
Budget Management Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"It's much easier to balance a budget when it's just the creative people doing what they do."
"You don't blow a hole in the budget with an unnecessary and unaffordable tax cut for the very wealthiest."
"Budgeting allows you to identify what your income is versus your expenses."
"So, we try to meet our owner operators wherever they are, meaning we have something for all budgets that's reasonable."
"Overall, I'm really impressed with the place. It's awesome. It's under budget."
"There's always the thought of, 'Oh if you don't buy Starbucks, that's how you're gonna make it.'"
"Buy secondhand cars for better value. Spend 20 to 30% of take-home pay on a car, keeping total fixed needs under 60%."
"But of course, if a thousand bucks is not on the table for you, we've got ways for you to save a thousand dollars as well."
"Our current outgoing and upkeep is 2200 but we've got 3000 coming in."
"Pay cash for items that you buy. When you pay cash, you actually feel that money going away."
"It's not about how much money you spend, it's about the culture you create."
"Every single year, we balanced the budget. We didn't see each other as Republicans or Democrats."
"That money is wasted, you know we could be using that money to do some other amazing things."
"Spend on what makes you happy. Obviously, try to do it within reason and make sure you're balancing it with your other goals, but ultimately it shouldn't be shaming any one specific way or thing that we like to spend on."
"We have a fire going on and we've defunded our fire department to put out the fire."
"With Messi's gargantuan salary lifted off our wage bill, we now have about 192 million pounds to try to revive Barça."
"The only manager in the world that could rely on free agents... give him a minimal shoestring budget and he can still produce results."
"Jimmy is committed to some absurd stunts that were able to capture a viewer's attention while staying very budget-friendly."
"Prioritize and live within your means to avoid loans."
"For a 5.5 million midfielder, if he gets to return every other game week, that's a good result."
"Every couple of months be taking a really hard look at your spending..."
"The zebra saves people an average of $922 a year on home and auto combined. It's a lot of money, it's an extra g."
"This stuff was so affordable... I couldn't even believe it."
"He agreed to collaborate and everything quickly fell into place to prepare the film including getting the 1.2 million dollar budget from the same investors that helped him with American pop and get a distribution deal with 20th Century Fox."
"Nearly always start my builds around my CPU and GPU because apart from being the most expensive components and therefore taking up most of my budget, they also dramatically narrow down the other parts that I might select."
"If it cost $400,000, it cost $400,000, they're right. I don't object."
"It was a team that was in fourth place with a fraction of the budget, punching above its weight."
"If you spend 75 million pounds on De Jong and your budget is 150 that leaves you with another 75 million quid."
"Allocate your budget accordingly for search and display campaigns. Set a higher budget for search if clicks are more expensive for your keywords."
"For most people that I am talking to with Facebook Ads, until you're spending like over $2,000 a day, you probably don't need to really mess with anything over a 1% look-alike audience."
"So usually I say that you need to spend at least $20 on an ad set before you can make any statistically significant decision."
"My low buy year forced me to attack this problem and to start putting real money down on this loan to get it out of my life and for me to finally become financially free."
"For a lot of people, I do think spending three percent to save 15 that they otherwise would have spent is worth it."
"If you can't afford to buy it twice, don't buy it once."
"We now have the biggest budget surplus in the history of."
"We're taking a little bit of money out of the hundred billion dollars that we're saving."
"Good financial habits start by thinking beyond today."
"That's what a budget build is all about: using your skills, not your wallet, to build something that you can really be proud of."
"Now remember, the original concept for this build was to do the whole thing for under 10 grand."
"Even in those moments people can be successful but if you're telling yourself that you're not going to be successful then you don't take the actions."
"I'm just blown away that we were able to do this on such a low budget."
"The extra costs of bleeding out a PC with aesthetic enhancements or even just going for the best possible parts can get out of control very quickly."
"They made a movie that looks like it cost way more than it did."
"Having a concrete list of what you need to buy instead of walking into the store without a plan ensures you don't buy unnecessary fluff."
"If you put the right pieces together, including a financially reasonable budget and the right sort of release, you could absolutely find an audience and get people really excited."
"How you don't pay 3,600 for the Cincinnati Bengals against the New York Jets and the debut of Mike White."
"Over several weeks and months of stocking up on things when they are very, very inexpensive, you will be shocked at how low your grocery bill and budget will be."
