
Local Development Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Gene Mulvihill's contributions to the economic development of Sussex County are unquestionable."
"The JD Brown Center for entrepreneurship is our incubator for new entities who want to establish new businesses in the York County Area."
"The success of this power project will not just validate my unyielding belief in ABA but will send a clear signal to local and international investors that ABA is open for business."
"Old Trafford should be a stadium that the whole of Greater Manchester can take pride in and be a catalyst for sustainable cohesive growth in an area of the city that has been neglected for too long." - Gary Neville
"Excellent... this new approach to Unique buildings especially with that local area of effect and the city-wide benefits... positively moving your city forward."
"This is an amazing opportunity for Grand Rapids."
"I saw a Western mining company that is creating jobs, investing in local people, mining responsibly, respecting human rights, acting as a good neighbour."
"People understand intuitively that all the resources one would like to have are not in our communities."
"Europe wants to partner with you to create local value chains, to create good jobs here in Africa."
"That's an example of the graphical expression that you just can't really get when you're debugging with GDB from the command line, and it's all running locally on WSL."
"And now we begin the work of healing and rebuilding Kenosha to make Kenosha stronger than it's ever been before."
"Every nation talking about protecting their interests and encouraging the progression of locally developed apps."
"I've got hope for a nation I got hope for an industry I got hope for my city."
"For some of these kids, their dream is no longer to work in the U.S. Instead, they prefer to innovate right here in India."
"Japan's indigenous tank investment: increasing local labor force, securing supply chain."
"Your government is 100% committed to bringing jobs and safety and opportunity back to where you live."
"Small businesses that form the economic backbone of our communities now face immediate and oftentimes crushing financial pressure because of the pandemic."
"By supporting micro small and medium Enterprises we Empower local entrepreneurs to generate employment thereby offering a Lifeline to those struggling to make ends meet."
"We need to have some of our own native capacity to build things."
"If we can create opportunities here, they will want to stay here."
"Worker cooperatives are more stable and stimulate the local economy."
"ZAMP: Transforming local development into a breeze."
"This is the start of something really big for Grafton."
"I can't change the reputation overnight, but what I can do is change this place and help give a new identity and put it back on the map in Lampeter."
"Think of it as a tool that allows you to create these containers and run them locally."
"We've got to get more clothing options in this community."
"I want a grocery store in my neighborhood, a place where community health and wealth grow with every purchase."
"Let's invest in community-based organizations, let's give the subsidies to get that AMI that is affordable in our communities."
"I think there's a lot of organizing, a lot of localized institution building that really is happening."
"The best investment Kim ever did is less than two blocks from our house today."
"This is a real chance to put this place on the map."
"Why isn't Scientology doing the things it promised it would do to improve downtown Clearwater?"
"What you're building is a set of businesses that feed the community. This is not capitalism as we know it, this is something entirely different."
"Local communities coming together is crucial."
"This historic site can be a great long-term asset for the community and the city."
"You gotta start someplace. You should drop your bucket where you stand, start building what you got."
"He's proving that you can do this while being in your own hometown building a community out there that is seriously like mesmerizing to me."
"Otter Lake is growing and looking like an interesting little place."
"In order to build things for us in our community, we have to begin to support those things."
"If you know that the surrounding area... things are on the upward tick here rather than going down, that is where the key of knowledge is."
"I genuinely believe that the people who push here are pushing for Whitbourne, not for themselves."
"In other words, we can run Node.js locally. We really just want a MySQL database."
"It's a big development here in Kanchanaburi."
"It's a big boost to the local economy, it's jobs for people."
"Wow, are they building them here?"
"You cannot work without involving the local communities in what you do."
"What if all development was community-led and locally based?"
"It's time to get our community back, own some business around here, and that's what we on."
"We got to figure out a way to take that money and reinvest it in our communities."
"This is the best thing that has happened to Alas in a very long time."
"I want to revive Main Street, I want to revive local communities."
"We need to promote economic growth and prosperity right here."
"You can run Kubernetes locally on any operating system."
"Place-based solutions are going to be a big part of our way forward to help people."
"It's not an advert, it's just a nice way of provoking interest and encouraging people to head to the revive and thrive area."
"If they're doing well, fair play to them; it's good for the area."
"Git init... allows you to go into a folder on your local PC... and convert that folder into a local git repository."
"ACT by Nectos... allows you to run your GitHub actions locally."
"Humboldt has changed incredibly the past 10-15 years and the quality of life for many locals has changed dramatically."
"The local population were quite excited about it because it meant many jobs to be created and lots of income for the area."
"Everything that we've been doing is on our own local disc, it's on our own local repository."
"Local will install PHP, a web server, and a database."
"It'll have to be developed and could be developed within communities."
"Why would we actually think about developing locally? One of the things we can do locally that we can't do in code spaces is we have much more flexibility."
"It gives you all the functionality you need in order to develop locally."
"You have to ensure that the residents of the area are a part of that creation."
"It helps address local development needs."
"You can develop locally without any iOS or Android setup tests on devices and get a crazy fast development workflow because of hot module replacement."