
Parental Joy Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Seeing your own kid just smile with what you fed them is the greatest feeling."
"I'm feeling incredibly lucky to be able to see my team graduate high school today and sad for those parents who had this day unfairly ripped away from them."
"Daniel suddenly got to see his kids all the time; he was so excited and happy."
"The only thing that really makes me happy is watching her doing something and enjoying something or progressing at something uh competing at something you know it's fun."
"It's the only job that pays in smiles and laughs, hugs and kisses. And it's enough. That's it for me. I'm good."
"She's so healthy, she's so beautiful and sweet and cute and all of that stuff."
"Children enhance you, they make you see things in the world that you would never see with your adult eyes."
"He was planned, my wife and I tried to get pregnant and rejoiced when he was born. He was wanted and loved."
"Each day's a gift, you know. I feel that with my kid."
"It was heartwarming to see how excited the father was for the arrival of his daughter."
"Life literally is incomprehensible without [a child], and I don't regret the time before."
"The joy that i felt for jody's parents um just taking that 11 years of anguish and being able to offer some relief."
"I'm just so excited cuz I'm not going to lie guys when I first got pregnant I wanted a baby girl because of course you know I already have my little boy."
"And you're about to be a father. One of the best things about being a father is having stories to tell your baby."
"A child to me now is always a reason to celebrate life."
"A real joy in life is doing something for your kids." - Joseph P. Kennedy II
"Your kids make you happy, but he is so amazing."
"27 hours of labor was worth it because when I shake my baby's chunky leg and go ring ring ring, and then put his fat cannoli foot to my ear and say hello, he laughed so hard he barfs a moon dressed like."
"I have no greater joy than my children walk in truth."
"I'm just so excited to see my boys in shin guards kicking a soccer ball around or heck like doing gymnastics."
"I'm grateful for my daughter... she's given me so much purpose."
"There's no greater feeling of accomplishment than just my baby smiling at me."
"I am, there's really no feeling like seeing your daughter become a bride."
"Well, that's like having children and seeing them in the Olympics."
"Thinking about raising this child with you is making me so happy; you'll be the perfect father, and of course, I'll be the perfect mother as well."
"As parents, there's nothing more gratifying than our son's happiness."
"There is nothing to describe that feeling when your child freaks out over seeing you."
"You are my son, my only son; I find pleasure in you, you are my joy."
"You're gonna love your jumparoo soon, aren't you?"
"The reward is watching him grow, watching him learn, watching him discover new things."
"We are so blessed and I can't tell you how many times people have told us 'Oh, kids are so lucky to have you guys as their parents' and all I can say is wow, actually we feel that we are the lucky ones."
"Seeing the world anew through their eyes, everything is so exciting."
"I am so grateful to God that he blessed me with children because the joy that I get to see in their faces... it makes everything worth it."
"If my children are happy, then I'm happy."
"My dad would be over the moon to see it."
"We as parents are very happy and feel less stressed ourselves."
"I'm just so grateful that I get to be their mom and I get to witness them growing up into such kind, compassionate, joyful people that are going to make such a difference in this world."
"There's no greater joy than to see our kids get it and go for it, loving the Lord, serving the Lord, walking with the Lord."
"I get more satisfaction just seeing the kids happy than getting presents on my own."
"What's the greatest joy for parents? When they see that their siblings really get along with each other."
"What makes my son happy, makes me happy."
"Having the kids be able to go different places and see different places for me is a blessing."
"Just staring at the baby makes me so happy."
"The greatest enjoyment is to be able to be out here on this type of run and your child is right there with you."
"Lord, I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth."
"I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth."
"There's no joy like seeing your kid happy."
"Seeing my kids happy and independent, that made me happy."
"Your child is supposed to bring that smile to your face, that your child is supposed to make you change everything."
"There's no better feeling, there's not enough money in the world, than when my daughter comes running out that classroom to say that she loves her dad."
"You lifted the baby up, and you saw him take his first breath, fighting for his place in this world."
"It's so awesome, a great gift for parents too."