
Rainbows Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I've always been just wildly fascinated with rainbows."
"Rainbows are so beautiful and weird and rare it is not hard to imagine why most primitive societies would interpret them as a message from god."
"The rainbow flag also had to compete with an older understanding of what rainbows symbolized in American culture."
"Rainbows play a huge role in art, music, movies, literature, and social movements..."
"Full circle rainbow: one of the most rare and whimsical natural phenomena in the world."
"I'm obsessed with rainbows and will use any excuse I can."
"Rainbows always pop up in readings for you, indicating that the sun will come out and love has not given up on you."
"The elusive Rainbow can be seen on the next sunny day following one that had previously been rainy, visit your waterfall and over the top of it, a rainbow can be seen."
"Rainbows get all their different colors when sunlight shines through water, bending the light and separating it into all the colors of the rainbow."
"Rainbows are great because it has been raining for like four straight days here in LA."
"Who doesn't love rainbows? The sky just decides to be a work of art one day - imagine the first person who ever saw a rainbow, what would you even think was happening?"
"Rainbows don't happen every day, but they're so beautiful with so many colors, and well, I just got to know why can't I see a rainbow every day?"
"Titan is the only other world in the solar system on which rainbows might be observed."
"Capturing rainbows with a large format camera isn't the easiest task to complete, but when you do, the results can be quite spectacular."
"Rainbow in the land of rainbows and whiskey, couldn't be a better place."
"Rainbows are real, they're a reflection of fragments of light."
"When it rains, look for rainbows, and when it's dark, look for stars."
"Look for rainbows, that's what I'm trying to do right now."
"So we look for rainbows in our lives."
"A rainbow, it's so colorful, I love rainbows."
"Light shines through a bunch of water molecules, and then it creates a rainbow."
"The rainbows are mind-blowing, they are absolutely mind-blowing."
"When waves enter areas of higher density, they tend to refract, and that's the reason why you get rainbows."
"I really like rainbows, I think they're really cute."
"Rainbows are everywhere at the moment, you see them for all kinds of positive things."
"Rainbows make me happy; we can all use some more rainbows in our lives."
"I love the rainbows and unicorns so much."
"It's weird because it's sunny but it's raining... that's how rainbows are created."
"Have you ever seen double rainbows? Look ahead here, two rainbows."
"The reason why rainbows appear in seven different colors is because sunlight passes through water droplets in the air."
"Nature produces two bows: one is called the primary, and the other is called the secondary."
"A rainbow is the most common example of dispersion."
"Rainbows are observed due to the interaction of sunlight with water droplets suspended in air."
"You create rainbows all around you."
"Rainbows are incredible; there's so much that you can do with a rainbow."
"It casts all these gorgeous rainbows all around the room here in the mornings."
"What's your favorite thing about watering plants? Because he makes rainbows."
"By understanding the physics of rainbows using only the basic tools of geometry and imagination, the experience of seeing a rainbow is enhanced, not diminished."
"Nothing goes together like cats and rainbows."
"You can turn the rain into rainbows."
"When there is a rainbow, I will imagine the dancing grannies dancing along its lines."
"I have a couple of sun catchers here in my house and they're my favorite things in the whole world because they just fill your house with rainbows."
"God also made rainbows to remind us of his promise, that the rain will always stop, and that the sun will come out again."
"Who doesn't like rainbows? No one doesn't like rainbows."
"I love everything about cupcakes and I love rainbows."
"We saw the prettiest rainbows of our whole entire life."
"I can't help myself, I was obsessed with rainbows last week."
"There are so many songs about rainbows."