
Strategic Choices Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I really like what you point out about the trade-off between a Tracer and a Sombra."
"When you pit a finite player versus an infinite player, because finite players are playing to win and infinite players are playing to keep playing, they'll make very different strategic choices as a result."
"This is why it's one of the top new meta picks for Ultra League and Ultra League Premier Cup."
"In a close game, I'm going to go coach, I'm going to go quarterback, and I don't know how you go against Mahomes and Andy Reid."
"You might be drawn to the lore and background of the army and the way that they make war."
"It's not just how you fight, it's how you choose to fight."
"Dark Souls 3 made a lot of really smart choices with its world layout."
"You earn collars generally as a result of your balance choices."
"Imagine you give Ash a Charmander and he ends up with a Charizard."
"They made some moves that didn't satisfy their hardcore fan base."
"Yeah, it's like I think the best example, uh, basically like almost like an outlaw rogue if an outlaw rogue had like an entire spec built around attacking from range."
"The obvious choice was the most modern submarine on the drawing boards which is the french nuclear submarine."
"When you're dealing with the devil you don't want to send in Mr Rogers, you want to send in a Terminator."
"As you board ships, you're going to have the option to either repair your own ship, lower your wanted level, or if you've already unlocked you play you can send the ship to your fleet."
"I saw 14 million options. This is the only one that works."
"Do you want to sneak over to the computer, hack it, and disable the turret or just go in guns blazing?"
"My Toyota Gazoo Formula One team would be made up of Mick Schumacher, Kamui Kobayashi, and Toshiki Oyu as reserve test driver."
"You can either win the issues that matter yes right or you can win this workplace game this nonsense game and if you play this word police game you're losing so many people."
"I do feel that the Silent King is a really solid centerpiece to the army."
"You're only playing the most expensive cards if they're the best."
"What might have seemed like an obvious choice helped bring together music fans around the world."
"They use the wish to transport Gohan to them instead of them going home."
"It's not always about going for the better talent... it's about going for the player that's going to be on the pitch more."
"The casting for the show was very smart and very clever."
"I started the race on slick tires. Got off an okay start but got jumped by the GTR, which is annoying because that GTR is so fast in the straights."
"It's better to win the war than it is to win a battle, you gotta pick your battles wisely."
"Her new ultimate with the rework gave her tons of choices, way more tricky tools, and a completely new global mechanic."
"Deciding about unique passives and actives is the fun of the system."
"Lost Cities leads to agonizing choices and great moments at the table."
"Control the options... force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose."
"That's how we're gonna win, not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love."
"Choosing a business structure opens up a different future with unique twists and turns."
"You're gonna be making some really powerful choices for that next cycle in your career."
"You know you gotta pick and choose your battles."
"In my opinion, the three best maps. No broken moon, no King's Canyon."
"Olympus is a huge deal. Storm point is probably one of the best ranked maps."
"Smart women decide to go ahead and get out of the game."
"Choosing which weapon you'll use in that game... has massive implications for every in-game choice you make."
"We must make the choices now to make sure that [victory] becomes reality."
"These are the core worlds of a super bird Empire."
"If we take that option off the table, then we're left with one option which is, does he obey the Benn Act and ask for an extension to article 50?"
"Now killing neutral creeps randomly drops a token which lets you choose from five available neutral items."
"What I want to talk about now to start wrapping up this video are my top 10 favorite zetas for the quarter."
"He came up with a date and he came up with a location."
"You have two choices: evolve or die as a brand."
"The biggest one is basically just opening up the pre-game system to let people make some really interesting choices."
"Thronebreaker Witcher Tales... From the story to choices to management, it is fantastic."
"It can be as stealthy or as explosive as you want to play, and that's very cool."
"Abyssal mask, Knight's vow, ability haste, Randuin's armor, Spirit visage, these are all really great changes."
"Your choices and a multitude of different approaches matter."
"This choice will determine if the hidden agenda succeeds."
"In classic, you have three choices of Tanks - if you're playing Horde: the warriors, the paladins, and the druids."
"I feel like jake picks his fights well, doesn't he? He knows what he's doing."
"Some great spots to land at on World's Edge are train yard and geyser."
"They chose that because they know it has like an X factor, right?" - Highlighting the strategic decision-making behind product choices.
"Give me the one catching passes from Josh Allen."
"Control the options. Give people options that come out in your favor."
"He says he obviously had the two arrows, so he wasted one, and he's like 'I only need one of you alive, so I'll kill Jaime.' He really needed Tyrion because Tyrion's someone who has Daenerys his ear."
"It offers up sincere options to the player because it needs to."
"We'd be a better team with Martial, Donnie, and Bailly than with Maguire, Bruno, and Rashford."
"The Parcel of Stardust... Opening shot or full auto in the first perk slot, accurized rounds for more range, and rampage for perk 2 for easier follow-ups."
"The right winger doesn't need to be Jadon Sancho anymore. We need players who will improve us."
"Progression isn't just about leveling up, it's about making strategic choices."
"Tristan whoops was a really great pick." - Tampa Bay Buccaneers
"These are all choices that are being made and if we get organized we can force other choices and other conclusions and other ways of being together."
"Every choice you make may come back to bite you."
"Pick and choose your battles wisely. Don't waste time on conflicts that don't serve your growth."
"Quality over quantity, I think that's the best route to go with."
"You only have three fights and this is why I think you came to Showtime."
"I'm not going to take away people's right to make jokes, I'm just saying for his own self-interest, not the best tactical choice."
"I love what the Giants have done. That's a pick for pick, good, good draft."
"What choices can you make in our lives today? Maybe it's a sacrifice that will pay us greater rewards tomorrow."
"Really know your upstreams... picking your upstreams in such a way that it's not necessarily chasing the lowest dollar per Meg, but whoever is going to have your back when an attack like this actually comes in is really important."
"Sometimes you have to make picks that make your team better that the fans don't view as a real sexy pick."
"It's all about the decisions that you make early on."