
Space Efficiency Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Use your space wisely; you don't need a massive garden to start learning and pushing ourselves to grow food."
"We were happy with it; we could recommend it if you're in a case that's small enough."
"Multipurpose furniture is a game-changer, especially in a small home."
"I love the digital book so I can keep my area free of the books."
"Surprisingly good kitchen for no bigger than the camper is."
"It's very minimalistic, it doesn't take too much space."
"I love floating nightstands because you're making use of that vertical wall space."
"It looks great honestly for how small this case is."
"Limited living space is frustrating, so anything that serves more than one purpose can be lifesaving."
"Compact machines allow you to store entire rooms of blocks inside a single block."
"This tent is gigantic this is the Denali summit so not only do you have that entire rooftop section but it folds out and doubles in space it's so big it has two letters one and two so you could fit a family of four up here I guess Wow."
"Pocket doors are slick because you're able to put a door and it's concealable."
"There's no question that the biggest selling point for the Fit is, of course, its extraordinarily large interior."
"John and Patricia have done a fantastic job with all Patricia's craft supplies packed away."
"The Durango is smaller than a Chevy Tahoe, but offers more interior room."
"When making a leveling UI we basically want a UI that does the job without taking up too much space while ideally having a cohesive visual style and good UX."
"Our portable stove... completely self-contained unit... expands the use of space in the van."
"The great thing about that is, that gives me an extra 20 inches of living space to work with."
"It really is such a great solution if you are in a place that you cannot put garden beds in."
"You don't need that much space to grow a significant amount of food."
"Using facades, all this wiring is hidden, allowing you to place machines however you want."
"This should be the first time that a truck has a six-foot bed has four doors but can fit in a 20-foot garage."
"The battery pack to power the electric motor of the car's hybrid system is underneath the rear seats so it doesn't actually eat into boot space, which is handy."
"I am a very big fan of the 4680. I am not as big a fan of pouch and prismatic batteries simply because they take a lot of room."
"When you get an open plan design right, you'll have more space, cut down on having to weave from room to room, and increase the natural light which only adds to the appeal."
"What you can grow to save money without having a lot of space."
"NFTs are neat because they take very little space."
"Living tiny because it's cozy. There's something really sweet about living in a space where everything is accessible."
"It's not that big to be honest, which is good. Saves space in a way."
"Our goal was to create a warm, inviting space that fits our lifestyle without any wasted space."
"When you actually put all of these cubes into your suitcase you feel like you're not even bringing everything... it's so compact."
"For a case that can fit eight hot swappable 3.5 inch drives plus a full length GPU, I think it's pretty compact overall."
"Every little nook and cranny utilized, not an ounce of space gone to waste anywhere in this RV."
"So it's this idea of you know every piece needs to comply with more than one function to make it more compact."
"You don't have to have a ton of space to be able to grow a good amount of food."
"I really like the All-American, but it is sort of expensive at around 200; however, it is very compact, saves shop space, and works very effectively." - Review
"We have so much wasted space in America, let's cut that, let's stop that."
"Square Donuts have 27% more donut per donut and take up roughly the same space as a round one."
"These pantries... you get to pull out storage which I absolutely love because it turns your depth into width."
"They make the most out of a small footprint and they maximize legroom."
"Vertical gardening has really helped to solve a lot of those issues and allowed me to grow more from the same amount of space."
"Honda continues to impress with their ability to get a ton of space out of a small exterior."
"For the footprint of this, only 6 and 1/2 ft, this camper feels massive inside."
"This is the amount of room I have... if I wanted to, I could still move in and out." - maximizing space efficiency.
"There's an astonishing amount of space back here for a vehicle that takes up just 3.6 meters of road space."
"A tiny car with an amazing eighty percent of its total floor space dedicated to the passengers and their luggage."
"Everything fits in here snugly, doesn't take up very much space."
"The Acadia is a good use of space."
"You don't need a really large space, you don't need a lot of money."
"Gardening in the smallest space possible can be done on a balcony, a back porch, and can be mobile."
"It's really the perfect thing for limited space or if you just want to try something new and grow vertically."
"We're aiming for playsets which enhance a collector's shelf but don't eat up a lot of shelf space."
"Size doesn't really matter when it comes to design; you still can get a very attractive looking building and very effective building even if you have a small space."
"So without further ado, I'm going to share five of my favorite tips and techniques for brewing in a tight or rented space."
"What gives the smart such great interior space is considering how tall it is, even by micro small cars standards."
