
Campaign Quotes

There are 523 quotes

"Basically, you wish Valentine's didn't exist and guess what, Five Star has decided to turn your comments into a mission."
"This campaign isn't just about winning votes. It's about winning the heart and the soul of America."
"Your words matter is Rare Impact's educational campaign to guide you on how to talk about, share, and respond when talking about mental health."
"My campaign...feels like...there's some kind of a spiritual quest."
"This is the moment that we've been working toward for such a very long time as we launch this unprecedented national campaign to honor and support our incredible military families."
"This is going to be a positive campaign that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us."
"I just had a campaign launch with Kenneth Cole... I got to photograph Kenneth Cole's pride campaign."
"I'm gonna start a campaign to get my fellow Americans to rename American footballers gridiron ball so soccer can be restored to football. Wish me luck."
"This isn't just an attempt to rebrand. It's an elaborate cover-up, a campaign to discredit everything."
"Appreciate everybody rocking with the campaign."
"President Biden has just released his first campaign ad for the 2024 presidential election and it is amazing."
"In chaos, the Trump campaign saw opportunity."
"In 78 days, we're going to win this state. We're going to take back the White House, and we're going to have an election that's all about the survival of our nation."
"This entire campaign is about speaking the truth."
"I believe in the Ronald Reagan dictum that you shouldn't speak ill of fellow conservatives."
"This disinformation campaign started internationally."
"I think this is the best campaign to be added with the new DLC."
"So what comes next? You asked for it. Trump 2024 campaign prepares for post-mid terms launch."
"Surprisingly, I think the best part about COD WWII is the Campaign."
"During his campaign, there were a couple of decades of experience with violent offenders who were my patient population, that I came to recognize much more."
"Aaron O'Toole is running one hell of a campaign. He's incredibly disciplined."
"This campaign was a masterful example of the principles of strategy of annihilation and Bewegungskrieg."
"Titanfall 2 ended up being a much better game than expected even the single-player campaign was quite fun and surprisingly lengthy."
"A very fun campaign but also a quite a difficult one."
"I know we were all cheering for his loss but I would like to pause for a second and remember the moments that this campaign gave us along the way."
"Trump has been just everywhere this campaign season."
"Together Donald Trump and we the people are going to make America great again."
"You're supposed to have people who campaign and during their campaign, they criticize what the person in power is doing that they are going to do differently. That's the nature of politics."
"A year-long campaign against corruption in the medical domain was outlined."
"I have no desire to get back in the frontline of campaigning politically."
"The Russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign."
"We'll make America great again that's what we're going to do."
"Let us recommit ourselves to our efforts, prepare for the final days, and go full speed toward victory."
"If we can treat every working person and poor people with great respect in this campaign, we can deliver."
"The next step to victory begins... with your support."
"Bernie is gonna go on all the way to the convention."
"So, is that it then? Just a gun at the end of the campaign? Nothing else? You know the answer, let’s go!"
"What Trump's campaign did whether it was on purpose or an accident was brilliant I'm not talking about policy I'm talking about strategy and politics."
"Speaking of Trump, he's headed to Miami to campaign for his best buddy, Little Marco."
"Intensity, the thing that turns a campaign into a movement, matters."
"The Witch Queen campaign is a cornerstone of the Destiny experience."
"I'm asking everybody here, I'm asking everybody watching this nationwide to waste your vote on me."
"BTS and their company Big Hit Entertainment pledged 500 million Korean won for the Love Myself campaign."
"You had a lot going on in that one legendary campaign and frankly, you know well done to them this is yeah I think they were totally correct to double down on the campaign difficulty side of things."
"A Diablo game shouldn't end when you complete the campaign."
"Absolutely he's gonna win after this after one thousand percent."
"Love and hope and light join in the battle for the soul of the nation."
"Black Ops had the best Call of Duty campaign story out of any Call of Duty game."
"If that's the campaign you want, you are definitely going to be getting it here with Archaeon the Ever Chosen."
"Effortlessly edgy but in all the right ways... Black Ops remains one of the grittier campaigns out of any Call of Duty."
"Titanfall 2's campaign is proof positive that just because your plot may be predictable it doesn't mean you can't have any surprises."
"This election is crucial and that is why I am running for re-election."
