
Tactical Gameplay Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"Strength 5 AP2 and damage two that ignores Lookouts and Mortal wounds on sixes, so it's actually pretty credible at killing characters."
"The mechanic of methodically moving from room to room, peeking around corners, and taking out those lurking terrorists is still the focus of every mission."
"Memoir's first concern is not rigid historical accuracy or mind-bending amounts of scale, but instead you and your opponent having a fun, interesting battle of tactics."
"Finally, they managed to break the cycle. It was not the same setup. Rcds is constantly playing aggressive up past the bomb..."
"Bloodhound has the complete package a useful passive for tracking enemies one of if not the best aggressive and support tactical abilities with their scan and an ultimate that allows intense speed and aggressive."
"Rewarding players for long-term tactical thinking."
"We want to do a character-based tactical shooter right."
"Rewritten defensive AI gives teams the ability to act as a tactical unit, retaining their shape to move across the pitch and cover vacant space."
"I definitely think hacking shields is still gonna be the way to go."
"Players still yearning for the incredibly challenging old-school tactical gameplay."
"Future Soldier introduces the sync shot to the series."
"This is a cool weapon that allows agents to impale targets and stick them to walls and vehicles."
"Omen's smokes are amazing as he's able to create easy to set up one ways."
"Devils use deception; ideally, the party should never know they are fighting Devils, only their proxies."
"A tactic done by continuously refreshing legend tangibility over and over in such a way that you never have vulnerable frames."
"It's really satisfying to take a whole little base or a rooftop filled with gun-toting enemies silently, with no enemy really being aware."
"A fantastic rotation from Alliance, takes out almost the entire side of TNC."
"It sets up a whole new style of tactics, new style of play."
"Soldier's an A tier... really good against Hog, really good being able to pepper him down over time."
"All Raindog wants to do is run away from you. You're gonna see Raindog over here and then once you start fighting him, Raindog is over here. Does that remind you of anyone?"
"I had to squeeze maximum opportunity out of this position to win it."
"Pistols are broken guys...understand when to challenge and when not to."
"Junk Queen: Shotgun primary fire, close range for maximum damage."
"Junk Queen: Commanding Shout gives extra health and movement speed, useful for engaging."
"Reinhardt: Earthshatter ultimate knocks down enemies, powerful engage tool."
"There's a lot of fun to the tactics of this game."
"Kyber gives Yugi Fiends Sanctuary, a quick-play spell that Kyber had planned to use against Marek to counter his Egyptian gods one-turn kill combo."
"It's amazing, it's considered to be the game that perfected cover based shooting."
"It's got aspects of a tactical card battler, it's got kind of a combo based system, it's got RPG elements in there like equipment and stats."
"If Zane uses the drone and clone technology at the same time, it's like having three players shooting simultaneously."
"Every decision truly has to be tactical and strategic on a higher level than anything you've done in previous modes."
"Sometimes it's not about the kills, it's about your experience, map control, and objectives."
"No weapons can be equipped and I cannot use Souls with damaging effects except for when they're necessary to access parts of the castle."
"Sonic is one of the best bait and punish characters in the game."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"You literally save your cleric from taking 30 damage. Dude, it feels so good!"
"Gamers can handle this. It's a tactical layer they were really wanting, so I think we shouldn't underestimate them."
"That's a really cool dynamic siege. I mean, you got the last stand near the town center and then you still have the fight for the walls over on the other side."
"Ruben just playing this absolutely perfectly clean, no way for Henning kava to break through."
"For Mei's wall, it's great for blocking LOS or disabling abilities like immortality field or Orisa's supercharger."
"Crimson is a streak machine getting kills heals you and also getting a headshot kill makes your magazine fully reload."
"Now that we've been fighting for a while, I start to lead him into the trap. Can you please stop chasing me, bro? It's not gonna happen."
"The end for instance was this lengthy battle of patience intelligence and attrition."
"We won the game because we used the Ronaldo substitution to lure Arsenal into the Trap."
"Strategically hold back or take multiple actions in one turn to make the right choice."
"This bow is not to be judged based on its DPS values; it's that Peak orientation going in and out of cover and landing large amounts of damage every single time you do so."
"Chess oftentimes is a game of efficiency as much as it is a game of playing the best move at the best moment."
"The mechanics of G2 in these fights are flawless and they're always putting numbers to match SK's plays so they're keeping their lead and they're not dropping a single member."
