
Societal Structures Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"We're not here to blame white people; we're here to blame the system."
"This is not the decade to mess around and try to dismantle structures which are the engines of growth."
"When we're dealing with these societies and these high-ranking political and social figures, oftentimes they sit on the opposite side of the aisle from each other, arguing with each other."
"The tools are driving us to this outcome. The real problem in humanity is the following: we have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"Civilization consists not in walls of brick and stone, but in the ideals created within them."
"Societal structures break down when the center starts to stop holding then one of the reaction is to overcompensate by this type of control."
"How do we arrange systems of governance to stop the march of something like pathological gigantism?"
"The N-word wasn't just culturally bad; it's that you had an entire power structure of white people owning slaves."
"Narcissism is embedded now inextricably in social institutions and structures."
"We have to think in terms of systems and structures."
"Building dual power structures external to mainstream power structures is crucial."
"Pluto in Aquarius is about dramatic shifts in perspective and new structures."
"The story of racial caste: 'The fact that some African Americans have experienced great success in recent years does not mean that something akin to a racial caste system no longer exists.'"
"They're just there to sort of support the old guard. Oh, absolutely, which really is the old guard's policy now."
"Yes, there is. There's systemic injustice in this country, in education, in work, and in law enforcement."
"We're talking about an entire Elite Class throughout the political, corporate, academic, cultural, and media establishment."
"Statistical disparity does not necessarily mean discrimination. Meritocracy rules from the NBA to the halls of academia."
"Ask questions, why is it like this? Things don't need to be the way they are."
"The system is a machine that sustains itself above all else."
"I think the first thing is what I was saying at the end of my last answer which is it's the institutions ironically that are strong."
"What if I told you you've already paid twice for nearly every single private service and commodity? It's true."
"African-centered consciousness frightens them to death because they recognize that their whole social order is built upon the consciousness that they have inculcated into African people."
"The New World Order is the old world. It's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed, but the concept hasn't changed."
"The point, though, is colorblind. It does not mean you can't see race. It means that at the structural level it plays no role."
"The constrained vision relies on certain social processes such as moral traditions, the marketplace, or families."
"Woke means that you are awakened to the structural power dynamic understanding of the world."
"There's this whole structure to humble you, to force you into a structure."
"Bits of media by no means create these power structures. They were created BY these power structures."
"As soon as a little bit of nuance comes in... power wins."
"Systems do not create themselves; they are created through the minds of men."
"People need to know that in entity constructs."
"Monogamy and marriage and nuclear families are a part of preserving what has helped society thrive in the past and might help society thrive in the future."
"Credit where it's due, some of these traditional structures bring real value to society."
"It's a system where the people that are born into wealth, born into power, born into privilege, they are going to continue to have that wealth, that power, and that privilege."
"Moral law is an invention of mankind for the disenfranchisement of the powerful in favor of the weak."
"When we lived as hunter-gatherers, you just couldn't have capitalism."
"The world's already got a system in place that has been working forever."
"Individual liberty is a facade, a mirage. You're not free if you're trapped in a coercive relationship."
"Patriarchy limits the autonomy of other genders specifically and historically the bodily autonomy of women."
"Humans like explanations, causality, predictability. It's very psychologically protective against stress. It's inventing a police force. Tendencies, proclivities, vulnerabilities."
"Socialism is the only humane arrangement for societies to live in."
"Women can benefit from and uphold patriarchy as well."
"We can only get so far without actually dismantling these broader power structures."
"It's delusional to think that there isn't a ruling elite. There has to be one."
"The tower...breaking free and toppling power dynamics that no longer serve."
"He learned from seeing those societies that you need a strong state to have a functioning society."
"The incentive structures that are built up don't require that."
"They protect hierarchies in society that they support: age, political, religious, gender, and racial."
"No one is going to ever give you anything worth having because anything given can be taken away and therefore is not a right."
"Individualism does not lead to a communist takeover."
"Critical theory aims to challenge the existing order by relentlessly criticizing its aspects."
"Public property just isn't a thing, it doesn't exist because everybody that claims any of it has claimed right to it through some sort of coercive means."
"There are quite literally levels to this, and if black people have any racial bias toward Hispanic and Latino people, it's more than likely historically and systematically."
"Structures of hierarchy, domination, force are not self-justifying. They have to justify themselves."
"The state employs ideological apparatuses to reproduce ideology through practices and productions. Ideologies construct concrete individuals as subjects, subject to the material practices of the ideology."
"As the more [ __ ] up the world gets, I just start applying it to all these power structures we're supposed to rely on for fairness and justice."
"The major enemy now is not the class structure inside the African community; the major enemy is the racist structure."
"How to build a society, how to run a society. And we shouldn't be complacent. It should be obvious that like any other system that humans built, it is adapted to particular technological and economic conditions."
"I really do believe that there is a patriarchal order and there's a matriarchal order, and that they both serve."
"Your great-great-great-great grandfather may not have owned slaves, but I assure you he wanted to. And he did not want to because he was a bad person. He wanted to because the system angles towards that, much like the system angles towards homeownership."
"'Girl power' tells us that girls can do anything -- but can this sugary sweet message actually prevent us from fixing a world that doesn’t let young women realize their full power?"
"Game B is a form of civilization that maximizes its complexity."
"Everything is power... what legitimate power would be, the person or small collective that is able to guide particular societal structures towards their own ends."
"Institutions are what everyone is talking about but no one names; they are at the core of what we lack."
"It's all going to be with the idea of, 'Let's get the hell out of the structures of society that we've realized are really screwed up.'"
"Feudalism in my opinion because it is bilateral relationships based on labor rather than any kind of public space."
"Agrarian organizations started institutionalized religion and highly stratified cast systems."
"From the late Neolithic times... two technologies have recurrently existed side by side: one authoritarian, the other democratic."
"Language and consciousness seem to be emergent. Society, money, and politics seem to be emergent."
"Patriarchy is not exactly an alternative either, so I recommend a third alternative."
"It was an explicit legal structure for hundreds of years in this country."
"Individuals can live without religion, but societies will invent a religion if one's not in place."
"We evolve these structures because they're the best structures we can have."
"Primarily a cultural history, Caesar and Christ cogently discusses government, industry, manners and morals, the status of women, law, philosophy, science, literature, religion, and art."
"The world is run by men, whether as women we approve or disapprove of that, we cannot deny that the planet is dominated by men."
"Between market, state, household, and commons, inviting us to explore the power relationships that exist between them."
"Just because we live and work within unjust structures doesn't mean that we endorse them."