
Scientific Interest Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Studying ocean planets poses a great scientific interest."
"What I've not heard until recently is that some scientists take this simulation seriously."
"If we find something, this is going to be the most studied rock in human history."
"These unusual exoplanets draw the attention of the entire scientific community."
"Plastics ended up being much more complex and interesting than I thought."
"Mankind is about to discover extraterrestrial life."
"What Enceladus lacks in size, it more than makes up for in being utterly badass."
"Prince Frederick has an interest in scientific research, climate change, and sustainability."
"The UFO problem, far from being the nonsense problem that it often has been labeled... constitutes a problem of extraordinary scientific interest." - James McDonald
"Psychedelics can be truly stunning I think in terms of their effects and the way I just just you know to say the surprise doesn't doesn't come close it's just stunned you know I just didn't know that that was possible."
"Honestly, in the last few years of making videos pretty much daily I have never seen so much excitement and so much overwhelming interest in any kind of a scientific field until now."
"The ISS regularly broadcasts live video footage from the space station, where those of us on Earth can see all of the exciting things going on among the stars."
"Europa immediately shoots to the top of the list for places that scientists want to explore."
"In the desolate deserts of Namibia a unique natural phenomenon known as fairy circles captivates scientists and tourists alike."
"People really want to embrace the quantum model of reality and begin to look at how they can apply it to their lives."
"Interferons are so cool because they interfere with viral replication."
"But what we really care about is not just life, okay, it's fine we find a planet full of you know bacteria or viruses that's not terribly interesting what we want is intelligent life."
"The aftermath of the Pentagon's disclosure was met with a tidal wave of reactions not just from the public and the scientific community but from the very echelons of governmental power."
"There's hardly anything more bizarre in space than black holes."
"The big void is a mystery, but it's there, 40 meters long and according to Morishima, it looks to have a roughly four-meter square profile."
"The Alaskan wood frog's remarkable survival strategy not only captivates the scientific community but also provides insights into the incredible ways in which nature adapts to extreme conditions."
"This ability to withstand phenomenal heat coupled with its unique appearance earned it the name pyrococcus, which is Greek for fireball."
"The Leader could be probably working on these experiments because he's all about that gamma stuff. So, maybe we'll see The Leader in What If? That'd be dope."
"Psychedelics are once again on the verge of taking the scientific and recreational world by storm."
"There is an area of ocean containing what is referred to as the most ancient water on Earth."
"Black holes are fascinating objects to study as they are the most extreme environments in the universe."
"Apophis is heading our way. It's no surprise to NASA or to prophecy watchers. As we get closer to that event, it's more important than ever that we warn the world of the things that are coming."
"Alien civilizations have long fascinated scientists as well as the general public."
"Lake Vostok's unique ecosystem survived for hundreds of thousands of years without light."
"I love being able to help, but I enjoy the science portion of it as well."
"From the moment of its discovery, the mystery of Oumuamua has only deepened."
"Venus, the hottest planet in the solar system, with temperatures hot enough to melt lead."
"This giant prehistoric rat is one of the strangest things recently discovered in Brazil."
"Triton immediately attracted the attention of the scientific Community because of its differences."
"It's hydrophobic enough that all it wants to touch is itself."
"Earth has a number of different features that make it truly unique in our solar system."
"There is still a lot of interest in exploring the Mariana Trench."
"For us, talk of lava oceans, regolith forming micrometeorites, and giant impacts will never diminish the fascination and romance of our mysterious neighbor world, the Moon."
"Helium is really special. This inert property means that it can get through materials. It sort of travels, even through metals."
"The venom it delivers may well be the fastest acting and drop for drop one of the deadliest known against people."
"Descriptions of ball lightning vary quite drastically but for the most part people who have reported citing it have reported that it moves sporadically side to side up and down and generally unpredictable trajectories."
"Soul is something that our brain, mind, Consciousness, science is most interested in."
"Water lies at the heart of our weather, but not just as rain."
"I think there's a lot going on under the ground here and I just wish we could someone could scan it properly and we could put the issue to bed."
"SCP-1027 closely resembles a central nervous system of a human."
"Viruses are one of the coolest things in the whole world."
"It's all for Education, safety, and of course science."
"Pluto is covered in amazing ice volcanoes unlike anything else we have in our solar system."
"Saturn's moon Enceladus has long been a subject of fascination for scientists and astronomers."
"Graphene is an extraordinary material for a number of reasons."
"You've got liquid water, you've got hydrogen gas, you've got complex organic molecules."
"The power storage coils with their fields of intense dead blackness interested the physicist immensely."
"It's nice to have these interesting biomarkers for potential planets to go and explore."
"The thing that's particularly interesting about multi-computation is that when you have an observer observing this multi-computational process, you end up being able to have kind of predictive things you can say."
"Water is one of the most interesting substances on earth."
"I was fascinated by the action of light."
"There were a few of these skulls enough for people to realize that this wasn't just some one-off crossbreed but possibly a whole new species."
"The question of Antarctica's past and its secrets continue to captivate scientists and explorers."
"Her continued rule has surprised scientists and given them the opportunity to observe how monkey society functions under a matriarchy."
"Magnetic fields happen to be my favorite thing to talk about."
"...we are interested in a whole gamut of research that could help advance our understanding of the potential of psychedelic drugs for therapeutics."
"Research is exciting, it's very little math."
"Surface plasmon resonance is interesting and useful."
"There's got to be a ton of scientific interest in this, right?"
"Interest and advances into space are once more gaining momentum."
"The trajectory we see with Alzheimer's disease is so disheartening, and yet when you start to look at the data just in the past couple of years, this is becoming an area of intense interest."
"This pattern appears in evolution actually, which is really fascinating."
"The magellanic current is of interest to scientists who study it to better understand the interaction of high-speed clouds and our galaxy."
"The younger dras period presents a fascinating chapter in Earth's history."
"I'm great at inventing stuff and I'm really interested in science."
"It sparked an era of intense scientific and public interest that became known as dinosaur mania."
"I think scientifically it's very interesting to know what these changes are doing and why they're arising."
"Great interest is to be attributed to this atom model."
"Lobsters are self-regenerating, so that's why scientists are fascinated with them."
"A gene is going to be interesting if it's differentially expressed in one condition versus another."
"We have a lot of biological data for their purpose; biologists are interested in how biological systems work."