
Ecumenism Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Vatican II's decrees on ecumenism show that we need to evangelize but without sacrificing the truth."
"The actual Catholic position, according to the official teaching at the Second Vatican Council, would be that you are a Christian and a brother in Christ."
"It's very clear the pope promotes The ecumenical movement; no one on the planet is able to promote and Lead The ecumenical movement like the pope of Rome."
"Protestants have United with Catholics into the third millennium."
"Mere Christianity has probably done more for mutual understanding among different Christians than any other book ever written."
"Ecumenism is really important that's the thing yeah we should."
"The ecumenical endeavor of the sister churches of east and west grounded in dialogue and prayer is the search for perfect and total communion, which is neither absorption nor fusion, but a meeting in Truth and Love."
"Kasper was the president of the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian unity."
"Unity without truth is the ecumenical movement."
"The Canadian Council of Churches is one of the most broadly inclusive ecumenical groups internationally."
"...I think when I say it's ecumenical I only mean it in the sense that a diverse group of Christians that use the gift of tongues."
"The ecumenical councils were events of communion."
"Is Channel devoted to a kind of ecumenism between Christians or does he want to focus on providing a robust defense of protestantism?"
"He promoted dialogue with the anglicans, with the Jews."
"If the ecumenical movement is able to express more and more clearly the unity among Christians, then the prestige of Christian belief will increase too."
"A miracle has already happened in ecumenism."
"The greatest ecumenical virtue is patience."
"Her impact in her ministry transcended denominational borders."
"Ecumenical openness to talk about the Christian life in these expansive terms."
"No matter what denomination they belong to, we have discernment of spirit to discern the spirit that's in the man, to see if it be the Spirit of God or not."
"The Second Vatican Council's decrees on ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue have greatly shaped the Catholic Church that we know today."
"The Catholic Church began a hopeful dialogue of reconciliation with other Christian denominations."
"The council fathers worked to strengthen ecumenical ties and promote inter-religious dialogue."
"We saw in the initiative several years ago of Evangelicals and Catholics Together the pronouncement that now we have a unity of faith in the gospel between these two parties."
"The Episcopal Church has full communion with several other denominations."
"This is real ecumenical spirit, that is to say, to respect and accept the other."
"Remember this man has a message, and he has the ecumenical message, a worldwide viewpoint."
"It was an ecumenical group; there were Jews and Christians and Muslims who are all part of this group."
"There an ecumenical culture sprang to life which revived the lapsed ingenuity of both East and West."
"The relationship between the denominations has seen some improvement and better civility since the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s."
"There could be separated brethren who are not under the same hierarchy and yet are also not heretics."
"The goal of the ecumenical movement is to bring people together, focusing not on what divides but on what unites."
"The Second Vatican Council would soon turn its focus to that which Christians have in common and what draws them together in fellowship."
"Learning about other Church Traditions is definitely very important for understanding my fellow Christians and being more unified."
"I felt that God had called me to love all the people, whatever church they went to."
"Let's get to ecumenism 2.0 where we can really start engaging issues."
"We have to say we acknowledge as churches those bodies that confess the early creeds of the church, in particular Nicene and Chalcedonian."
"The Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers."
"We are constantly opening ourselves up to hear from God no matter what denomination."
"Every truth found in every church in all the world we believe. But we also say this to all men: Come and take the added light and truth that God has restored in our day."
"I've seen the Church over my lifetime shift, develop, modify its views of our non-Catholic Christian brothers and sisters."
"Perennialism is often employed as a strategy for exerting religious ecumenicalism and world peace."
"I don't believe that correction is only needed in the Catholic church; I believe correction is needed in every area of Christianity, in every denomination."
"Vatican II was partly an attempt to try to find the missing links to the Church Fathers, the missing links to the Eastern liturgy."
"Ecumenism is an attempt to promote unity amongst difference within Christianity."
"I love the Oriental Orthodox, the Catholic, and my Protestant brothers are Trinitarian."
"Leave the other churches alone; you may agree to disagree with them but don't condemn them."
"Thomas is a fine example of one who, without doctrinal compromise, sought to bridge the gap between the competing traditions through greater knowledge, understanding, and respect."