
Corporate Growth Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"Disney officially became the largest media company in the world; passing Time Warner."
"The rise of CD Projekt Red was unprecedented."
"The stigma with companies is success centered around growth, and stagnation is death."
"Tesla is prioritizing rapid growth; they are entering a new stage of their evolution as a company."
"Walmart hired 200,000 employees during the pandemic."
"Square was becoming a force to be reckoned with."
"Your invention is gonna bring this company further than we've ever imagined."
"Tesla today is making twice as many as anyone else."
"Increasing the earnings per share and the free cash flow per share and returning money directly back to me."
"Tesla still has amazing explosive growth... Tesla is just so much more than an electric car company."
"Lordstown Motors: a startup with the assets of an established manufacturer."
"2020 was the turning point for profitability for Tesla this is just the beginning 21 21 2021 will be even more exciting."
"I think this is a company that over the next five years is going to grow into possibly the biggest market position company in the entire world."
"This was a pretty good company to hold. They do pay a dividend, they grow it over time, they do share buybacks. Apple is a growth company, it's a value company, it fits into a lot of different categories."
"Tesla has huge growth potential over the long term."
"Stories end while companies try to achieve endless growth, and I think this has completely blurred the way people are looking at the art of storytelling."
"Chick fil A is next in line to overtake Starbucks and McDonald's."
"Tesla is within a year of that type of run rate when just six months ago 12 months ago some analysts even more bullish analysts were expecting Tesla to produce that many cars in 2030."
"Tesla didn't have technology when it started. But it does now."
"Imagine being responsible for that kind of growth for a corporation like that."
"We're grateful and humble that our independent success allows us to invest in our talented people and headquarters this year and are delighted to welcome Trace Harris and Pamela Kaufman to the board of directors." - Pete Parsons, CEO of Bungie
"The past several years have been a time of tremendous growth and opportunity for Bungie." - Pete Parsons
"3.6 billion dollars is a lot of money that Bungie can use to hopefully grow the studio."
"Companies that have very long predictable runways of growth."
"I'm buying Nike very aggressively right now...2025 and beyond will be tremendous for the company."
"Nvidia CEO Jensen Hong has attributed all of Nvidia's growth to 'broad industry transition to accelerated Computing and generative AI.'"
"Tesla is now set to embark on one of the most ambitious growth plans ever put forward."
"Massive market opportunity in front of this company over the coming years."
"Tesla is just at the beginning of their long-term growth trajectory."
"Overall, the year was very good. There was company growth, upgrades to products, greater product support."
"PepsiCo: Revenue growing... love to see this as a dividend investor."
"They're already a multi-million dollar company."
"As long as Elon's at the helm, I think Tesla's growth can continue."
"2020 was a breakout year for Tesla, but in our view the fireworks aren't over."
"Amazon now has more people than Facebook Google and Apple combined working for them."
"His leadership took Apple to places that no one ever expected."
"Invest in Apple: poised to make mixed reality headsets mainstream."
"I think there's going to be a lot more acquisitions in the sector."
"Bungie begins our journey to become a global multimedia entertainment company."
"There's no stopping this company anytime soon."
"Few people know about the parent company ByteDance, which could potentially become the most valuable social media company in the world."
"Robinhood exhibited troubling business practices... prioritized growth above stability."
"We're still in the very early innings of seeing what Tesla is able to accomplish."
"Tesla is going to have their revenue explode over the next year and a half."
"During his tenure Intel's market cap Grew From 4 billion to 197 billion."
"A channel can make a company. It can put it on the map."
"This is just the company that yes you see it like flying high right now trading at high pes."
"AMD isn't the underdog anymore, their stock price and market cap is up there with other giants like Intel."
"EA must consistently show growth that's the only thing investors care about and if that does not happen there's going to be real chaos."
"The potential is crazy when you talk about these companies."
"Amazon.com like you think that's gonna shrink or you think they're gonna continue to have revenues go up substantially."
"I struggle to see a world in which Epic Games is not a trillion-dollar company if they get this right."
"Tesla's already adding the equivalent of the complete annual volume of Volvo in 2023."
"In a best case scenario, Tesla will be swimming in battery cells despite the production challenges that appear to have delayed the 4680 ramp."
"Nintendo has a lot of growing up to do as a company."
"Now is the time for the company to grow its IPs because the company itself is growing."
"Redfin is going to dominate the real estate space within this next decade."
"Tesla's footprint today is only getting bigger out here."
"We're going to have a very good third quarter, maybe a great third quarter, and we're going to have an incredible next year."
"Coca-Cola has been a public business ever since the early 80s and for the past four decades it's proven its ability to not only survive but also continue to grow in a changing market."
"Tim Cook took Apple when Steve Jobs died from a hundred billion dollar company to nearly a three trillion dollar company. That's 30xing a hundred billion dollar company."
"We didn't wanna wake up in five years with a big company, but feel embarrassed about how we did it."
"Netflix grew like wildfire through the 2010s."
"Letting very big companies get even bigger is something that we should always be naturally suspicious of."
"Even gpt4 is already at the level where if you ask it to hire a taskrabbit and think out loud about how to hire a taskrabbit in order to bypass captchas that are meant to restrict systems for human use only it's already advanced enough."
