
Mercury Retrograde Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"During Mercury retrograde, revisit old projects or ideas to potentially correct mistakes and improve systems."
"Mercury retrograde is known to be bad cause communication mishaps, cause travel delays, and all of that stuff, but Mercury retrograde is actually good because it causes us to really reflect internally about what resonates in our life and what doesn't."
"You still need to be a little careful because mercury is retrograde."
"Mercury is still retrograde...connected to long-term plans, goals, and dreams."
"Mercury retrograde is basically when the mind reprograms itself."
"During Mercury retrograde, they might want you to go back and remember what you've overcome, the things that you've accomplished whenever all this starts coming back."
"Mercury retrograde is always an opportunity to practice enlightened communication."
"Mercury retrograde causes problems with machinery."
"Mercury retrogrades are not bad; they're valuable and important."
"Mercury retrograde in Taurus - a time to create new form and structure."
"Last week is when the energy started to get pretty funky, I felt it actually, in fact, I tape early by the way so the Mercury retrograde I definitely have felt energetically."
"This Mercury retrograde is seeing us through Eclipse season... helping us to revise or indicating reversals of circumstance."
"Steve Jobs completely personifies the meaning of Mercury retrograde, seeing outside of the box, the inventiveness, the ingenuity."
"Mercury's in retrograde in Virgo tomorrow till September 15th."
"Leo, if you've been feeling negative, it is going to subside as mercury goes direct that first week of May. You're going to feel much more positive and able to get things accomplished."
"Mercury retrogrades are magical and they're mysterious and they're purposeful and they're divinely intelligent."
"If you can avoid signing contracts, traveling, launching something, or buying electronics during Mercury retrograde, you'll be fine."
"Mercury retrogrades affect everyone differently, but there are many great things about them."
"Now is the perfect opportunity to start pushing forward because these eclipses this Mercury retrograde as well that is quickly approaching is going to allow for this portal to open for you."
"Mercury retrograde is very much about improving your mental health."
"Try to stay patient. This energy is so important because it rules Mercury going retrograde."
"This Mercury retrograde is putting you into higher alignment with what you truly want, not what you think you had to do."
"I feel like a lot of you are coming out of this Mercury retrograde changed."
"Now that Mercury is direct, you'll be in a much better position to make big decisions."
"There's good news here, the good news here is that during the Mercury retrograde, it's going to give you and this person time to really think about what needs to be fixed in the connection and relationship."
"Welcome to a Mercury retrograde version of our Friday live."
"With the Mercury retrograde trying to this as well, you're able to rise above it to find a deeper meaning in all of it."
"This is a total turnaround; it's got more to do, it's got a lot more to do than just Mercury retrograde."
"I hope this Mercury retrograde is good for you, I hope it's flexible and easy."
"This new moon in Sagittarius happens on the same day that Mercury goes retrograde."
"Hello everybody, thank you for coming to this Mercury special Mercury retrograde session."
"Mercury retrograde is the point where Mercury will bring you out of illusion."
"When Mercury stops retrograde, he starts to move forward, he brings us more clarity."
"When Mercury is going backward, it starts delaying things, unconventional thinking, and you know, enhance intuition."
"Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius which means we have an opportunity to review and reassess."
"Don't try anything special when Mercury retrogrades in your sign."
"Understanding the rules of the Mercury retrograde that are going to govern how you use these eclipse opportunities is going to be very important."
"This Mercury retrograde might actually bring forth a great big change in your life and facilitate a brand new beginning."
"With Mercury retrograde in the fifth conjunct Mars in the fifth, it's actually a nice time to create something kind of cool."