
Battle Strategy Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Gatekeeper just seems very nice for a very big and meaningful damage increase to a battle cannon which is already pretty scary to start with."
"When Ichigo is partaking in battle, typical tropes like 'if I fail now, I will never reach my goal' are not utilized. Instead, Ichigo focuses on the suffering of those around him and how they will be impacted if he does not succeed in defeating his opponent."
"You are mitigating so much damage by being a twilight domain cleric on the battlefield."
"Hippaldon became an iconic stall staple, striking fear in battler's hearts as soon as they saw it in the lead position."
"The new doom's arena battles allow for greater freedom of mobility and tactics."
"Accuracy is now significantly more meaningful since locational damage can make or break a battle."
"Ultra ego isn't a giant multiplier at all at the start. What makes it deadly is the power boosts while Vegeta is in the form."
"Zana's death will not be in vain. We are going to find who did this. I will not take my final breath until this person is found and brought to justice."
"There's a lot to think about when battling every enemy. Like typical JRPGs, you can upgrade your party members and customize their gear and weapons."
"Whether you're choosing spells to give you new options in battle or you're just using a couple well-chosen spells to give you some extra defensive tricks, the Eldritch Knight really augments what the fighter is capable of."
"Gen 4 introduced something just as important: the physical special split."
"The rams made all the difference in this case soaking up all the galleon fire."
"Category is unlike any villain Luffy has ever fought before, essentially a shadow version of our hero."
"I like the fact that the Night King used his powers to protect his troops."
"Now we've got our Gengar versus a right on, it's very obvious what's gonna win."
"It leads to a very dynamic battle as you constantly swipe the camera around to make sure you're not about to be stabbed in the back."
"When you're able to make Aloy's various tools and abilities come together it creates some harrowing and exciting battles."
"Bolívar defeated the previously invincible General José de Canterac at the Battle of Junín, a fierce skirmish decided by the superiority of the Colombian cavalry."
"It helps stimulate the grandeur of the gym battles."
"Now with the shield down, Ackbar ordered the attack on the Death Star."
"If you're not moving forward in battle, you're moving backwards."
"We are dying within half a minute of the battle starting."
"The psychic type weather effect created by cosmic rays or transcendence will essentially magnify the innate psycho-spiritual power the stars give off onto the battlefield."
"Hopefully that gave you a view of how the battles work and how to command troops."
"When Thanos gets to Wakanda what I love that moment where they're all just sure like whoever whichever Avengers are left and they're just trying to take about one of each stone."
"Redfall's largest battles can be highly enjoyable and the way missions are unlocked on the side is very rewarding."
"He tells him to keep it safe as it could be used to deflect the enemy's attack during a battle."
"Bakugo knew that he was sacrificing himself, finally understanding what it meant to be a true hero."
"This is what you want to do in a battle like this, try to get some cavalry there or infantry and just roll the enemy up, attack them from the flank."
"Hulkbuster Armor: Going toe-to-toe with the Hulk, taking down Earth's mightiest heroes without breaking a sweat."
"Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control it deals damage equal to its power to any target."
"Pushing really hard and try to get on the flank of the Prussians."
"The English archers would have joined the men at arms in the final assault."
"Hit like a champ, psychic comes out. Thank you, the psychic trained super effective. Will it be enough?"
"We want to fight this on very open ground where the lizards can't get any protection from the hail of arrows."
"Enemies fleeing and I believe we're gonna do it with minimal unit losses."
"We win. This is a fairly easy fight with our equipment."
"Hastened katana... basically fatality... gonna give you same stuff... and the true fatality effect."
"It's about winning that battle, you know, a little bit slowly. Yes, there's a cost to winning this battle or losing the battle."
"Stout, strong, and resilient, it takes a lot to kill a dwarf."
"Let them take the brunt of the fight and then we can swoop in."
"Oddly enough, Grant is currently the only gym leader who does not participate in double battles."
"He decides to end the battle for good using his unique skill Predator and swallows him whole, effectively separating him from Shizu."
"Considering this is my first battle against her, I'm just gonna keep going."
"We lost nobody in our first battle. Victory!"
"Ultra Instinct isn't just about power. It's about mastering the flow of battle."
"To be a warrior, you have to go into battle picturing yourself already dead so that you have no fear."
"The worst possible thing that can happen in those situations is to have a complete rupturing of your line, a complete break in which men panic and everybody flees, basically, for themselves."
"Swapping to absorb not-very-effective moves can turn the tide in battles."
"The battle is not going to be won instantly. This is a battle that's going to be won in increments and degrees and we need to stay on the line and look to the horizon."
"Let's go ahead and get right into today's video, alright buckle up, this is going to be a lot of awesome battles."
"Got him! That was really good, I think we have won the battle."
"Swords Dance... Rain Dance... the perfect move to power up."
"weapons taken up, trumpets sounding, arranged against the enemy in wings, centurions leading cohorts and centuries, standards raised, in an orderly fashion we began to set forth."
"My strategy moving into this fight is to swap into gravy, get all of his summons down in front of the camaro, swap into the recruit, get his summons down in front of the camaro, pop orc and do massive damage."
"The only way to win a battle is if you start fighting for other people."
"You are safe behind your shields, and the orcs are going to impale themselves on your pointy sticks."
"It took a little time, but Thorin came to his senses and left his fortified walls, rallying all dwarves, men, and elves to him, turning the tide of the battle in their favor."
"Your reward for winning a battle is doubled if you win with a chain attack."
"Gore easily has infinite to high immeasurable levels of speed."
"Even with the energy control of Blue, I can't keep this up for long. I gotta end this with one shot."
"Their genius is deception; they're lethal in battle and specialists in cunning, betrayal, and strategy."
"Mech bosses lead entire earth-breaking walls into battle."
"The concentrated u.s attack in the fight for Munda airfield included units of all branches of America's armed forces."
"The horse Lords do not draw up battle lines or hide behind shields or layer themselves in armor. The Dothraki charge."
"Noelle couldn't easily BFR Noelle away."
"We poured such a deadly fire into them that they left their last piece and ran for their life."
"Arming to battle, and instead of rage, deliberate valor breathed, firm and unmoved."
"Hamon is an ability that can really change the scope of any type of anime battle."
"The sudden ferocity of Alexander's assault threw the Persians into panic."
"We're dead either way, Zach, but if we can take them with us, it might just give the rest of the fleet a fighting chance."
"In this battle the whole of the artillery of both armies was fought for all it was worth and brutally demonstrated the power and influence in battle of this arm, when properly managed."
"This is how we fought: a dead run charge that met the enemy in the middle."
"The two-day battle of Aspern-Essling was Napoleon's first major defeat, caused by his overconfidence and hasty planning."
"Leo turns to taking this advice by telling himself to focus on the battle at hand and his own strength."
"Proper conservation, initiative, and distribution of mana's prolonged battles is important, but the same goes for your body."
"We’ll take the first line and charge forward. At once! We must make it through. We will."
"Somebody has to lead this battle, it's now our chance to turn this tide and win the war."