
Public Understanding Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"The view of science and scientists, what they're saying to us."
"His majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world affected by cancer."
"I feel a duty as a physicist to try to guide people round the claptrap and help people understand the actions that really make a difference."
"Regression to the mean is one I wish more people understood."
"We've got to do a much better job in communicating science to the public."
"The world would be very well-served by a whole load of people who are really good at science communication, people who understand the science but can also explain it in a way that the general public can understand."
"Good science communication is about demystifying and explaining, not inciting fear or sensationalism."
"I hear 'woke', woke, you know, it's like just a term that half the people can't even define it, they don't know what it is."
"We probably do need to find some sort of way of getting better access towards more information so as to make sure that people have a better understanding of the world that we live in."
"I know why people don't write about this very often because it's it's hard to figure out how to relay this so that people can digest it."
"The overwhelming majority of people understand that there are boundaries to free speech."
"Economics is not a science without a conviction that the average man, woman, even older child can grasp the basics of economics."
"I'm more interested in bringing the vast majority of people in the middle who don't really understand what's going on."
"Science communicators are incredibly important, sometimes more than the scientists themselves."
"I am NOT a dietician, pediatrician, a scientist, nor am I a statistician. However, this study is really, really simple, and I think pretty much anyone can read through it and understand it."
"But I think it's really clear in one point that the American people understand very clearly, they understand that there should be an end to discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions."
"Misinformation spreads because people lack the necessary tools to contextualize."
"You may not understand what we're doing, but you will, and we're here defending your rights as well as our own rights. That's all it is."
"She will strive to ensure that everyone understands why she made a decision, what the law is, and what it means to them."
"Those crazy theories about 5G and vaccines, I don't even know what the substance of the theories are."
"Millions of Americans understood that you need relief. You are owed a stimulus check."
"People who actually do like science aren't just going to take your word. You have to show whether you're right."
"It's out in the open, but it's complex and people just don't see how it works."
"No one's gonna cover it, it's too complicated for people to really digest."
"There's been so much misinformation surrounding it."
"Some of us just need to be hit with the facts, science perspective."
"This is a proven business model that so many people are following, but most people just don't understand it."
"Part of what we have to do is really understand the economic frustration that people have right now."
"If things change, it doesn't mean the scientists don't know what the hell they're talking about. It means at that time, that was the known understanding."
"You don't get it because we're not epidemiologists, but that doesn't mean it's untrustworthy inherently."
"This is news, and if people don't understand that, that's not my problem."
"People had no concept of pandemic, they believed it wouldn't happen because it was unimaginable."
"I don't think the average American gets it, to be fair. I think the average person who watches a show like this gets it a little bit better and all of the military veterans get it 100%."
"Why are they talking about the most basic part of science?"
"People understand why there's been some openness and transparency."
"The average person online... they're just not going to know what to do because people are not good under pressure."
"AI is a very overloaded term that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people."
"The discipline of writing for the general reader actually improves the way we communicate to others."
"What are those topics that you know a lot about that most people don't understand or don't even care about?"
"We are the place for insight, philosophical analysis, historical analysis, diving deeper, and explaining what's happening in our country in ways that everyone can understand."
"It's hard to describe to people that aren't aware of what's going on of how wild this stuff has gotten."
"People are going to be screwed worse than they understand because most people have trouble believing such heinous financial crimes."
"Remember that even the scientists are saying that the science behind skincare is not as black and white as people like to make out to be."
"People are smart enough to know when people have said 'defund the police,' they mean shifting of resources."
"There are real real issues there, there are millions of Americans who are suffering they think because of our trade policies a bunch of us haven't done a very good job explaining why the wonders of the world economy help any of them."
"The Foucault Pendulum quickly dispelled any lingering doubts the public might have had about the rotation of the planet beneath their feet."
"People understand more that artists want to be compensated for their work."
"The overwhelming majority of people don't understand certain principles about supply and demand."
"We're secular humanists but in a very out and proud way, because that will help other people understand what we are and what we value."
"A greater understanding of these implants would undoubtedly benefit us all."
"I think it's important to explain to the American people ... two very different Futures."
"Bernie Sanders, you know who he is, you know what he stands for."
"I think if the average citizen understood economics as well as it was understood by economists 200 years ago, most of the nonsense is done in Washington would be impossible politically."
"We need government agencies to help us understand what is factually incorrect or factually correct."
"The only way to make science really true to the public is to try to make transparent how we think about science as a process."
"Science is not an exact science at the end of the day."
"Science is an absolutely essential foundation, and it behooves all of us who are involved with science to do everything we can to communicate the science clearly."
"If you get a group that says their name is Black Lives Matter, and a regular person can understand the distinction between that doesn't literally mean they think that."
"I genuinely feel like people, for their own sake, need to understand what Islam is."
"It seems to me that the idea that slavery is something obscure to a critical mass of people squares more with the way things were in the 70s and into the 80s than they are now."