"Tesla is a sixteen hundred dollar stock and will reach two trillion in market cap by around 2023 if they continue to execute and grow their revenues like they have been."
"Voyager Digital currently 26 bucks, ran up from 15 since my interview with the CEO."
"Over the short term, I won't be surprised if we see Tesla move towards that 1 trillion market cap."
"All of this capital, all that money is being given to these big companies who are going out and increasing in value. Like that's not capitalism that's central planning."
"In under 200 years... grown into a multinational conglomerate with the power of a small country."
"I think it's aggressive but not impossible that we could do 20 million cars in 10 years." - Elon Musk
"I see a lot of ways that Apple can grow substantially from where they are right now."
"This bodes really well for the future of Tesla."
"Enbridge has increased its dividend for 22 years in a row, increasing by about 10% every year."
"These retail investors made it possible for AMC to amass more than two billion war chests."
"Tesla's financial position has never been stronger as they've paid down debt and built up a massive war chest of cash."
"Tesla's biggest constraint on growth is batteries."
"When you own shares of a company, well this company is working to produce more value."
"Tesla is just about to complete the building out of its Giga Texas factory."
"Tesla's PE ratio is over one thousand and is now worth more than Walmart."
"There's these wonderful massive opportunities for the companies that integrate Technologies."
"We're kind of in unprecedented times with Bethesda's recent growth, the new game Microsoft acquisition, etc., so it seems possible."
"What company out there has grown their dividend every year consecutively for longer than any other company?"
"Now executing an equity trade is free that's called Robinhood."
"To the moon indeed, this is now our sixth major factory, and now we're in three continents."
"Tesla has reached an annual run rate of vehicle production of around 1.2 million cars."
"Tesla could be hitting an annual production rate of over 1 million vehicles by the end of this year."
"Tesla Energy is going to surpass the value of the automaker side of the company."
"Amazon is hiring like crazy, explosive demand."
"This stock is taking off because of being added to the S&P 500."
"Wow, this is a real leveling up moment for Tesla as a company."
"They are about making large corporations larger and in control of each and every aspect of our lives."
"Debt when used well like in the case of Tesla can be an extremely effective way to grow value if managed responsibly."
"It's not long until Tesla is making many tens of billions of dollars of profits every single quarter."
"I think for Tesla to do like a doubling in one year, it's of course anything is possible but we need to look at what's realistic right."
"Great companies that are growing have huge markets and opportunities ahead of them."
"As long as you own one of those top few companies, you're gonna do amazing."
"In five years, 10 years, Tesla's gonna be monstrous."
"Welcome to grown-up land. Tesla's all grown up now and Tesla now has to make its switch from this rapidly rising startup company to a company that's going to go from 600 billion to 4 trillion."
"This company's going to become an absolute beast."
"Nintendo's fiscal quarter: Breaking records and paving the way for the future."
"The fact that they're expanding and taking risks like this, even if it might fail, is ultimately a good thing."
"Elon has said in the past he expects Tesla's energy division will eventually be as big as their vehicle manufacturing."
"To do 40 a year in earnings growth for a company for the next five years straight and it's already a big company is almost impossible."
"I Believe Tesla will reach the 1 trillion market cap in 2024 as the next phase of growth story underway with musk and Company."
"Tim Cook has done a phenomenal job... Apple stock growing over 10X."
"Tesla's share likely to keep growing even faster as EV demand soars."
"Palantir's profitability is going to increase in a massive, massive way."
"Universal's commitment to growth: unprecedented and unstoppable."
"We expect Tesla and SpaceX to each become substantially larger, more profitable, and much more valuable during the next 10 years." - Ron Barron
"I actually think it's a positive thing for Facebook. Why I think this can only move the stock price up."
"Investors are wrong on Apple. They believe the company has plateaued, it's hit a peak. It doesn't have much room for growth."
"Verano saw much more growth than True Leaf year over year."
"I think that they've blown the roof off of this thing."
"That's what businesses are meant to do, right? So I think that this is a good example of what Zomedica could do."
"Buffett has 5xed his investment in Apple since 2016."
"Steve Jobs made Apple, but Tim Cook made Apple the most successful company in the world."
"Tesla is executing on its ambition to scale to 20 million Vehicles which really um ties in with our expectations for the company's ability to deliver growth."
"Some of the biggest companies in the world are getting much much bigger during this time."
"It doesn't have to deal with the fundamentals of Tesla. Tesla as a company still has amazing long-term growth potential."
"I really believe long-term Tesla is absolutely a company to watch out for."
"Atari was succeeding but they were also changing... Atari was the fastest growing company in American history."
"Crypto.com just seems like they are on an unstoppable path forward."
"Tesla spent 2.4 billion dollars on new production capacity service centers supercharging locations and other capital investments yet they generated over 1.9 billion dollars in free cash flow the most ever."
"Apple has increased the amount of money that they spend on research and development aggressively over the past decade."
"If a company doesn't look to its past, it has no future." - Peter Calico
"We want companies that will grow their earnings for year after year after year."