"One drops are incredibly powerful if used correctly. It's a great way to make your deck just better, just right, just easily. Take out the Hydra, put in the one drop. You're gonna have a lot of fun."
"I really like this way of fighting because it goes ahead and encourages better, I guess it goes ahead and promotes a dense formation."
"Every team we play puts 10 men behind the ball so it's another day at the office for City."
"Night vision gameplay... I think it does add a lot of depth and variety to the overall gameplay."
"Tired of snipers on a tower? Drop a tank on them."
"If adventurers can keep it at bay, it is so slow and with such a low AC that it is doomed to be quickly dispatched."
"Strapped on a makeshift gun, throw on your gas masks, and enter the deep dark territory of the survival shooter known as Metro Exodus. Let's see how it did."
"A fairly enjoyable RPG with combat that runs the gamut from fun tactical stuff to downright infuriating slog."
"Smoke grenades are an incredibly important part of making pushes in this game and you should use them at all times."
"Horizon Forbidden West combat is built strongly around using the right weapons and ammo types against the right target."
"They are predicting every round perfectly so far, it's really insane to watch."
"Flying familiars can soar over top of a group of enemies and rain down on them."
"That was so smart, Aaron. That was so smart."
"There's a lot of strategy here that goes into every single movement."
"Return of the Wildspeaker... with Kalmax down... you're going to draw ten cards."
"The paladin is about bolstering her army, having a larger army at the start of the game and relying more on supporting them than outright aggression or magical spells."
"Watson is a great choice for those looking to play their solo games a bit more tactically."
"He played that smart. He knew he had to bail on him to survive and that was the right call."
"Playing good TFT matters more than everything."
"The best fight scenes are between Lady and Trish, showcasing variety and tactics."
"Feather ends up going down there, that's two members down from the NYXL, Jinmu came in from the flank, caught them sleeping despite Monks falling through, the number advantage still goes in favor of the Hunters."
"Get in these positions just switch it up every time because they don't know where you are and they have to change the way they play."
"An extremely easy cleanup despite having basically no units."
"Mordhau is a game with a pretty steep learning curve and a lot to get used to when coming into combat. It's not just a mindless medieval slasher that many seem to take it for as using some intelligence and tactics definitely pays off."
"Popping that down on like 10 to 20 units can really increase your damage output."
"The crit variants of the Samurai demos... now they can one shot you from across the map."
"Overpowered items enhance game mechanics. In Counter-Strike, smoke grenades add depth to gameplay despite being a default choice."
"IQ's job is to get a read of enemy gadgetry."
"It's a beautiful, complex and really satisfying RPG with great, memorable characters and deep tactical combat."
"No mini-map spotting when firing your weapon made Battlefield 1 better."
"Exposed the flank, really trying to double-team the unit in here."
"The gun Lance is designed to be like an iron wolf: you get off of the monsters face, deal damage, guard incoming attacks, and hop around to reposition or dodge where necessary."
"Fatal cowboy and the duke, the creator of the end times mod, managed to push them back and give us a really cinematic and spectacular siege battle."
"These positions usually come down to who can attack quicker."
"Rosa is strong in Siege as well, she can deal huge amounts of damage and has decent range for her tankiness."
"I'm terrible at aiming, but actually if you just run up to people, focus on tactical movement and flanking, and use shotguns to drive people out of their hidey-holes, you can work pretty well."
"Games like Mass Effect were so much fun... It was the perfect mix of tactical but still exciting."
"The Band of Brothers inspired Brothers in Arms was an awesome combination of FPS and tactical game."
"It's one of those games that just feels genuinely team-based and genuinely tactical."
"This is like a cinematic, crazy, action-packed 'Call of Duty' campaign, but instead of guns and tactical soldiers, you're actually like elite tactical wizards in a fantasy world."
"This mainly makes suppression reaction fire ignore cover, which seems to already be the case for vanilla XCOM 2."
"Welcome to Broken Ranks, where combat is turn-based, and tactics are key."
"Mahokanshi has you playing as a samurai mage in an adventure tactics game with some light RPG mechanics."
"As promised, a massive set of games spread across all sorts of strategy management sim and tactical RPG genres."
"The goal of split pushing is not to kill people, it's to waste their time."
"Accept any challenge no matter the odds which allows you to get like uh you get like assault doctrine which he understands what you don't like extra attacks and [__] but you can't fall back from combat."
"Against mixed units, the veteran infantry are King followed by the Spearman, the Darkon, and the axemen."