"It's also a great idea to check your pantry so you can use the things that you already have."
"We have guidelines and rules, but there's a budget for breaking those rules."
"Full-year funding definitely beats drifting endlessly from CR to CR."
"Budgetary concerns? A wedding planner's got your back."
"Armed with a tiny budget and an ultra enthusiastic crew, things could have gone so wrong so very quickly."
"Once you have raised your bid and you've raised your budget so that you know you're bidding at least 10% higher than all the other bids, and your budget is enough to be running for 70% of the day, you need to run your ads longer."
"I'm actually of the mindset that I hope that they go with a slightly lower budget and really concentrate on story elements because the story elements can be done on a low budget."
"We just cracked 10 gold per month which is a big milestone for me."
"Always pick up cards that are kind of like one echelon below the best players as a nobody spent team."
"Good things cost money and you have to be able to just learn to budget the whole this whole video is just learning how to budget your money."
"Lean Startup is the way to go. Too much money breeds waste."
"Scare money don't make but also the thing is we have a 200 budget we spend we're spending 60 on the wheel yes all right"
"The only reason I feel positive about spending less is because it still leaves that budget there available."
"Living in Orlando might make every day feel like you're at a theme park Adventure just remember the real thrill comes from trying to balance your budget at the end of every month."
"Spending a massive amount of money is not a sure-fire way to a film's success. You just need to let the director be creative."
"Not all budget cuts are created equal, and some budget cuts are more likely to end up costing you in the long run."
"Having too much budget can also be a problem because you end up with this everything and the kitchen sink build."
"Two things that really make for good records are deadlines and small budgets. The things that make for bad records are no deadlines and endless budgets."
"That is the ultimate cheap car that'll make you look rich."
"The light buy is the time to experiment think about what the enemy's pattern has been and what weapon would be the best fit to countering it within your budget pick up a little armor if you can and cross your fingers."
"You can do it solo without a pre-existing budget or a team of 50 artists working on it."
"With $100 I made this masterpiece. It's not only beautiful, got colors, when you're in here it's a whole freaking house."
"By far I save way more money than if I invested in one of those big heavy-duty beautiful planners."
"I think you built a pretty good setup on a super tight budget. Keep up the good work."
"You don't have to have a $70 million dollar box office to have a profitable movie if you make the movie for five million dollars less."
"Dream greenhouses do not happen by being frivolous with your budget."
"Visualize three years from now you're living in a nice home with a 15-year fixed where the payment's no more than a fourth of your take-home pay."
"One of the producers said, 'Yeah, we're trying to make our version of Endgame, but one with Game's catering budgets.'"
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"We can't be spending money on extra stuff. We just can't."
"In Space's budget constraints led to creative use of green screens."
"Great ideas don't always have great big budgets."
"Let's see what we can do with one and a half Grand to spend."
"There's a wrong way to do it and a right way to do it. The right way to do it is to cut spending so that you balance the budget so that you actually become a smaller burden on your economy."
"Trends are great, just don't dive in so deep where you're like, 'Holy [ __ ], I'm broke.'"
"The best thing for a director is saying, 'This is what we're going to do, you only have this much money. Do the best with what you've got.'"
"Home renovation budgets can be tricky and really what it comes down to is what you feel comfortable with, what you want to spend on your home renovation based on all of the factors of your life."
"I'm not going to do it Sally I'm going to do your heart right now but I'm only going to show you things that I bought that were half price or money off or a real bargain."
"It's just about how you put things together to make it look high-end, but it's still budget-friendly."
"If you have 200 million dollars to make a movie and can't think of a single new thing to offer, you don't deserve to make that movie."
"The SRG must be disbanded and their budget must be completely removed."
"If there's one thing he would have done differently it would be that he'd have more people playing Fallout 76 24/7 and getting a lot of feedback and correcting all the issues before saying pay us."
"Instead of saying 'here's my $300 for groceries, here's my $150 for eating out', I'm just gonna say 'you can spend $1500 on your variable expenses every month'."
"So pack your gear to save on rentals and you're all set to have some great days at the beach and a wonderful vacation on a budget."
"Don't let other people's ideas spend your money."
"When you start a job even if it's minimum wage you should put money away no matter how small it is."
"Dumping a large percentage of that budget into a component that offers you no noticeable performance gains now in the hope that one day in the future it will it's a gamble."
