
Player Behavior Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"He's not going to divide a dressing room, he's not going to throw his toys out of the pram."
"As the great Sauron Johnson said, given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game."
"Penalizing ranked players who AFK in-game will be the first step to help combat AFK players."
"I don't want to see somebody getting banned from a video game because they call somebody a [derogatory term] or just they say somebody's garbage at the game, but if somebody is calling you garbage at the game and you put them on ignore and then they make another account and then they keep calling you garbage at the game, I think they should get banned for that."
"Every time you do this, you're actively making the game less fun for the people you're playing against."
"If he's a young kid and he has a lot of chips in front of him I'd be more prone to call if he's an old guy wearing a suit and he has almost no hands played."
"He also has a counter as well which is a great option against aggressive players."
"You can tell so much about a player by the cards they love to play."
"Quality lies, Stardust Joe Johnson, exemplary magic players, truly behaved like eights at the table."
"If trust breaks down, bad behaviors crop up."
"Player humanization: New off-ball player animations and behavior help bring on-pitch characters to life, updated motion matches urgency on the pitch to make FIFA more realistic."
"Ronaldo needs to get rid of that side of his game."
"No Man's Sky says more about its players than it does about the universe."
"If players can do something to make their life easier, they will do it."
"Every time he said 'min raise' so far he's had the best hand."
"SCP-5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player."
"Sure there's toxicity, there are frustrating play styles, and a lot of other stuff, but it being the biggest thing hurting Battlefield 5? I can't see that personally."
"He's just blown a piece, no this is something, there's something funny going on with Ali Raza right now."
"It was exciting, with a lot of shootings and explosions."
"Problem x going a little crazy playing a little loose versus hermes."
"A new feature that's going to help combat face camping."
"Why are you keeping a player like that? It's not the first time he's done it."
"I love spending my resources and putting myself back to low HP."
"The vast majority of video games assume, often falsely, that you are a good person that is interested in more than self-preservation and gratification, but this game often makes it clear that the right thing to do isn't always the most interesting."
"All player behavior is the developer's fault so if players are doing something that's like degenerate it's the developer's fault if players are exploiting something it's the developer's fault because the developer is God."
"I feel like the way that people decided and segmented things out, like obviously there were negatives to it as well, but overall, I think that's like the pinnacle of emergent player behavior."
"Skip's just been booked here. Ramsdale's obviously enjoying his life at Arsenal. Very animated goalkeeper," Mark observes.
"I find it almost inconceivable that it's been over a decade and Riot still doesn't have an effective and consistent way to punish disruptive player behavior."
"The game funnels you into being a bit more aggressive."
"He's doing it, oh my god, this is such an annoying play, I love it."
"I don't blame him... it's petulant... but what about our respect to Ronaldo?"
"Most players in small stakes games are deathly afraid of getting bluffed, yet they rarely bluff themselves. It's time to exploit the players who call a lot and don't really bluff a lot."
"We want to make sure that players maintain their cool."
"Unsurprisingly, one of the first things people did when they started playing Stardew Valley was to try to make as much gold as possible."
"Bruno Fernandes: 'Players started playing for themselves instead of passing.'"
"It's very obvious it's not the manager telling them to do it and that they're actually being selfish."
"It's disrespectful to pick Draven against me, respect to him."
"All the tourist demons in the world can't screw over a Dark Souls player as thoroughly or as miserably as a Dark Souls player can screw over themselves."
"Understanding player types: killers, achievers, socializers, and explorers, and how they spend."
"I'd much rather live in a world where aimbotters get the occasional free pass then allow these kinds of people to freely roam around unchecked."
"The phrase 'wrath babies' was coined too. These kids playing the game these days, getting their easy epics, having fun. How dare they?"
"I actually like characters are not playing people are not playing the game properly yet like that ass people are not playing the game right at all."
"The fact that so many people take it too seriously is the sign of quality in and of itself, because you don't see this kind of player behavior in games that are too simple and unchallenging."
"In most cases, as soon as you get these cannons, you just want to start firing them."
"Don't feel bad for killing people. It does not matter, do not worry about it."
"I don't fuck with how people play games anymore."
"Feels a little dirty killing an AFK guy, but you know, Doc said anything goes."
"I think I may have broken this guy out, he's oddly quiet right now."
"I think just getting looted is better than trying to drop on the famous glove because there's so many people trying to drop on the famous glove right now, it's almost a little bit silly."
"Players optimize fun out of the game because what they enjoy is being fun."
"People gravitate towards what makes them succeed, even if it isn't remotely fun or interesting."
"Diamond players do a lot of really smart plays and sometimes they don't play very smart at all, which is okay because that's why we're here to learn and why we're here to educate."
"Ashe players: kind of annoying but typically kind of hot."
"There's no better feeling than having four jackets in game and I just hit that no vote after they try and FF and they're like flame typing into it, press no."
"People are going to take the easy route even if it's not fun and that one's on the developer to think about."
"It's actually 95 of our players are only occasionally disruptive."
"This Lobby system is wonderful for weeding out the all too common issue with players refusing to ready up or going afk as leaders."
"People don't hear Bungie say Hey try out some new stuff this week we'll give you a bonus they hear use this or you will not be optimal this week."
"Making Genshin more accessible for free-to-plays doesn't necessarily lessen or diminish the spending habits of whales."
"Tankian poker really ruins the game because when you take a long time for mundane decisions then it ruins the experience for the other players."