"For those looking to get down with some sweet turn-based tactical action that's embedded in a satisfyingly over-the-top beautifully presented anime narrative this is as fine an example of the genre as you'll play this year."
"Blast weapons to go with it, a land speeder, a tornado is the one that mounts the assault Cannon or heavy flamer."
"It's almost magical when you discover a weakness on a mech and exploit it."
"Two early challenges from khalid completely catch monkey off guard and he closes out the series in really impressive fashion."
"The flow of combat has a twitchy elegance to it, a moment-to-moment dance of death."
"That's how they want you to use this gun: shoot, switch, shoot, switch, shoot, switch."
"Just Spam surf with Ludicolo and Kingdra, that's the game plan."
"There's always a way for your opponent to twist their army."
"Anytime you have a hallway or a corner you can use this technique and basically you can get tons of free kills with it."
"We want to fight this on very open ground where the lizards can't get any protection from the hail of arrows."
"Carpe just continues to pick Vancouver apart."
"In the phantom pain it is possible to clear missions by employing strategies to completely avoid confrontation altogether."
"This is a game built around tactical combat."
"Literally, by yourself, 1500 extra health. Okay? And what is Caitlyn's normal health at level 16? 1800."
"That's the end of my fight phase, I don't think you've got any morale left to take."
"Raw aim alone will only get you so far. Playing your angles wisely and minimizing exposure is key to success."
"Keeping generals alive in this game will be very important."
"Soraka: Hitting Soraka's Q isn't just an option, it is a crucial part of her kit."
"Smoke Screen is designed to be very versatile and capable of making space in a number of situations, be it pushing into the enemy team or covering your own hasty retreat."
"One thing I know is that you're doing quite often is using the log against an expo." - Ash
"Playing smart is better than playing aggressive sometimes."
"Oni: Sound design is phenomenal, so much counter play in chase."
"Fortress is one of the most successful singles Pokemon of all time and embodies the concept and importance of entry hazards to the fullest."
"Oh, good lord, for the love of all things holy, you got a patrol! You got a patrol! He didn't patrol, and now he's waiting for his monks to come in."
"Good crosshair placement is sometimes when you're not even fighting people."
"Your point-and-click aim could be amazing but if you never give yourself the chance to have accurate shots it effectively renders your great aim useless."
"Loop on G taking game number one for a LG loop on G again as tower here in the 1v1 competition."
"Playing retake is when the defenders have to take the objective back from the attackers."
"The game is at its best in those moments during long-range engagements when you're forced to serpentine shell serpentine your way through cover."
"It's encouraging dragons out there but it's also, it's pretty interesting figuring out how you're gonna take advantage of it."
"Honestly, right there, you should be going for a Q then an E because you can combo both."
"I always like the animations and ships come and land aboard here looks a little bit goofy but my archers are gonna stay in here maybe get a last little volley."
"There is nothing more satisfying in a Total War game than getting a massive hammer and anvil."
"Surprising them with the bastion's positioning was probably the best call."
"In 3.14 combat is far more tactical requires a lot more experience and forethought and is a far more rewarding experience when you come out on top."
"Players like Brax, Nico, and NAF are known for their exquisite crosshair placement."
"Every single fight was simply a matter of they get a pick."
"It's not always about doing the best combo, it's about doing what makes the most sense for the situation."
"Mega Heracross was pretty much as automatic a one Pokémon stall killing machine."
"That is GG amazing game rogue able to hold that aggression."
"CLG EU were unwavering in their patience and waited for the perfect moment to turn the tables."
"When you make a half-edited stair... that right there is such a good move."
"Escape from Tarkov allows for a truly unprecedented level of customization for any PMC that's brave enough to loot the required add-ons."
"And the flame gliac goes down just like that."
"You are 200 HP squishy killer now, you're a monster."
"Misdirection, this is another game changer right here."
"I really like the card Hornet Queen. I know that there's a lot of death touch in there, but this has the potential to really just put so many won ones on the battlefield."
"Blam you're just off to the races, you can instantly combo off and win."
"I love that he stuns and damages the balloons when he teleports on them."
"The AK is, was, and always will be the benchmark for greatness in tactical first-person shooters."
"Let's go ahead and finish these guys off and then start fortifying."
"Exploit the base design weaknesses, use your advantages."
"Oddly enough, Grant is currently the only gym leader who does not participate in double battles."