"We combined errands and dropped our overall gas bill by 30 percent every month."
"Know what to splurge on and what to save on."
"I like going low budget and just seeing what I can achieve."
"Over 100 million in the budget now, we have cash to spend baby."
"So, we're at about 12 plus 43 plus 10 so about 60 bucks in charging so far."
"We have a duty in article one to use the power of the purse responsibly."
"You don't need a ton of money to start an e-commerce store, just a few hundred dollars."
"The problem is not necessarily the income or lack of, but rather their money management habits."
"Budgeting is just a tool then to help the organization to accomplish this making a budget is just creating practical plan to estimate receipts prioritize spending and then manage the money."
"We balance the budget without unduly burdening New Yorkers with tax hikes or massive service reductions."
"If you can't afford it, don't you dare buy it."
"Setting a budget just physically seeing how much you have coming in, how much you have going out, where it's going, allocating it, and then managing it."
"A big part of what got me to where I am today is my ability to market myself, manage a budget, understand travel logistics..."
"Stephanie saved 75% on the ingredients for her lasagna."
"Try to maximize on your memory right away while keeping in your budget but I think 16 gigabytes should be a bare minimum."
"For a $9 million budget, the film looks far more expensive, and it respects the original while telling a different story."
"After we sell everything off that white car, we're gonna be in this motor for two grand."
"For years, the money set aside for it ends up being used to fight active fires that are far larger than budgets accounted for."
"Remember that you don't have to go on some no spend crash diet to make meaningful changes in your budget and to rethink a lot of your day-to-day habits that may have just become totally ingrained."
"Once you have a can tell so I think some of that money might have been better suited to set up a way to maintain that mission for space at all and so I agree that I agree with the sentiment of that question."
"With this new strategy from the GPU vendors of making the most expensive model look as good as possible, I think it's important to remember that you don't need to get caught up in the hype and spend well above your means."
"With the recent credit increase of abilities, you would be better off saving your 150 credits and keeping a classic than ever entertaining the idea of choosing a kill with the shorty."
"Your own salary, your own income is your National budget... consider who are they empowering with their little budget."
"Did about $1200, not too high over budget, worth it for the better processor."
"If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves."
"Your job is to know what you can afford for your wallet."
"One of the ways you can live on $250 a month is living in your car."
"Splurges are okay, they just have to be done with care and within budget."
"The pressures off I've got the account now and if the treats present themselves I'll take them but if they don't I don't need to worry thinking I've got three days left and I've got 7% to get so so yeah it's a lot better."
"Life lesson: Don't blow money on dumb shit, but every once in a while, it's okay to treat yourself."
"I'm happy to take my player two on their dream vacation without blowing through my budget."
"Holy moly, our budget is 37 million, so begins the shopping spree."
"You can really make 20 bucks stretch if you Shop Smart while you Thrift."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"The Liverpool goalkeeper for under 4 million, that is an absolute dream."
"Live below your means, not at or above your means."
"If we're going to set a wage budget of 200k a week, great."
"Building a home theater takes time and sometimes when we look online and we see people posting pictures of these awesome setups we kind of get disheartened thinking man I'll never have something that nice."
"Start with $5 to $10 budget... increase as you see more purchases."
"Always eat food that you bought at the lowest price possible."
"Finances are a part of prepping, tighten up your purse strings and reallocate your assets to essentials."
"I don't buy stuff on the number that I make three years gotcha I don't buy stuff on numbers I don't make three years you just have to look at your numbers that way."
"My plan is paid for, it's fiscally responsible."
"You focus on monthly payments and what you can afford."
"Teachers union dues, Amazon Prime, Spotify, not bad."
"It's not twenty thousand dollars that's taken away from you it's twenty thousand dollars that you get to use but still that that's not a small chunk of change cash that's not a small chunk of change."
"My aim for road to glory is to have the best possible club that we can at the end of the year without spending a single penny on it."
"One time for the budget honey one time for the budget"
"If nothing else works, I always say start cheap."
"Don't spend too much money on your bench. Focus that budget really on your starting 11."
"It still came in under 100 but it wasn't quite 91."
"Halloween was a massive success and showed how easy it was to make something effectively terrifying on a shoestring budget."
"That was me building a bloxburg house using the cheapest items in the build category."
"We can afford to do it. We can't afford not to."
