
Peaceful Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Animal Kingdom is the most peaceful park of the bunch, with several opportunities to escape the crowds."
"It's just kind of petty YouTube drama, like who gives a [__]?"
"Peaceful protest now also means the destruction of property."
"I'm so lucky that I can just turn left and walk or ride down the lane without having to touch any roads."
"Bitcoin is about the most peaceful revolution we can have."
"With your aid, the Deathclaws of Vault 13 became a thriving community. When the vault could no longer hold their numbers, a peaceful campaign of expansion was launched to claim the surrounding lands."
"Human beings are really good at conflict; it doesn't always have to be some sort of violent clash with the whole world at stake."
"The breakup was very smooth and very peaceful."
"The idea of them interacting in a non-hostile way with other species and other tribes on tatooine was what was interesting to me."
"They just want a peaceful, beautiful life with you now."
"Heaven is a place of tranquility and paradise."
"It was calm and peaceful as never before."
"Rarely a fighter, but always poetic."
"What a great way to start the day, it was so peaceful down there."
"How peaceful around here is, stunning, absolutely stunning."
"He's extremely loving, extremely forgiving, literally wouldn't hurt a fly."
"It's one of my favorite places on Earth, it's always so peaceful, so quiet."
"I did end up sitting out here the following day drinking my coffee because it is just so peaceful and inviting."
"We come in here peacefully and exercise our rights; we're not assaulted because of that."
"You're like a peaceful powerhouse, attracting people who are intrigued by your energy and talent."
"Kind of nice to be out here where it's nice and peaceful though."
"This is already pretty nice historic feels, peaceful."
"It's so peaceful he had the urge to throw something into it."
"This is probably my favorite part of the morning. It's just quiet in the house and it's a slow start to the day."
"It was so nice to go somewhere where there was kind of a little bit there was no rotation there was no pressure there's no people kind you could just kind of fish and slingshots out and catch them."
"I want to get a notice, you know, in 30 years' time to say Marianne Rob has just quietly passed away in the clematis. But yeah, that's before that, I think."
"You're a peaceful person. You don't like to argue or gossip."
"How peaceful, and then that's the sunrise. It's beautiful."
"So relaxing and peaceful, I mean the driving might be a little tricky, but you would have that with no problem."
"Having a digital form of pristine collateral that people can simply opt into voluntarily and hold is one of the most revolutionary peaceful methods of resistance."
"It's really calm and peaceful here in Frankfort, which I really like after the hustle and bustle of Lexington."
"You have a calming, peaceful energy, you make people feel relaxed and at ease."
"it is incredibly incredibly peaceful and quiet here and there's like a fragrance in the air that I love it smells so good"
"It still feels light, you guys. Still feels quiet, post-parade, kind of peaceful right here."
"I am grounded, peaceful, and centered."
"Wishing each other a peaceful night."
"They feel like you make them feel at peace and relaxed and calm, and they like that about you."
"There's something so soothing and peaceful about it."
"...it just feels like overall peaceful, it's not even about like you know all like someone's gonna do whatever it's more like peaceful..."
"They don't want any drama, they just want to live their own life."
"Ancient weapons used for peaceful purposes, misunderstood as weapons by the government."
"When you actually pull off the side of the road and just take five, you're blown away by how utterly peaceful it is out here."
"On your side, it's just a meadow. It's springtime, and the birds are chirping. And you start to heal again. And there is a healing brook and following the bubbling brook and the peaceful sounds just kind of leads you."
"Something about rainy mornings, it's so nice."
"Beautiful open river in front of us, peaceful and majestic."
"Cherry fish is the most peaceful of the bunch."
"It's like a fairy tale world. It's almost too peaceful and too nice."
"It's a Beach town so you've got a lot of beach activities, a lot of the cruises around the bay, the trips to the mountains, all that kind of stuff. There's a lot to do and it's just a good peaceful vibe here."
"I've noticed a drastic change in how easily I can fall asleep and have continued peaceful sleep."
"Thankfully, it all ends peacefully."
"We just absolutely love this campground because the tent camping sites are way in the back, it's peaceful, it's quiet, we have deer wandering through."
"This is so cute around here, so it just feels fresh, peaceful, and clean."
"If you're looking for a wholesome peaceful anime, then this is definitely the one for you."
"I'd love to know if you also take nice peaceful morning walks."
"It's absolutely beautiful, it's quiet, it is so quiet."
"It's so peaceful, waking up to the sounds of the birds was just my favorite part of it all."
"That's the most peaceful moment in my life."