"If you're looking for a campaign that merges faction intrigue, player-driven stories, cosmic horror, all set against the backdrop of urban fantasy, this might be the perfect campaign for you."
"The most effective way is to participate in the boycott divestment sanctions campaign."
"That had to have been one of the biggest battles yet in this campaign."
"What I really hope is that this campaign that we've started is actually going to make a real difference."
"Boot gate and pudding fingers: How Ron DeSantis became 2024's presidential punchline."
"She had done some amazing work, some amazing campaigning, and I'm glad that was recognized."
"The move coming after that signature campaign promise, Build That Wall."
"Let us defeat Donald Trump and let us together create an economy and a government that works for all, not just wealthy campaign contributors."
"You can run the best campaign, become the nominee, and have the election stolen from you."
"Donald Trump is making this a continuation of a campaign against Hillary Clinton and a constant campaign against Barack Obama."
"The very early start of the electorate, the very early start of the campaign season. They helped build the momentum."
"It's just been a chill, fun campaign, you know, not taking it too seriously."
"Do it, let's do it, do it! I will constantly run you a campaign check now on behalf of this country which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run."
"Six seasons in a movie, I haven't given up hope. I'm still waiting, I know Donald Glover would be really expensive but six seasons in a movie, let's start the campaign again y'all."
"AJK's campaign this time is 'No one should have no one.'"
"I've been playing Halo Infinite's campaign using my most professional verbiage here: it effing rules."
"I genuinely think Halo Infinite's campaign might be my new favorite after playing it."
"No one has won a campaign in modern political history without winning on the economy."
"This campaign is going so well, I got nothing to complain about."
"Welcome everybody! I hope you guys have enjoyed this campaign as much as I have."
"President Biden on top of that has an incredible record to run on."
"Anti-folding 2022, I'm starting a campaign. Who's with me?"
"Welcome back everyone to our campaign. Prince Balian of Ascalon is currently 33 years old, his four children there is a fifth on the way."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"The difference now is that we are getting into the final stretch of the campaign season."
"The Witch Queen was praised very heavily for its very fulfilling and in-depth campaign."
"The Witch Queen was praised as being the definitive Destiny 2 campaign."
"Rare exotics, a fully fleshed out campaign, 2 new locations, a full new leveling system, incentive in every single activity."
"I campaigned on issues and results. Those promises still stand."
"The halo infinite campaign is 9.3 out of 10."
"Syracuse was very crucial in this stage of the campaign."
"I think what we are trying to do in this campaign is to put together the strongest grassroots effort than anybody in American history has ever done."
"This campaign has never been about any single candidate. It has always been about transforming America."
"Our campaign is an existential threat to the establishment." - Donald Trump
"One of the victories in campaign that just had me invested."
"This was an account of the campaign to determine the right to sleep."
"We need the American people to get behind this campaign... to maintain our ability to communicate."
"I loved how they handled the campaign aspect and the multiplayer looks awesome free yeah it's also free that's pretty crazy so i'm really stoked about halo infinite more so than i was before i i do hope they get it right."
"The reality is the Kokoda track campaign was fought on the backs of the men of Papua, called fuzzy wuzzy heroes in Australia because of their hair."
"Starting with his Super Bowl ad, Donald Trump is running a very clear and conscious campaign to get a couple of percentage points from African-American voters."
"For once, the campaign feels like an immersive adventure rather than just a series of levels slapped together."
"It's been a strong, consistent campaign for him."
"Yang has made support of universal basic income the keystone of his campaign."
"Let's get #Let'sGetWodemayaToOneMillionSubscribers campaign started."
"I found the main campaign to be very compelling and immersive."
"We need a political revolution and I'm beginning to see the seeds of that developing in this campaign."
"Sometimes when you make mistakes in a campaign, it makes for exciting gameplay."
"I am going to be launching a huge campaign on zero waste living but it's not about showing the failures but it's more about being positive and rewarding us for making good choices."
"There needs to be unity behind Bernie Sanders in order to defeat not just Donald Trump, but to defeat Michael Bloomberg."
"Liberate Virginia and save your great Second Amendment, it is under siege." - Trump
"I found the concept of her campaigning to become the first female Santa really cool."
