for ages and I've loved every minute keep it up guys I really love it when people say we got in 2d."
"Anti-infantry weapons are pretty vicious in 40K if they get exposed, there's a good chance they're just going to get hoovered off the board."
"I think the best Dungeons & Dragons - let's roll some dice."
"Competition being good for the ttrpg industry."
"If you're jumping on the Fantasy Grounds train... you're good."
"Blood Angels stand out with units like Death Company and Librarian Dreadnoughts, offering powerful melee threats and tactical flexibility."
"I think the most important thing to nail was just showing DMs the range of genres that Spelljammer can kind of contain."
"Your armor class is only 11. I am a weak boy."
"For me, with the extra AP, the chainfist really clinches it and it has the added very, very nice bonus of having a flat damage 3 against vehicles."
"If you have an army that can march up to the center of the table deal at least some damage but more importantly just not go away to enemy fire then you're going to score a lot of the primary objectives."
"Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard... might well be the single strongest first-born unit out of anything Space Marines can field right now."
"Next up we have the relic Terminator squad... just for sheer flexibility and utility."
"Epic Armageddon was a really interesting game from Games Workshop taking place in a teeny itty-bitty little six millimeter scale."
"No actual play series you see online anywhere will ever be as fun or as profound as the game you play with your friends."
"I wanted a Gungan army for tabletop wargaming, but no such thing existed, so with a little creativity, I made my own."
"Now that I've actually won a game of 40K, I am super jazzed to get working on some of my other 40K armies like Deathguard and Drew Cari."
"Dwarf asks Jesus for help jokingly, have him roll a d100 for giggles cus screw it this game is a mess."
"Roll dice, build random encounter tables, layer maps for your players to explore."
"Nothing feels out of place and when the DM gives you hints about little details just enough to make you wonder what's happening, it's when everyone gets a chance to shine and do funny, dark, and crazy stuff."
"The custodians are on the tabletop and off, they are very, very, very popular and it's very, very, very easy to see why."
"Players getting away with crazy antics is one of the best things about D&D."
"This next story is what happens when the players bring a little bit of their real-life crazy to the table."
"The tabletop gaming group is not just the DM's story or the DM's group. Everyone at the table is working together to create a story."
"If you want to cover mature topics like racism in your DND games, that's great, but you have to talk about it before the game starts."
"Tonight is the climactic final battle with the big bad of their campaign... and yeah nat 20 in the hoop. Wow!"
"Those new kill team militarum traitors are perfect for pairing with the iron warriors."
"Finally, I got two more books and they are very much related, and that is the physical copies of the Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide."
"We will have a Critical Role campaign book coming out."
"Well, thanks for watching Tabletop. I'm Wil Wheaton. Eat poison and go [BLEEP] yourself."
"45 minutes into my first game, first round of combat ever, and I'm already dead. The whole table was really quiet, and the DM looked like he wanted to die."
"You don't need to mutilate your DND rules into some unyielding monstrosity incapable of providing your table with the desired experience because there are other RPGs out there hundreds of them in the fantasy genre alone."
"Subscribe to Tabletop Time for more mini painting goodness and role-playing, so much fun to be had."
"VR is incredibly relevant for the tabletop space."
"Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is a fine system and makes for a fine entry point to the hobby."
"Every DND group is different... it's a completely different world at some tables and that's okay, that's great."
"We still have the books in front of us, our pencils, our dice, our paper, and we can play it with our friends and we are not beholden to any technology, any tool, or anything else."
"I want to help make 5e easier to learn than ever before."
"Tabletop RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder are a great way to escape the stressful and mundane fact of day-to-day life and just unwind and have fun making a fantasy story with you and your friends."
"If certain conditions are met, him and all Emperor's Children units within 12 inches of him are fearless."
"World Eaters have violence incarnate, so when they charge, they get an extra attack."
"The Palantine blades are softened up perfectly for Khan to come charging back in next turn."
"So far that gamble has played off."
"Khan remembers he has a Plasma Pistol, pulls it out, screams, pulls the trigger."
"Dwarven Forge, the innovators, the originators, the OGs of D&D terrain."
"In tabletop, failing isn't the end of the world; the world is in the palm of the GM's hands."
"You absolutely cannot replicate the magic and infinite potential of a tabletop experience in an asset-limited product."
"The whole reason that we've done this is so that we can utilize sort of speed paints and contrast paints just to get some color on there and make this guy ready for the tabletop."
"We love the ttrpg hobby... it's so much fun and it to me it is so important."
"Very much looking forward to Grey Knights in this new edition, toned down in some ways from ninth but streamlined and super teleportation."
"The DND Community has grown so vibrantly over the last couple of decades."
"Setting a great example or people Critical Role using their incredible platform to set an example of what interaction at the table can look like."
"Brennan cares about his players, and that is what tabletop games are all about."
"This will give you that really bright element that catches the eye on the tabletop."
"Savage Worlds is easy to just pick up, get a game planned, and play fast."
"The Faded is what it feels like to run a game of D&D at home."
"It is really humbling to see so many people who love tabletop RPGs as much as we do tuning in."
"Everybody's this good from McElroy, your Dungeon Master, your best friend, your partner in crime."
"I'm a painter, I'm a hobbyist at heart; I want things to look cool on the table."
"It's the strategy of building your character right here on your mat that's really where it's all at."
"Excellent round from the Blood Angels, doing what they do best, which is gutting people in combat."
"It's Ravengard versus World Eaters, 3,000 points, and we're playing Dominion."
"They are the Primaris Space Marines."
"The whole point of tabletop games, I think, is to have fun."