"They're very peaceful so they definitely won't fin nip or harass the pisto in any way."
"So peaceful, I'm having like a quiet moment. It's so beautiful, I cannot believe it."
"You gotta get around peaceful couples."
"A true measure of counter-revolution is establishing a new form of peaceful daily life."
"I'm honestly, this could not have been like a better start to the year. I feel like it was just a very peaceful day to just enjoy the new year and the new day and just, I don't know, vibe with life."
"I thought today would be so busy because it's a Friday, but super quiet which is the dream. I love this."
"It's so peaceful, you know, like you hear it in my voice."
"I'm not a battle rapper I ain't trying to hurt feelings."
"...the ghost I encountered did not want to hurt anyone."
"All this happened 23 years ago. Seems like the dog is still entering the room to check on people and never caused any problems."
"Feeling calm, feeling relaxed, peaceful and tranquil."
"I was struck by how peaceful and celebratory and wholesome this all was."
"We've decided up for a more peaceful existence out here in the countryside."
"The peaceful work environment where we could take breaks whenever we wanted satisfied both of us."
"It's very tranquil, and the water just slightly runs in these spouts all day long."
"It is an act of peaceful protest and criticism."
"I'm having a very nice, chilled start to the day."
"I sat there for like maybe two hours on top of that mountain listening to really chill, life thought-provoking music."
"It's just really picturesque and peaceful."
"It truly felt like a lazy river, not too many loud sounds, not too many people, it was dope."
"These were just a lovely older couple living a peaceful life."
"Ruins are absolutely fascinating, and it's so quiet and peaceful."
"It's such a sweet, peaceful kind of a scene that you have here with the bunnies and the deer."
"I had the pleasantest possible night of sleep, filled entirely with sweet peace."
"It represents the peaceful transition of power between the outgoing administration and incoming."
"Overall, if you're looking for a peaceful and colorful tank mate for your Betta fish, neon Tetras can be an excellent choice."
"Harlequin rasboras are a popular choice for planted aquariums due to their distinctive appearance and peaceful temperament."
"Peaceful, it was quiet, you could see every single star that exists in the sky last night."
"I love just staring and watching and just seeing him like swim around."
"I'm a kinder, gentler man. I stay out of the controversial stuff."
"A good death was already seen here peaceful and gentle."
"Not far from this village, perhaps about two miles, there is a little valley or rather lap of land among high hills, which is one of the quietest places in the whole world."
"The God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, and give you His peace."
"His revolution was a bloodless revolution; his enemy that he attacked was ignorance."
"It's really nice, it's really tranquil."
"Good night, guys. I hope you have a fantastic night."
"Because of the development of small forms of free speech, it allows peaceful popular mobilization."
"You accumulate popular pressure which can overturn these regimes peacefully rather than being locked in decade long resistance."
"She passed away peacefully in her sleep."
"It's a beautiful day just to wander, love just wandering nice and peaceful."
"There were no midges, so that was pretty good, but there's so many stars, it's incredible."
"This might be like the most friendly, peaceful town that we've visited."
"It's generally considered to be quite a peaceful system and quite easy to equalize from the black perspective."
"I think big-bodied peaceful fish work really well."
"It feels very serene and peaceful."
"Da Nang beach is incredibly peaceful and magnificent."
"It was just such a relaxing, nice day."
"This is one of the most gorgeous cemeteries that I have ever been to."
"It's a very peaceful at the moment, not hearing any alarm calls, it's just a very, very pretty sunrise."
"It's kind of a calm, wholesome death to be honest, because she did get to die in the arms of the person she loved."
"Protesters are people that peacefully assemble, advocate for a particular cause, and seek to change the world to make it a better place."
"The transition between the 12th to the 13th dynasties seems to have taken place without any violence or bloodshed."
"This is so peaceful, this is nice down here."
"He is so mild-mannered, and you know what, he couldn't hurt a fly."
"It was one of the most amazing experiences for all concerned, and the elephants walked off and left us in peace."
"It's a very peaceful start to our safari this afternoon."
"The reign of the young king, as the commons called him upon his ascent, was peaceful and prosperous."
"I can't think of a better way to go, having met such a wonderful person."
"Their aim is to create a more democratic country through peaceful protest."
"London's 4th May Day rally has overall been a rather quieter and more good-humoured affair than the previous three."
"I support peaceful protest and a government allowing protest without causing any fear of loss of life or rights."
"It's so calming and peaceful and eye-opening and grounding."
"It's such a peaceful day out here today in the Essequibo Coast of Guyana. Beautiful."