
Series Analysis Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"I honestly think that this has been a close series so far."
"Dio is still top 10 strongest stands in the series, bar none."
"There are a lot of interesting philosophical and political ideas at play in both of this series' worlds."
"An arc that could be considered the greatest of all time and completely change everyone's perspective on the series."
"Season 4 has the most cohesive and well-placed plotting of the series."
"The Fox era Futurama... one of the greatest stretches of television writing that has ever existed."
"Galadriel isn't responsible for any of her own actions in this series. No, the showrunners have already said that actually it's just Sauron's influence drawing her to him across the ages."
"This is unquestionably the best arc of the entire series."
"The scare factor really peaked at the first game, didn't it?"
"Game of Thrones is about intrigue, Game of Thrones is about tough choices, no-win scenarios."
"For all of the breathtaking heights that Naruto reached, it had its fair share of low points, but the way Naruto failed its female characters to me is the series's lowest point."
"I think I have a prime Toph at the top, then child Toph, then elder Toph... so I do think that she's the lowest of the top tier system."
"I think it's pretty obvious with the Ozai and Iroh contingent... they are the two most powerful firebenders of the series."
"What do you think Rick Prime's ultimate goal is?"
"It's a series that can't properly articulate or portray its own jumbled themes."
"Slade's presence throughout the series is plain and simple, yet simultaneously fundamentally awe-inspiring."
"The true answer lies deeper than that. Fallout New Vegas combines experiences in a way that we haven't seen in the fallout series."
"For a girl apparently enslaved by her summoner whose last memories of her home were what must have seemed like the end of the world, that's a pretty incredible gift."
"Mass Effect was still first and foremost an RPG."
"There is something so captivating about Pariston, a certain quality that only grand specialists in the series have displayed."
"Tower of God benefits from re-watching for a deeper understanding."
"It's fascinating to contrast with 'Battle of the Bastards.'"
"Miwa gets a ridiculous amount of shine within the series considering the fact that she is essentially just a background character."
"Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is beyond a doubt the smoothest that an entry in the Xenoblade series has ever played."
"I feel like there's a lot to talk about here as far as like what has made Black Mirror so great up until this point."
"By focusing on the perspective of Jinx and Vi who are part of the under city while also focusing on Jace and Victor as part of the top side, you get to experience how the politics of both sides intermingle."
"It's actually really interesting how the developments in Arcane parallel what's happening in our real world."
"In a weird way, Silko shows he does care for her, but it's hard to tell if it's a fatherly love or if it's because he still needs her to develop weapons for him."
"I think Sanji is one of the most complex and fascinating characters in the series."
"It's the idea of just letting your brain run with what this series is trying to do."
"With everything we've taken a look at today, there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans."
"Brawl... was the most influential and probably the most important entry to the series."
"From the way people talk about Moon Knight, it's almost like there are two shows here."
"You just really don't see this kind of masterful complexity in most other series."
"He's just so much his own thing during this 45-issue run."
"The continuity of this is what makes it work."
"The election arc achieves this wonderful sense of reintegration in almost every aspect of its storytelling."
"Honestly, I'm going to put all of that down to Pariston though because this man is quite possibly one of the most intriguing figures in all of Hunter x Hunter."
"The best way of locating a specific scene in the series to re-read it pages for characters and stands include frequent citations that will refer to specific chapters of the manga or statements from Araki in art books."
"Breaking Bad rewards us for watching again and again and again."
"WandaVision looks to be a bit of a strange one."
"Beginnings are hard. It's really hard to introduce characters in a world and for what it's worth Avatar does a really good job of it."
"Some things that you really have to search for, but all these things lead us to believe that we know a little bit more of what exactly is happening in the WandaVision series."
"Rick and Morty did a goddamn good job and it's a goddamn good show..."
"It's moments like these that I really feel are missing from the series."
"Stranger things really is strange. No, it's stranger than strange. I suppose that's what they call it. Stranger how abnormally strange of them."
"Things just don't get much more perfect than Part Four because this is the sweet spot of JoJo."
"I would love to see it treated really in-depth and really get into the grey area of all the themes in that series."
"As for Lisa… Well, I think this is one of Lisa’s best seasons ever, to be quite honest."
"Welcome to the first video in a brand new review series... analyze every story arc told within Bleach."
"The pacing of this fight is some of the best in the series."
"It's impossible to ignore the impact that the first season had."
"It's just one of the most ripe series for that sort of conversation."
"The series is full of references, callbacks, homages, and easter eggs that fans will no doubt appreciate."
"This series is honestly so much darker than I remember, it also has such interesting discussions as it relates to science and religion."
"Black Knight is commonly regarded as the last of the good stories in Sonic games."
"Damon Gant is considered one of the best villains in the franchise."
"Strap yourselves in because this is our ultimate breakdown of the Amphibia series finale."
"The best part of the bad batch are the ones that talk about the original clones and their original struggle."
"I'm more excited than ever to actually dig into this show and explore the characters, mysteries, and lore."
"What implications does it have for the series as a whole?"
"Alison would have made the best candidate for A. She was a main character, especially in the last few seasons."
"Season 1 was just so much better at doing this."
"I think the key to what makes season 1 so enjoyable is that it's able to keep track of the things that people were interested in and use these elements to create a strong framework for telling a collection of interesting stories."
"I think this is a series that if I do ever go back and reread it after I finish all 14, I'm gonna have to reread them because again I feel like this is a series that you don't even get all of what it's worth until at least the second time around."
"This is probably the best choreography we've ever gotten for Weiss throughout the whole series."
"In this video I want to rank the top 5 Resurrection forms in the series..."
"Complex emotions... one of the best things about the series is the complex emotions that are explored."
"So now that we're caught up on the basics of what's been happening in the Empyrean world, let's start dissecting what it all means for this series and more specifically book three / Onyx Storm."
"This show, man... it focused more on these individual fights, obviously we got a lot more lore, a lot more knowledge that I'm just loving."
"I really enjoyed part one, I really liked the whole really fleshing out of like the military conspiracy."