
Personal Fitness Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"If you're losing weight and fat just fine without any kind of formal cardio, there's no need for formal cardio of any kind."
"The point that I'm trying to say here is that the factor which is going to decide whether or not you're a hard gainer...is your appetite."
"I'm in the best shape of my life physically."
"When I prepare my body, my mind gets ready too."
"Be wary of the folks who tell you there's only one real goal and only one way to get there."
"I love my Peloton anytime I'm feeling like [__] or whatever I just go get on."
"God is going to put you in the shape you are supposed to be in."
"He obviously like knows how to suffer he knows how to get in shape and he looks good."
"Never tell yourself no matter what shape you're in but something's impossible for you."
"Education is so essential; you have to be educated on fitness and health to become more fit and more healthy."
"Fitness has a different definition to everyone... find the things that you really enjoy doing."
"I'm in love with my Whoop, you guys see it on me every day."
"I just decided that I'm going to do Whitney Simmons' ab one workout."
"I love the convenience of working out at home."
"Pick the ones that work best for you and make your stimulus to fatigue ratio as high as it can possibly be."
"Larry McNabney, cut a striking figure, six foot tall, about 200 pounds, but very fit, and women loved him."
"You have to find what works best for you. That's the beauty of it."
"Exercise like a real bad ass for maximum intensity."
"There's not one exact workout program that works for everyone."
"It's like you're doing a workout... but you're 6'1 and A2."
"A set's intensity doesn't matter how big you are or how much weight you're lifting, it just matters how much you're pushing yourself."
"There is no best split... What's important is that you find a workout split you enjoy that fits your goals and lifestyle."
"Working out alone is the greatest thing ever. You don't have to wipe down a chair."
"Your routine can have basic frameworks, but you've got to adjust based on how your body responds."
"Those three months, I was the most fit and health conscious."
"I just try to make sure I break a sweat every single time, which tells me I'm challenging myself."
"This whole freaking workout took 12 minutes maybe 14 15 minutes if you include the break in between I had a sip of water I wanted to say that the whole training session today took 15 minutes because of all the other things that I just mentioned."
"I'm trying to get in the best shape of my life currently."
"I'm starting a nine-week training program building up to a half marathon."
"When the CIA is literally trying to kill your whole family, Fitness is important guys."
"I cannot express enough how amazing it feels to get in your workouts, so get it in!"
"We're focusing on your fitness, your health, and your well-being."
"Your workout, you don't have to keep up with anyone, you don't have to do it a certain way, if you need to modify, it's your workout, okay?"
"Forget the scale for now... focus on how your pants feel."
"I'm gonna get swole like I do in real life, right?"
"You know, as long as you do whatever feels good to you and as long as you load up the machine or the movement with a solid amount of weight, you really push yourself, you finish the lift with a freaking solid pump. What else can you ask for?"
"Your perfect workout looks like your perfect workout."
"Everybody loses weight differently. Never copy someone else because their program might not work for you and vice versa."
"You know that's something I always say, it's your workout."
"I was just feeling good about myself, you know, like, sometimes when you wake up and you're like, 'Today is it,' like, the sun hit me like, my bed is by my window and I was like, 'Shoulders are looking good, way to go, Torres, you've been hitting the gym.'"
"Be where you are today, work to your level and be challenged."
"I'm in the best shape that I've ever been in at 34, and I love it."
"Listen to your body and work to your own fitness level."
"Listening to your body is the best way to find what level of exercise is just right for you."
"I just feel like I'm so happy when I run."
"Whatever gets you moving, that's what's probably going to work for you."
"All that matters is that you're moving and making it work for you."
"If I'm really fit and feeling good, I can beat any of them."
"The best time to do cardio is the time that you can do it."
"Don't worry about me or anybody else, move safely and effectively, but you do you."
"Personal fitness isn't just about competing with other people."
"If you're someone that's doing deadlifts and you're not feeling it in your entire back, maybe they're not for you, try something different."
"Work hard, work to the fitness level that is specific to you and what you have talked about with your doctor."
"Personal Fitness shouldn't be about competing with other people; what you want is something that's going to work just for you."
"I always have the best workouts when I do that, so that's what I'm going to continue doing."
"Work to your level, listen to your body, challenge yourself."
"Be where you are today; it is your workout, so I want you to be challenged but in a way that is good for you."
"This is your workout, you do you. I'm just happy you're here."
"Whatever gets you in the gym is the right thing for that person."
"It's good to think about why am I exercising, what is motivating me to exercise."
"It's all about modifying to fit what you can do today, listen to your body."
"Your workout is your workout. That you should do it at your pace, that you should feel good about what you are doing."
"Consistency doesn't mean an hour of workout every day; it could mean a 5-minute workout one day and a 50-minute workout the next day."
"I want you to be where you are today. It is your workout, so you do you."
"I've always been an advocate for that: find something that works for you and keep being consistent with doing that."
"Everybody's body is so, so, so, so different. What's going to work for somebody is not going to work for you, and what's going to work for you is not going to work for somebody."
"I implemented becoming vegan around 2013 to 14 just to make sure that I would never not be in my best shape."
"I wanted to just go into the gym and find a way to have a very tailored program to me and my body."
"Fitness does not have to look a certain way; your fitness day does not have to look like mine."