
Language Processing Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"If you were going to try to apply complex language rules consciously, it would take a lot of thought and there's no way you could do it in real time."
"An attempt will be made to find out how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, to solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves." - John McCarthy
"Advancing AI through language is at the heart of how we communicate."
"It actually reads all the letters, all the words that we are giving it, it chews and digests them inside of its neural activations."
"Go with your first instinct because so much of language is fluid processing at runtime."
"GPT uses large language models which are neural networks."
"Machine translation where you input a sentence in one language and train an RNN to output a sentence in a new language."
"I see LLMs, actually, as a practical matter, as kind of an important layer of linguistic user interface."
"Large language models which generate novel combinations of texts in the form of natural sounding language are only one type of generative AI."
"I'm designed to understand and respond to you like on yeah I can process and generate human language in a natural way."
"The Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) model is a representation learning model for natural language processing."
"A lot of tasks in natural language processing can be formulated as some form of language modeling."
"When you do your functional MRI studies right, you find that the language regions in the brain, in fact, do not are not active during non-linguistic thinking."
"The N400 response is related to visual and auditory processing of language, and occurs when a subject experiences an unexpected ending to a sentence."
"So I hope that clarifies the architecture behind RNN and you understand why you can't use simple neural network here and you have to use specialized neural network called RNN which can memorize for you, which can remember previous state because language is all about sequence."
"In summary, morphological productivity and the mental lexicon play crucial roles in language processing and understanding."
"...but enough intro, let's zoom in and get started with our first topic, which is the language processing system."
"Global vectors have the same objective of trying to learn these word representations however instead of using just local contextual information from a single sentence they use Global Information across different sentences."
"FastText is a great way to understand morphologically rich languages via sub words."
"Time to think like a language-based AI."
"Apple's new AI model is a big advancement in the AI field, providing an innovative, efficient language model."
"The amazing thing about this is that the kind of embeddings you get have this compositional semantics property."
"So the language model looks at lots and lots of texts in that particular language."
"We can't process meaning until we process phonology."
"The brain's monolinguals and bilinguals are physically different."
"We're able to use language models and Foundation models in general to understand very very long spans of text and to create incredibly useful or incredibly tailored incredibly interesting Generations."
"If you are really good at predicting the next word in text, you really begin to see language models sort of in a way as rudimentary world models."
"Conversational language processing will also surprise us."
"Attention is all you need, and this kind of set off a whole new wave in natural language processing."
"Language processing is characterized by more neural activity in late learners."
"Natural Language Toolkit is a set of open source Python models that are used to apply statistical natural language processing on human language data."
"Cloud Natural Language API lets you add sentiment analysis, entity analysis, entity sentiment analysis, content classification, and syntax analysis."
"The special thing a Transformer does is decide the relative importance of each word in a sentence."
"Finally, machines understand human language rather than us going into assembly line code."
"Embeddings are one of the most interesting, coolest topics in all of natural language processing."
"Attention was introduced for machine translation to solve the problem of performance degradation for very long sentences."
"This allows you to kind of bypass the memory loss of the recurrent steps and directly say if that word was very very important then really take a look at that hidden state."
"This is the cool examples of what these neural networks are able to figure out with no knowledge of the language itself."
"The mind essentially has something like a two-second tape recorder, which records information sounds the way that language essentially works."
"A lower perplexity means I have a better model."
"Google has improved 10% of searches by language."
"Language models can be used for a variety of tasks from summarization to dialogue to fluency evaluation."
"The fact that it is in the left hemisphere is probably because that projects quite directly to the language areas of the brain."
"Machine translation is a form of NLG where the input is some text in the source language and the output is generated text in a target language."
"NLP enables machines or computers to derive meaning from human or natural language input."
"If you really understand the language in the query and the language in the documents, you'd know that the second document is a much better match for that query."
"We need systems that go where the people are and can do the natural language processing."
"We want to come up with a more compact but faithful representation of the relations between the words and the information they represent."
"Word2Vec is a predictive framework where it takes in a sequence and it tries to predict some subset of that sequence with a very simple linear model."
"What Bert does is it basically finds a very great way to hybridize a language model objective with the importance of bidirectionality."
"The GPT-3 model has brought us this new paradigm shift in which we can use prompts to acquire very large language models to solve NLP tasks."
"Powerful computers can use natural language processing to understand complete sentences and questions."
"You can ask it to translate from human language into code or from code into human language."
"Dyslexia is not classified as a reading problem; it is classified as a language processing problem."
"Language modelling is the task of computing probability distributions over a sequence of words."
"The various components in the transformer improve on a model's ability to process language."
"Long-term dependencies are very crucial for language modeling."
"It's a really messy affair because you have to teach a computer about the irregularities of the human language."
"Recurrent neural networks are pretty good for doing NLP or speech recognition and so on."
"What we really want our model to do is to be able to encode a sentence, such that the representation is sort of a universal kind of Interlingua."
"These days you're starting to see some pretty robust natural language parsers."
"Self attention is going to take all of the other words around it and figure out how to incorporate those into the encoding of the word 'first'."
"Computational linguistics is an attempt to get machines, computers to understand, generate, and process natural language."
"There are all kinds of things that we'd like to do well in natural language processing that you really can't do well unless you know how to do coreference resolution."
"We can use distributed representations of words which then make predictions that semantically similar words should give similar probability distributions."
"Everything that you do with computers that involves human language, you are using language models."
"Recurrent Nets have become really hot; they're very good at all sorts of tasks like translation."
"We're also seeing that the models are working on multilingual data."
"We are using a computer to interpret and categorize the human language, and that is what the analysis process is all about."
"Natural language processing, the amazing ability to translate a document of text from one language to another in real time."
"...forget irrelevant parts of the previous state... I might choose to forget the previous subject because I know that the next word will be conjugated according to the new subject."