
Virtual Experience Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Even though the parks are closed, you can still catch performances of parades and fireworks from around the world."
"It completely satisfies cravings and even people feel full as if they had truly eaten something."
"It's the closest that most of us will get to Everest and it allows us to grasp its near unearthly power from the safety of our couches."
"This set is allowing people to... take them to places they've never been right in their house."
"The purpose of these videos is to give you as much information as possible, just like you would experience if you were on board with us."
"British sailors were unmatched, especially during this time period."
"Did you enjoy your time? Did you enjoy this little virtual field trip?"
"Virtual statement at all that have you chat member never had like experienced a hollow victory that just felt like boring."
"They've actually created a Snapchat filter that allows you to try them on virtually—scan the snap code if you want to test it out for yourself, it's pretty cool."
"I think it's the entry to the level...it's when you hop in a painting and that starts the level."
"Buckle up, fasten your seatbelts, we're gonna be taking off here and welcome to your very first debut flight of Genshin Airlines."
"Thank you, Jesus, but I did lose the sim season."
"I want you to experience the digital world with a cheerful smile."
"Thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed this virtual pub crawl."
"Each of them is a memorial tree and each of them has a tag on it which could be honestly its own virtual experience."
"Not everybody can actually get to Fingal's Cave, but using technology like this, we can create these fly-throughs and these images and people can experience actually entering the cave."
"I hope you guys are enjoying this virtual walk."
"I miss the in-person experience, but it's nice that we can reach people all over the world now."
"Welcome to the digital DJ tips Studio. If you're watching the recording, this lesson is almost as good as being here live."
"We hope that you've enjoyed our virtual worship experience."
"How much of my life is an experience of technology and virtual reality, and how much of my life is real?"
"If you cannot travel to Amsterdam, this is an opportunity for you to get the feel of the exhibition."
"It's essentially a virtual haunted house, something you go through with friends clinging to each other around the computer chair."
"Imagine walking into a car dealership in the future and being able to sit in the virtual driver's seat and checking out the various textures and color options in detail."
"I live in The Villages vicariously with you two. I'm an 80-year-old widow with medical issues from Southern Ohio. You two are such a delight for me to watch every week."
"You can just have that experience from the comfort of your own sofa, whatever time of day that is."
"It felt like we went on a little road trip together, even though we can't be together."
"There's something about this which is actually better than watching real racing in real life because you never get to see it like that."
"I'll be your proxy walk in a day, your virtual travel guide, your co-discoverer."
"Creators will be able to create an experience so realistic that fans will start to question their reality."
"Enjoy Africa live from your living room or kitchen, wherever you happen to be."
"It was such a wonderful way to travel without traveling."
"If the 2D experience that you have with us today doesn't quite satiate your need for information from us, come and make that 2D 3D."
"I really hope you enjoyed watching me virtually ride around a five-star event."
"You can look around and experience content in another place, whether it's real or artificial, in a totally different way."
"Joining us on a virtual memory tour."
"It's amazing, I mean, who needs to really travel when you can just experience this in the whole world?"
"It's a very special thing to be out and about on safari with us from the comfort of your own home."
"Keep your thrills vicarious, stay behind your computer monitor where it's safe."
"Do you want to sit down with a notorious mobster? Well now you can with our exclusive virtual experience."
"With our daily wildlife videos, you'll experience the thrill of safari adventures without ever having to leave your seat."
"You're on a live African safari following cheetah running about in the Maasai Mara from your living room."