"That's how you win League of Legends baby play around the hand you're given."
"It's very rewarding to be able to like put your opponent on a card even though it was randomly generated and change your game plan accordingly."
"We pray to Arceus as we trade body slams for liquidations until we ultimately take this thing out without having our defense drops."
"This is perfect gameplay. This is shooting the enemies and not exposing yourself."
"The best defense is a good offense... Stealth builds are extremely effective at one-shotting enemy... Optical camo was added..."
"The chaos have some fantastic anti-large units."
"Harlequins jumped from mid-tier to dominating with their fusion pistols."
"The mech army is literally trying to push its way through all of those brood lords, and it might actually be able to work."
"Surviving Lunastra's flame aura requires either poisoning her quickly or wearing armor with 20 fire resistance—it's a game changer."
"Craftworld Eldar can bring some nice movement and redeployment tricks."
"The evolved wall breakers allowed us to defend a situation where the opponent had double spell and elixir advantage."
"They can't get through the construct, they can't get through the construct."
"The shift to a tightly focused skirmish that's more tactically sound than... this is major foreshadowing for what's to come."
"An old West-themed shooter without a light gun, Bank Panic demands you move tactically to collect bank deposits from 12 different vault doors while gunning down criminals."
"I'm really just looking for ways to keep the pressure."
"Laura, one of the best robbery characters in the game."
"We can't outplay them on straight aggression, but we can absolutely outplay them through thievery and special ops."
"Quick roams into the jungle inside lens to take a key ultimate is very viable."
"We're talking about a game where you are tasked alongside your core partners with slowly, surely, and methodically taking on a mission with multiple objectives, with enemies that are very, very capable of absolutely destroying you."
"We set out to build something truly unique, blending great parts of a first-person shooter with real-time tactical elements in a way that's never been done before."
"Phantom, the saboteur, has good backfire firepower and a translocator."
"Sniper Elite 4 is a brutal third-person tactical shooter stealth game. If you've ever wanted to see skulls pierced by sniper bullets in slo-mo x-ray, this is the game for you."
"I think the battle system really shines once you get that grasp on it." - "Xenoblade Chronicles 2's battle system is extremely tactical and customizable."
"Not only do you want to get good at shooting people and then placing a wall right away, you want to get good at using a floor as well."
"Quick-draw 2 gets your shots on first, makes the other people flinch, and makes the Maddox a top tier weapon."
"Playing space wolves in this type of elite army you feel it."
"Spread joy under an ancient sky and make tomorrow the day that really counts."
"Legend Lolina is a very strong cavalry nuke because of Studied Forblaze and Gifted Magic."
"I think the way that they approach objectives is second to none they really have a great idea of adding context to a multiplayer map that would otherwise have no context."
"Risk-taking attacking football is running through our veins."
"They did so much to make plays, to force plays."
"The ability to direct your squad to get cover fire, I think it's really, really cool because it creates a very diverse way of playing the game."
"Our aim is to reward players for performing the right action at the right time."
"Fire Emblem Engage: A masterpiece of tactical gameplay design."
"Seeing it in play it has saved our Fighter's life on multiple occasions allowed them to protect people."
"It's just letting you use the environment as a weapon."
"This is actually fairly Tactical it doesn't seem like it on first glance but this is a thinking game."
"Unicorn Overlord is a really great game, an essential for any lover of the Tactical role that gets it right." - Vandal
"We just applied that pressure throughout the game suffocating their play."
"Being able to spit out tons of cards translating to a rising rush is part of the value of a unit."
"It's a Fallout themed tactics game in the end, I think what is there is perfectly enjoyable."
"Well, Pendulum Summoning as well, then I'm gonna go for my normal summon, I'm gonna normal summon Sangan. Hell yeah!"
"Combat in this game I think is for the base game really well done... positioning... can matter quite a bit."
"As you can see, we're here we're not really allowing him to get too much counter push or anything."
"Throw as many grenades as possible when rushing into any building."
"They love fire, so if you want to take a lot of flamers and weapons that just melt armor, Salamanders."
"How you traverse the map matters so much, and Attack does that expertly."
"It's all about how these players are going to be taking positions, holding positions, seizing positions, identifying weak points in positions."
"Dynamic environments will change in battle, allowing for tactical elements like ducking for cover."
"The camel archer is quietly becoming one of the best ranged unique units."
"You definitely want to try and use blessing protection offensively."
"Necrons work pretty well with the 9th missions."