
Ambitions Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The one thing I didn't want, the CMAs and the music award shows, all that stuff, that was just a place to show up and get some... get promoted, and be relevant. The couple things I really wanted was to someday stand up there and accept a nomination into the Hall of Fame as a songwriter."
"Life is crazy. Have ambitions, guys, but just don't forget to enjoy life."
"This revelation...triggered a massive backlash against Russia's ambitions."
"The Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big."
"I honestly just want to stay level-headed and just keep getting bigger."
"‘YouTuber’ is now regularly ranked as one of kids’ top dream jobs."
"Instead of winning a nobel prize she wanted oscars. She turned out all right."
"Like, I don't want to be the person who peaked in high school."
"The things you want, the things you want to do, the things you want to start, they're not crazy."
"I always grew up wanting to be a YouTuber... but I also recognize, like, 'Hey, you're probably not going to be a YouTuber.'"
"Let's talk to Stan. Obviously just to make the final table is like a goal and a dream of mine and I'm just elated to be here."
"Beto's brooding and privileged past didn't stop him from aspiring to the presidency. From punk rocker to politician, he's now vying for the highest office in the land."
"Just go after your dreams and you can achieve your dreams."
"He started his tenure with a win last month and hopes this group of players can return Serbia to the finals in 2025."
"Michael Jackson wanting to own the rights to Spider-Man."
"I do want winning mentality, I do want good football, and I do want that consistency."
"I wanted to be successful, famous, and for doing something to do with comedy."
"Set your intentions high... take steps towards what you truly want to experience."
"You should aim to own Britain the low countries France Italy the maghreb and Iberia over in Europe that's a solid little goal right there."
"Quake Champions was aiming to be everything the competitive Quake community wanted and then some."
"I'm trying to get better and better. I want my album to sell 250,000, 300,000, shit like that."
"This is gonna be probably the biggest baddest most epic vlog to date."
"We all have dreams and goals and wants. My dreams and goals and wants have never been to relax while I can still do."
"Our goal is to be billionaires, and so I want to be a billionaire. Tom wants to be it for selfish reasons. I want to do it so I can help children."
"Dreams we all have them some dream of achieving superstardom whereas some simply dream of being the most subscribed channel on YouTube we can."
"We want to build castles on solid foundations."
"You can do whatever you want to do, chase your dreams."
"Before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger, but more importantly than anything, of course, seriously if we could just see the download of your dreams just once..."
"Having proven he could hit big targets, Bin Laden’s next goal was to sink a US ship."
"You want it all with this person, you want to feed into this, you want to build an empire with this person."
"Brain is a little more pissed off that in 20 years he hasn't managed to take over the world."
"I want to be someone who's like Seth Rogan, who's known for lots of amazing things."
"I just want to see myself more involved in things outside of sports. I know I call myself Overtime Megan, but there's so much more going on in the world."
"It's never too late to pursue a career goal."
"He's saying I'm not going to let you start off at the bottom and work your way up to the top because your mine."
"In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
"Putin came to the point of completely losing first his Ukrainian Dreams and then the Empire of power he had been trying to build for many years."
"Every 21-year-old in the world has delusions of grandeur."
"Of course I want to get better at chess. It would be nice to get the GM title someday, but realistically, it's very difficult to achieve."
"They want to be because through all of this destruction they want the lessons, they want to have Big Dreams."
"If we get a positive result here, we're definitely in the hunt for the top four."
"Win fat stacks, maybe a mansion, and help kids along the way."
"Sport and football are inherently romantic and about having ridiculous ambitions."
"My main goal for this year is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody."
"I want to have be the most well-known martial arts instructor for the world."
"People grow, people change, people have different ambitions."
"Expect the climb to be hard, but expect it to be worth it."
"Youtubers want to be CEOs and CEOs want to be Youtubers."
"It kind of gives you some insight into what else the other ambitions are."
"Hopefully, I'll be on a TV show or in a movie doing superhero stuff or action."
"Your long-term wishes dreams goals desires ambitions will slowly start getting realized."
"We want to grow this channel and we want to keep doing bigger and better things."
"Sleeping Dogs never feels like it has delusions of grandeur or is trying to be anything other than a tightly crafted narrative experience."
"Everybody goes to LA to be famous, but forgets what they went there for: [ __ ] comedy."
"Anything is possible like I'm a YouTuber and I want to do an MMA fight."
"Be cautious of people who just come out of nowhere and just want to run for the highest possible office."
"He's already the most legendary EU player ever in League of Legends, and he is going for all the [__] marbles."
"I'm gonna go back better than I was before I left, a better person, more successful, better position."
"Don't let yourself be held back by your problems, let your ambitions push you forward"
"Saki kept on wondering if she could be around important people like the duke or if she could get to the town and meet a lot of people."
"Fulfilling her dreams and Ambitions was the only way to true happiness."
"It is going to be a promising month for your career goals, ambitions, and aspirations."
"Kids that grow up in little towns don't usually have big dreams."
"How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature."
"Fry's life was shown to be a dead end with little to no prospects while being frozen was the best possible thing for his Ambitions."
"Many of us anglers dream of owning their own fishery. I mean let's be honest, who wouldn't like waking up to a view like this every morning?"
"What is something you want to do that you haven't done in your career yet?"
"You only get one shot at life. I'm not just trying to lock myself into this gun thing. I want to do everything, man."
"Women like guys with goals and ambitions."
"It's wrong to penalize me for [expensive ambitions]... the distinction between personality and circumstances is illegitimate."
"I think I enjoy acting because you get to do so many things at once. I remember being in school and someone saying, you know, what do you want to do? And I was like, I don't know, there's so much I want to do, I want to do it all."
"This might be all you want to do, you might want to just kind of leave it here."
"A huge awakening energy to do with your aims and ambitions and your goals."
"I think one of the key benefits is that they encourage us... to admit and be honest about our causal aims and our causal ambitions."
"I would love to be a general interviewer you know of people beyond religion and Beyond mormonism that would be a real dream always been."
"I've got loads of goals; I want to read more, I want to learn to play the piano, I want to do so much stuff, there's not enough hours in the day."
"The key to a long life is to have realistic ambitions."
"I want to make sure that my wife can pursue any side dreams that she might have or any ambitions or goals that she might have."
"You outgrow your goals, you outgrow the things that you once wanted."
"I'm in charge of my life, everything I am, and everything I want to be."
"He'd never expected much from life. What he'd ever really wanted was to be a soft metal guitar icon, thrashing out rock anthems all night to half a million fanatical hero-worshipers."
"People find themselves living out the unfulfilled ambitions of their parents or their grandparents."