"This is the smartest and safest way to get hot water for your van without taking up any interior space."
"I'm going to show you how to grow as many fruit trees as possible in a small space."
"This really unique workbench has given me so much more space in the shop and has greatly improved my workflow."
"Making seeds in small spaces and home environments."
"Space saving, BPA free, leak resistant with soups and sauces."
"The wonderful thing about growing in raised beds is you really don't need a lot of space if you're willing to grow vertically."
"You absolutely do not need a lot of space to run a physical product business from your house."
"We have a bed up top... efficient use of space."
"It fits in a driveway, it fits in a parking spot."
"At the end of the day, a lot of van build decisions come down to space efficiency."
"Every space on the boat that you go into, you're sort of wowed by the use of space."
"It's worth the money and the space."
"Creating space to store in an efficient way can reduce the mess."
"If we build a system that's based on principles and then constantly refine that system... there's essentially no reason that we can't grow an incredible amount of food in a tiny space."
"You don't need a large office space at home if you're working from home, you just need this much space and call it a zoom room, and it's a done deal."
"You're looking at about 200 square feet in this space... as far as efficiency of space goes, you can't beat it."
"They really crush the storage on this."
"You'll be able to get the boutique studio experience without sacrificing your home to clunky gym equipment."
"Hanging plants is such an incredible way to display house plants because not only does it take up zero surface space, but you can get pretty creative with it and create some pretty cool displays."
"It's a tiny conservatory, but she fits a lot of plants in it."
"Compact space-saving design is ready to fit anywhere."
"I'm going to impress you with how much food I grow in this little space."
"I'm going to share with you one tip when I do designing, especially for small spaces."
"If you're really interested in hand tool woodworking, perhaps you don't have a lot of space in your workshop for all this machinery."
"Having it in a constrained space with the root system, it actually starts bearing sooner."
"It's amazing the amount of food you can fit into a small space when you garden year-round."
"If you're looking for a spacious yet small SUV, the MG ZS should definitely be considered."
"It's enough room for two honeybees to work back to back on different honeycombs."
"I'm all about minimizing and making the most of my space."
"You don't need an elaborate large shop; you can really get started as a weekend warrior working in your basement or garage."
"I love vertical gardening because it gives me more space to plant vegetables, strawberries, whatever I'm planning."
"The walking surface itself is 20 inches wide and 60 inches long, so you're getting full length on a folding treadmill."
"Just how much food you can grow in a real small spot."
"An espalier is a way of growing a fruit tree to maximize the production in a minimal amount of space in a creative way."
"This is a very efficient usage of nine liters with tons of functionality in here."
"If you're in a smaller space, you probably won't even need subwoofers, they can actually reach down that low and they can punch that hard."
"Lucid was able to accomplish with the Air the ability to provide the same amount of interior space as an S-Class Mercedes while only having the length of an E-Class."
"I think this is a fantastic option for people with small amounts of space or indoor NFT systems where you want to grow snacking or Salad tomatoes for your family to eat."
"These are food storage bags... they fold down when they're not in use and they're easily stored in the fridge or in the cupboards and they save a lot of space."
"This results in less rack space usage and simplified cabling throughout the data center."
"That's so perfect for some young person who's starting out in an apartment and doesn't have a lot of space."
"This is how you put your engineering mind on there and you come up with the best solution you can possibly come up with for a closet when you're in a tight space like this."
"If you want to get a lot of space in a small package, then an electric car is the way to go."
"This is a specifically designed vocal booth for voice actors to use when they're space constrained or when they're on the road."
"Having ozone allows you to have a higher concentration of corals in a much more contained space."
"For most people, they don't have the square footage, so you can realize you don't need a lot of space to be able to generate a lot of plants."
"This is something that I designed to work as a space saver."
"What's really cool about this floor plan is when the slide out is fully retracted, you can still access your pantry, your kitchen area, your refrigerator."
"Just because you go tiny does not mean you have to downsize."
"Growing your own food is fun and easy, and it allows you to grow vertically, taking up less space."
"I really love the fact that it is lower so it's not dominating as much height in my coffee area here in my kitchen."
"This is 399 square feet of tiny home goodness."
"Now this is a lot better, now we actually have we've split the amount of space you need in two, this is great."
"Live in a smaller space. This saves on everything."
"Chickens are great because you can easily raise a year's worth of meat on a small space."
"I have a Murphy bed. It's so nice."
"If you're planting vertically, it just really allows you to maximize space."
"You can do a phenomenal amount of food in a tiny space if you set it up right."