
Personal Attacks Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We have reached a point in society where it is so polarized that we can't meet in the middle to have these conversations without destroying each other personally."
"Imagine if people made up lies about you, and they attack you based on those lies, and they don't know the real you."
"Being able to disagree with someone without it being some sort of like a personal attack just doesn't exist anymore."
"You don't get to take away someone's humanity and attack them for who they are in order to just win points in a debate."
"Someone's saying something awful to you or about you says a lot more about them and what they're going through than it does about you."
"It's so personal, the criticism is all personal."
"They accuse me of being a dictator, a homophobic man, a racist person. Anything goes for them basically."
"The media wrote article after article attacking me... simply because I was black."
"That's why the Left haisa that's why they attack me times I tell the truth not things they don't like."
"Those guys don't just want to beat you they want to destroy you they want to make you disappear."
"Her courage, her resilience in the face of horrible and unfounded attacks upon her and her family has been so inspiring to all of us."
"These deliberate and directed attacks continue to be carried out against Miss Remini and those within her family as well as against her professional and social network by a multitude of individuals both within or hired by Scientology."
"I get attacked all the time from every different angle."
"I've been attacked by cheesy, I've been attacked by junk, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"An attack on the family, it does feel very true."
"Comments that are extremely targeted, that are targeted at my appearance, my personality, that try to attack my moral character."
"You're literally doing your career as an only. You can't be talking sh."
"There is a line we should not cross, talking about someone's father, talking about somebody's children, talking about political issues you have no business talking about."
"People try to insult me, they don't know me. They would say, 'Haha, you're bald.' But true friends cut deep with, 'You work so much because you're worried that one day people are gonna discover the fact that you're actually not that talented.'"
"All attacks on somebody's record are dark and personal if you're attacking a socialist." - Ben Shapiro
"There's no need to try and destroy her character."
"The worst thing anyone's ever said to me is that they say, 'I looked up your bio and see that your mom died of dementia. You're dying of dementia too.' Sweet, sweet people."
"Salange is like a bed bug to Jay-Z. She won't take her stilettos off his neck."
"Criticize his shitty politics, not his weight, speech, or posture."
"A fool tends to thrive on personal attacks, attacking people that they don't like, attacking people specifically that they may be jealous or envious of."
"Frank Shamrock is an irrelevant jackass, okay? You're a two-faced lying chump. That's what you are, Frank Shamrock." - Dana White
"These people attacked me, yeah, and then the problem is right, they hype up everything."
"Gene contacting a total stranger to completely assassinate your character to her is severely dangerous behavior that needs to be burnt down to its roots."
"It's disgusting because when they've done that they were watching the channel and they've also done it knowing that that's gonna get people sending threats to me calling me a rapist apologizer and all sorts of stuff."
"That's when it gets ignorant, where it's like, 'Oh, like that's why your mama died from an overdose'."
"I feel like most edgy humor is depersonalized, but when you direct something like that at a specific individual, it kind of detracts from the comedic nature of it and people interpret it much more as an attack."
"Trump is a fighter, he'll call people names, he'll insult people, he'll make up nicknames."
"You've lost whatever argument you just were having by calling that person evil or by calling them stupid or resorting to an ad hominem attack."
"It's good to respectfully disagree with someone's opinion, attacking them personally is wrong."
"We should focus on attacking the argument and not the person."
"When someone attacks from a place of jealousy and hate, they're only setting themselves up for a fall. Their actions will backfire, and they'll regret it."
"If you disagree with him, that just shows what a [__] you are."
"Here is a guy who Donald Trump attacked, said his father assassinated JFK and called his wife ugly by tweet."
"People tried to poison my dogs because of that relationship." - "Life has a way of whatever you deserve you'll ultimately get."
"I could go at it with somebody with politics and civil discourse... without a personal attack."
"Stop all that crap trying to ruin people's careers because you at home miserable and broke."
"Whenever they divert and go personal, they've already lost."
"The second anybody steps into a realm where it's like not about the politics and the policy and it's more about casting personal aspersions or talking about somebody's private life, nah now you lost me and now you're an [ __ ]."
"If people actually attack you personally rather than the argument then they're really not worth bothering with."
"Samoa Joe had a personal vendetta against AJ Styles, consistently teasing him for being a bad father, a bad husband, and someone who just didn't care about his family."
"I'm human. I have feelings. I have a heart. To hear someone say horrible things about me, it kills me every time."
"When people's facts cannot support the narrative that they want to tell about you, they go straight for your character."
"I don't return personal attacks... it's disrespecting my audience."