"This is really something, I have my fountain, we stayed very well within the budget."
"Build discard teams while you're building your coins. You don't want to go with the big dog expensive teams because right now, players are super expensive."
"There is zero doubt the package would not be this good if it wasn't Bernie Sanders who was chair of the budget committee right now."
"When you only budget dollars that you have, you have certainty, you have clarity, and you have the confidence that your budget is operating in reality."
"Revisiting your budget, adjusting expenses according to new goals."
"Affordable doesn't mean cheap - quality gear can still be budget-friendly."
"Having those payments come to you month by month... I bet even if it's the same amount of."
"If you're someone who wants to make sure that every single penny that you spend is being put to good use... the OnePlus Nord CE2... just feels accomplished."
"If you are decorating and you want to get the most for your money."
"Once you get your budget under control, figure out your priorities where money should be allocated to hit those priorities, you'll be golden."
"Think about the money that we will save hundreds of thousands."
"Start with the budget so that shopping for inventory, shopping for all the supplies that is going to come with this starting a new business you want to know exactly what your money is going to be going into."
"One thing that hasn't been reset to zero is our budget because we entered this brand new season unlike season three we're not bankrupt."
"When you're on a budget, this is where I skimp - I skip on stuff like the case that doesn't matter as much."
"Get what you can afford, don't overpay, don't overstretch your budget."
"This cost 300 million. They're not wasting money. They're trying to condense a lot of story into two hours."
"This is to the audience: spending within a budget. Debt. Retirement. Emergency fund. Real estate."
"For every dollar under budget, one percent score increase – now we're talking strategy."
"I can't think of a better way to learn about details and budgets, form and function, than a do-it-yourself remodeling project."
"A dollar of new spending must be met with a dollar of savings."
"If you bid four dollars in a four dollar profit margin, well one click's gonna eat that all up."
"Sancho or Harland? I'd rather have Sancho because you could use the rest of the money on something else."
"Cheap pillows will always make your home look cheap."
"Just be honest with us and tell us you'd prefer not to spend that money, that's the reality of it."
"Everyone's working with a budget, so look to what you already have and try to make that work."
"The easiest way for me to keep track of my budget because then as I add things to my cart I can make sure I'm within my $200 a week budget."
"No Disney World trip is perfect but the important thing is to plan ahead save up communicate with your group."
"Turn the fire and disaster budget all the way down when I turned disasters on the way."
"Prepare a budget, figure out where your money's going."
"Budgeting is just keeping track of how much money you bring in in a month, keeping track of how much your wants and your needs cost, and keeping track of your spending in a month. It really is just a Tracker. It's just a tool to track."
"Just waiting that time to not have an impulse buy and having a clear mind and really reassessing what you want to spend your money on is very, very important."
"Bigger is not always better and sometimes a limited budget can keep your focus tightened."
"If he buys the jacket she wants, they have to reduce the way they are spending."
"We want to make sure you're not wasting money in Disney World and you're having the best trip possible."
"We're left with about 900 thousand. It's gonna be difficult."
"I assess their specific needs and budget before assembling the perfect PC solution that's right for them."
"Planning helps you to know how to spend what to spend on and what not to spend on."
"Apocalypse Now is a very special case-study in film history—a large budget epic art film done independently without studio interference on Coppola’s vision."
"Every month is different... a written budget that is unique every single month."
"If I don't plan some can be things then I'll end up at a restaurant which is a lot more expensive so I'd rather just have a few things available that are easy."
"I personally always had like an extremely like a frugality mindset around money."
"You need to spend less money on all the post-production and all the CGI and all that stuff."
"Totems like mines or traps are great starters on a middle-of-budget and allow you to take on much of the endgame without breaking the bank."
"Under 20 million pounds for a premier league rated player, it's a solid addition for West Ham absolutely fine."
"41 million dollars for a little horror film that's a Blum House production that they didn't break the bank on coming off of a generally universally accepted was not such a good second film and yet it still managed to pull in 41 million dollars."
"Money well-spent, okay? It's part of my budget, I accept it."
"We're going to try to get those budgets to go up so that we can put more on screen basically."
"Another thing hellofresh is really great for... budgeting on your food shop."
"Variable expenses are those things you have a little more control over."
"We've spent two percent of the 22 billion, which is still an obscene amount of money."
"Pick fabrics within your price range to stay within your product's price point."