"Tesla's growth is only poised to continue... they have had such strong growth."
"Tesla does have a potential of becoming a multi-trillion dollar company."
"I'm a big fan of Microsoft because it's an amazing growth company but it also has a decent dividend."
"IBM is being very thoughtful about getting back to growth."
"This is a company that in a very short time I would say in about 10 years has come the farthest I've ever seen any company in this industry come."
"A billion in free cash flow, cash up to six point three billion from five point three billion this is huge."
"Nvidia predicted another massive sales gain for the current quarter which is helping justify the stock rally."
"This is a major step forward for AMC in my view, probably the biggest favorable development for our company in all of calendar year 22, both looking back and looking ahead."
"Every segment of Microsoft is growing, with almost the entire company showing remarkable growth."
"Microsoft, the growth in that company has been absolutely amazing."
"Facebook has seen the most growth year over year, and over the past five years, they have completely blown the competition out of the water in terms of growth."
"It's crazy to think about how far Apple has come from being a small company out of a garage to literally one of the biggest companies ever to exist."
"2024 is going to be a big year for the company."
"This isn't even as good as it's going to get."
"Netflix is now larger than HBO with 40 million subscribers."
"Teslas in a sweet spot, the next year should be phenomenal for Tesla."
"Over the past decade, Starbucks has seen very nice returns."
"Visa has seen phenomenal revenue growth and net income growth."
"We might just become the biggest company in the world."
"Keep your chin up when it comes to XRP because Ripple is hiring a senior front end engineer for Ripple X."
"I think they're going to build into one of the most profitable companies in the world over this decade."
"Kirkland Lake Gold is the biggest percent gaining company in all of Canada over the last decade."
"Since then, Toyota has grown in size and reach, surpassing GM in 2008 to become the world's largest car manufacturer."
"Netflix reported that they gained 13 million subscribers."
"NVIDIA has incredible amounts of momentum."
"I'm very excited about the growth prospects of Amazon this quarter."
"You'll be more able to answer business questions, solve problems, and help take your company to a successful future."
"What sets Ecolab as one of the best dividend Aristocrats to own for the long term is its leading technology portfolio, sticky customer relationships, and a large opportunity for growth."
"Starbucks is a growth company, growing the dividend on average by 14.4 percent per year."
"If these companies are growing their dividend, it means their business, they're expanding, they're growing, the companies are flourishing, they're doing extremely well."
"M&A is an important part of our firm's practice with more than 50 partners dedicated to this area because India is experiencing a massive growth in M&A transactional activity."
"Salesforce has been around since 1999 but it was really around 2014-2016 where they started to see major growth."
"Join us on a journey; we're gonna level up as a company, we're gonna evolve."
"Tesla today laid out an extremely clear path to become the most valuable company in the world."
"It's amazing to see how far Omega has come."
"I am confident in this company's future growth, purely because as one of the world's largest and most trusted automakers, it's beginning to tap into the EV market."
"There's been a continual consolidation in both banks and investment banks where the number of firms shrinks and the ones that remain are bigger and bigger."
"It's all about starting a bunch of little brush fires in different places in the company and hoping that they kind of, you know, catch on and grow together."
"When Sachin Adella took over, he really brought the company unified under the Azure umbrella, and the profits and the cash flows have really taken off."
"Tesla saw the largest rise in rankings compared to the 2020 edition of the report, climbing 26 places to number 14 with a brand worth of 36 billion dollars."
"Nvidia is going to be the biggest company in the world soon."
"It's been one of the best growth decades for Home Depot."
"Proctor and Gamble is one of the most consistent dividend growers out there."
"CEO Bob Iger cited the Experiences Department as a primary driver for overall growth in the company."
"Imagine Apple or Facebook or Microsoft; these companies at one point or another were private companies, and they went public."
"As these companies have become bigger, they intersect with the real world in much more real ways."
"As you become a bigger company and you have thousands of employees each with their own goals, it's very easy to become very narrow in your thinking and lose sight of maybe some of the unintended consequences."
"Overall, Adobe is an incredibly good company deserving of a high valuation because of its stable and incredibly fast growth and its wide moat."
"Microsoft has been growing aggressively already for decades."
"We are a rock-solid exciting company; we've showed you our infrastructure, our staff, our building, what we got going on, and you're doing nothing but progressing and getting better and better every day."
"Success is about building companies that allow people to grow and develop."
"The more diversity you get in your companies, the more you'll be able to learn from this project."
"By comparison, it took Amazon.com and Google more than 20 years to hit that same one trillion dollar threshold."
"This is really good growth for this company."
"Now, this was there was a radical change and the company saw a great positive movement, right."
"Benefits of having a successful R&D department can be tremendous for a company or an organization."
"The company's rise has been rapid; today Vin group owns and operates schools, hospitals, resorts, amusement parks, and Vietnam's tallest building."
"If companies can continue this pace of profit growth, then rate cuts aren't as important as the market may have thought."
"...grow the pie and how great companies deliver both purpose and profit."
"As you reach the upper tiers of a company... you want people below you to think strategically and to exercise leadership."
"Isn't it crazy how far Amazon has come in the short amount of time?"