"The choice is clear. Rand Paul may want to divide us, but hate won't win this time. It's time to move forward together."
"I hope you've all been enjoying the mega campaign so far, and I certainly enjoyed making it."
"It's been a very interesting Mega campaign this time around."
"Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: 'Elect me to get revenge on the government.'"
"The British Society for Heart Failure are kind of riffing on this with their 'Freedom from Failure' F word campaign."
"Vanguard's campaign focuses on the rise of the Special Forces featuring four characters for each of the four fronts of War."
"The Witch Queen campaign garnered almost universal praise from the Destiny community."
"Landback is very important for my campaign because coming out of Legacy Martin Luther King Jr. I believe in wholesale abolition of poverty."
"We're proud of the positive campaign that we've run in these elections."
"Is the entire story communicated succinctly with this particularly confident campaign?"
"We're doing a nationwide campaign to make sure that no child ever grows up alone."
"Let's get started with a performance Max campaign."
"It's possible Tutankhamun fought and died in this campaign in a distant corner of Egypt's empire."
"He started his own campaign in Europe to collect the Deathly Hallows and expose wizards to Muggles."
"Create and optimize a clever marketing campaign."
"Blocking the advance of that Griffin was crucial for the success of the campaign."
"Frankie Goes to Hollywood launched a brilliant marketing campaign."
"The design space for a campaign like this is immense."
"If you haven't seen our other videos on this whole ad campaign and 'The Chosen,' please go check those out and let us know your thoughts in the comments below."
"...they both stand there looking on him passively as they're writhing screaming victims try in vain to pull off their mask... the pair went on to do this many times after the campaign finished."
"Defining the tone of your campaign will make it feel cohesive and more importantly will allow you to explain to your players that this is indeed what you're going for."
"The tone of a campaign is the general vibe of it, it's the mood of your campaign."
"Everyone wants to play a campaign."
"Bernie needs your help. He needs our help. He needs everyone to win Iowa and win New Hampshire and win Nevada."
"The group of roughly a dozen influencers was informally dubbed the Fight Club by the campaign."
"That's right, guys, and don't forget this is part of the Truff Best Chicago campaign."
"This do-to-door campaign of yours has now got free t-shirts."
"Please go to warnock4georgia.com, you can give, you can volunteer, and you don't even have to leave your state if you don't live in Georgia, you can still volunteer for my campaign."
"Will it blend?" - a powerful campaign that grew revenue by over 500%.
"The only right answer is right Twix, okay? It might just be a marketing campaign, but it's a damn good marketing campaign, okay?"
"Now at this point you can publish this campaign although I recommend doing it in stages."
"I believe his campaign's going to knock him right on there"
"No matter how you do it, after you're done World building, you now actually have to plan your next campaign."
"Theme makes your campaign feel like your particular campaign and not another campaign you ran."
"Step 1: Find an interesting campaign. Step 2: Apply to said campaign with a lengthy, detailed application."
"If they genuinely don't know and they have to ask their boss, do I forgo the campaign because I don't see a way to win?"
"Remember to share the spotlight. It is very important for a good campaign."
"Lincoln came to national attention because of his campaign against Steven A. Douglas for a seat in the United States Senate."
"Don't ever come out with a campaign again and say Man United supports this when it doesn't even support its own fans."
"It's not funny. Just the whole campaign feels like being tickled at the beginning."
"The campaign had cost the lives of some 7,000 Americans and approximately 30,000 Japanese."
"That foundation forged on Guadalcanal would mark the start of a three-year campaign that would take hundreds and thousands of men island by island all the way to Japan's doorstep and victory."
"It was one of the most memorable campaigns of the whole war."
"It's been then a memorable campaign with Arsenal crowned worthy champions."
"I don't do a campaign without this horn anymore."
"Watch out for the YRA campaign, big things are happening."
"Let's get #ReleaseTheHughesCut trending."
"Your campaign has the momentum of a runaway freight train."
"The definition of character: your strategy in waging this campaign."
"What you can do is take some of these different placements and exclude them from your campaign."
"'He had some definite ideas as to what he wanted, he being a campaigner.'"
"Christie aides reportedly plans to use 9/11 artifacts as assets in his 2016 campaign."