"I'm not sure why we need it... I'm not sure that in order for black people to overcome, all Americans need to understand what we've been through."
"It's about giving people an alternative explanation to problems they don't understand."
"I wish that people more people understood the gravity of what's going on."
"It's nice to make people feel like I'm not this isn't abnormal this is something that a lot of people deal with and it's not something to be ashamed of it's just part of life."
"Listen to your body. When you hit those walls, take a break. People understand. No one's gonna look at you any different."
"It's a very simple thing to do, people understand it, it's free."
"When they say movie opens Friday, what that really means is Thursday night at 7 or 8 o'clock." - John
"My job right now is just to try to get everyone to understand why what this guy did was really cool and I do that and I get out."
"People need zingers, they need to instantly grasp and understand the arguments."
"If there's anybody in the world who shouldn't be confused by the world it's scientists. Their whole job is to make sense of the stuff that fools like us can't comprehend."
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"The scientific consensus on this is about as strong as it is for climate change, but then again Jordan doesn't really believe in that either."
"The fact that we could reach out to even a bigger group of people, I just don't think many people outside of us understand what AI day is."
"What we care about is that people see and understand."
"It's pretty clear overall people are starting to understand Tesla a little bit more than they did just a few years ago."
"Coinbase is like the marijuana of the crypto space for laymen."
"Science is supposed to tell us what we need to know rather than what we want to hear."
"Everyone understands the gravity of those words, you know, atomic bomb, but very few people understand the similar weight behind the term cyber weapon."
"Remember top lane bows dropper equals farm equals win."
"Trending means trending. Everyone knows what the [ __ ] trending means."
"We're judged, do people understand what we do?"
"I feel like this is a special example where people in the United States should look at this situation, kind of understand what's going on here..."
"We need to build new tech and New Media to make sure the people understood what was going on."
"Obviously, obviously coronavirus is a bad thing but I do like political stories that go on for a long time because what it means is that everyone actually has a chance to understand what the fuck is going on."
"I just wanted to come to lay some stuff at the feet because I don't think people understand how we got here over the course of five years and the importance of this moment."
"Laws are made for the people, people should be able to understand it."
"We can put factual based information back into the mainstream...so people understand what's there."
"People need to understand the severity of what happened here."
"The British people understood very distinctly the significance of sovereignty."
"This is why they are bombarded constantly with people who either don't understand or are deliberately lying to them about what is a free speech issue."
"We're going to demystify it a little bit for people today."
"Lower healthcare costs - we get it. We understand."
"Instead of accepting and manipulating the common sense of the current society... we must develop the good sense of the masses of people."
"We need a town hall, I think we got to get to our understanding."
"I do my best to simplify things that are very, very complicated so that we can all have more of an understanding of how our government and how the systems of our country actually work."
"I've been trying to translate politics into terms that the average person can mess with and understand."
"I think that's a marvelous testament to the fact that people can understand the issues, and when they understand the issues, they go out and make intelligent choices."
"Give content creators and influencers a chance sometimes. We are only human."
"I'm definitely not anti-science or innovation, I just want people to understand the risks."
"So I think there's a marketing asymmetry around that I I think a lot of people don't understand where energy comes from."
"Compartmentalize inflation, it's the hardest thing for people to understand."
"How in the world can everyday people make sense of this?"
"My main aim is to explain this to the general public, so that everyone actually understands."
"Until we can get that right, until academics can start talking to a public and have them understand what the different parts of the machine moving actually do and why certain people get voiced and certain people don't, anti-racism is a figment of our imagination."
"The important thing for economists to get across to the public is not something that we know because we've gone out and run econometric time series analyses."
"While science has gone forward, public understanding has gone backwards."
"The vaccine manufacturers never claimed their vaccines could stop or slow the spread."
"Why can't we see what's happening? And the truth is, regardless of why the cameras are there and what the nature of the case is, the more Americans that see our system working, the more they'll understand it, the more they'll appreciate it."
"We have the power to influence how people understand the world around us through data visualization."
"What does concern me... is that people don't have a very good understanding of what the court does."
"He has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."
"It's important for people to understand and not be afraid."
"If you can't explain what you're doing to the bus driver, there's probably a problem with what you're doing."
"We should be suspicious of claims that the matter of a particular discipline is too complex for general understanding by the public."
"We have at least intuitively nicely illustrated the difficulties of educating the public about statistics."
"An artist statement is able to be understandable by the average person, it does make a difference."
"I wish we'd explained that to people at the beginning because they got disappointed six months later."
"I think public understanding is the greatest accountability against special interest capture."
"This project was trying to get a simple view, an easily understood view, of what the current excitement around AI means."
"I love the idea of democracy but for it to flourish people have to have a good understanding of what's actually happening in the world."
"I think it actually matters quite a bit for the public understanding of what the solar system is."