"UEFA confirmed: Felipe sent off for violent conduct. But the plot thickens."
"Why did he play bishop takes b8? That was disrespectful."
"Is he out of control? Right now, then there's a question here as well as a point. First of all, his foot does bounce off the top of the ball."
"Running around trying with a bad attitude... It's not professional." - Differentiating between effort and effectiveness.
"The flashy players... take risks and don't play safe."
"I think this move was very aggressive, very sneaky, very cheeky, you know, very just a smart move."
"You cannot take the int out of Jizuke, he will find a way."
"Even though Minecraft is a sandbox, that doesn't stop the game from having unspoken rules."
"This guilt trip tactic arguably backfired however as we expect many players deliberately quit the game over and over to try and see all of the extremely unpleasant character deaths on offer."
"You're taking away people's hard work, ruining the game, man, come on."
"I can't imagine how it's gonna warp the game around people being like, 'Oh man, normally I would do this, but I actually want to just draw a bunch of cards.'"
"Major League Baseball players being cowards."
"The way modern gamers approach WoW flies in the face of how it was originally designed."
"We used to be the apex predators in terms of getting people so mad that they quit Yu-Gi-Oh forever, but now look at us, we're all at three and attendance has never been higher."
"Any game that gives people the creative space to exercise their inner sociopath is just fine by me."
"Revenge killing is notorious in all FPS games. It's been around since I started playing FPS."
"There's a wild card role in this game called the third imposter."
"Tyler's like literally killing everybody, just killed Gizzy. Probably not a good move considering people were like wondering if Gizzy self-reported. Now they're not gonna wonder that anymore. So awkward."
"I don't think it matters. I think it's artificially increasing how many people play jungle."
"A rage quit is a win, so that's always good."
"One of the biggest enemies of World of Warcraft is community perception."
"Sony recently broke down the top five most played games... Unsurprisingly, PC players do want to try PlayStation exclusives."
"Just because, don't be that, be an inclusive player."
"I never feel good about coaching an ADC client past like platinum because a part of me is just like I'm just gonna yell at this guy to play more defensively and not be an idiot."
"David Luiz, in games against the top six away, he likes a cheeky red card."
"If you park the bus, you're a rat. Seriously, just say you're a virgin, bro."
"If you vote to end the game and you're like the imposter will always vote to end the game."
"Real players will exhibit more interesting, more unpredictable, and more fun behavior."
"I'm not losing this, I'm gonna win by everyone rage quitting."
"Problem is 90% of the people that buy Call of Duty never play the campaign."
"Red sus. Yeah, it's that easy. It was a dark moment, and then, if they're not it, then they boot you off. Red sus."
"You know a lot of times when you have stud receivers they tend to be selfish and want the ball a million times Jordy now I..."
"There's no control in the club because I think players are just doing what they want to do."
"This is actually insane, just let me play the game dude, jeez."
"Some players will treat the inexperienced with total disdain even to the point of harassment."
"The games always devolve into a mess of children screaming into the microphone vocal abuse towards other players higher ranked players getting unnecessarily upset team killers de-rankers and griefers."
"Salah looking for a penalty, never going to get it."
"I'm beating this guy air to air, and then all of a sudden, this person starts running away."
"Whatever Call of Duty gives people off the release of the game is always going to be abused as the default."
"I don't understand why people suggest new game modes when the majority of players don't even play when a new game mode comes out."
"Players who are actioned for disruptive behavior and reduced to endorsement level zero cannot use text or voice chat features until they return to endorsement level one."
"Bait your enemies with loot, people tend to loot immediately after killing someone."
"It's pretty fair to say that majority of people on the map would have no chill."
"If your player incentive system does not incentivize playing, then your players will play something else."
"Last thing you want is uh Derwin James without any uh regard for future games of suspension in this season."
"It's not that nama just has terrible mouse precision and missed the quint; he was just expecting her to move like anyone would."
"I just tend to be the player who loves social interactions."
"I'm just gonna casually go over here and take all this loot, don't mind if I do."
"The bulk of the player base gravitates towards the best weapons without understanding why."
"Don't hate the game, hate the player, okay? Hate you, I just hate the game."
"He's their Captain, their leader, very good at set pieces, very good at penalties."
"Community in OverWatch tends to be loud and reactive like doomfist or Genji Mains but I digress Mercy is still as tear in the metal ranks and at the top."
"Players can forget their own status effects too."
"Every game is really really similar because everybody is using that strategy."
"Navigating the intricacies of piglin behavior for efficient bartering setups."
"Your reports matter. Players reporting is one of the most effective methods for identifying and actioning disruptive behavior."
"Mixing up angles that you hold... will either make them play like frightened babies or you'll pick up kills for free."
"I just wish there was a low priority queue for toxic players."
"This is no god, just a guy who's a solid player, who plays kind of like a donk sometimes."
"Game throwers you will get your comeuppance I promise it new way coming for you take this as a warning I Reptar and skim are coming for you interesting rola so two veggies yeah obviously yeah we got em."
"Draymond Green has now been suspended indefinitely and the part of that story that was most interesting to me is the league is now going to get him help and counseling."
"I've done several videos on bad player behavior and bad Game Master behavior."
"I maintain that if game developers replaced post-death chat with the 'freak out' mechanic from Tony Hawk's Underground 2, where you would cathartically mash the buttons and be rewarded for it, 90 percent of toxicity problems in online shooters would be solved overnight."