"this is meant to play into Kingpin's run for mayor because he runs on an anti-vigilante campaign."
"The Hodag hunt for a marketing campaign and Chris Drees was one of our Hodag hunters."
"So right now they're doing a campaign to give one lucky winner the chance to choose between winning a beautiful four bedroom four and a half bathroom house in austin texas or one million dollars in cash."
"In fact, he created his own campaign, did not rely on the Republicans whatsoever to deliver, went to the convention, did all of the pomp and circumstance that's necessary, but put together his own machinery to win the election."
"Donald Trump runs his campaign like a millennial. He uses social media, he trolls people, he's witty."
"When I'm running a search campaign, I just want my ads to run on the search network."
"It's not just a bunch of randoms, it turns out our campaign even got the attention of Winnie Harlow."
"It's shaping up to be an exciting campaign."
"So if you don't want to do a campaign you don't have to if you do however and you want my thoughts on how we're going to run a campaign well then this video is for you."
"Every Primarch would serve the Imperium in the campaigns of the Great Crusade…"
"Outstanding six-week campaign by Ricky Ponting and his men."
"He tells us that his whole campaign is already written and that whatever we do, we won't have any impact on the end game at all."
"...there's a time where you can go okay, we're all done. There are times where your campaign will be finished and you go all right boys, new one."
"The armies once they finally arrived here Rosecrans will actually begin his campaign on the day after Christmas 1862."
"Now the call has been issued to begin the campaign resulting in reset that leads to worldwide Harvest."
"Something amazing is now happening and we are being called to it, the great campaign."
"It is a campaign that has kept us all firmly on our toes and Manchester United know they have to make sure they get the job done today with others of course taking to the field tomorrow"
"...good luck as this campaign launches."
"The record of that campaign is preserved on the so-called Taylor Prism, an artifact acquired in 1830."
"Five more minutes before I was about to reel in my final session of this campaign and this beautiful common slip top."
"If we had a national popular vote, Trump and the GOP would have to campaign in places like Portland or New York City."
"It started off as just, 'Oh, I'll have a couple of nights little adventure,' it ended up as a full-blown campaign."
"We can see all of the relevant data based on a campaign."
"During the waning days of the Clone Wars, Plokun was assigned to lead a campaign on Cato Neimoidia, charged with maintaining control of the world while Republic forces drove out the last remnants of the Separatist droid army."
"Our real campaign in the valley commenced."
"Raid Shadow Legends is choke-full of content, with 10 challenging Dungeons, each with a super tough Boss requiring specific strategies to beat, an awesome, fully-voiced campaign with 12 unique locations."
"Share our campaign, be part of the Revolution, and enjoy hassle-free superb coffee."
"There's never been a more effective marketing campaign than Corpse Husband trying to sell Genshin Impact."
"This template is free, completely customizable, and already lays out the road map I'll need to execute any effective campaign from the ground up."
"This is the story of the kokoda campaign and the jungle combat that protected the Australian mainland from the fear of Japanese invasion."
"Choosing your campaign objective is incredibly important."
"Unfortunately, many people have not seen success with their Google Ads Shopping campaigns."
"Armed with this knowledge, you are better positioned to orchestrate your own effective ad campaigns."
"I could see this being the only resource I need to run virtually any kind of campaign."
"by the 30th of June the second division and Evelyn Woods flying column were advancing together up the Valley of the white umphalosi towards the Zulu capital of ulundi"
"I would love to put a mini campaign up and see people play through it."
"There are calls to reinstate it, and campaigners have been given more incentive."
"And that's the end of our 38-week-long campaign."
"...this trial of SEMA Misra was being actively used by post office as part of your campaign to claim that Horizon was robust wasn't it?"
"The key thing that I think we brought was the demonstrators organized the campaign of the Australian anti-apartheid movement."
"The first book is going to be a Tal'Dorei campaign setting, specifically within Exandria."
"A great DND villain can take your campaign to the next level."
"The truth claims and where we've got a billboard campaign going where each month we're putting up a new billboard that makes a statement or asks a question about Mormon truth claims."
"And we're currently working on a campaign for the HIV action plan so we're pushing everybody to email the chancellor to fund the HIV action plan which is to stop new cases by 2030 which is medically possible scientifically possible."