
Childhood Influence Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The positive impact it has had on me growing up and the importance, the need for characters like this."
"It lets you develop your parenting skills, you actually get to shape your kid's childhood a lot more."
"You become the person that you needed as a child."
"Children often build off stereotypes and patterns they pick up on from adults, mimicking behaviors and beliefs seemingly without understanding."
"I wanted to go to America, it was just like my childhood dream."
"The perspective of not having money as a kid gives you the drive to wake up every morning, even when something has already worked or you're somewhat successful and keep making that thing be successful."
"This game has to be one of my most favorite games of all time and was a huge part of my childhood."
"Give me a child until it is 7 and I will show you the man."
"If not for the show, I probably would have never picked up a Spidey comic as a kid."
"The way we love as adults is deeply connected to the way we learned about love as children."
"The Disney Renaissance... became the visual storybook for the childhood of millions."
"For me, the movie that defined my childhood was definitely The Iron Giant."
"Anything that is targeted to confuse and destroy the notion that boys and girls are different things and you're directing that at small kids, that is an act of evil."
"So kids combine they're like oh my God I love this place because I like that I am now becoming the dad I wish I had."
"Childhood matters a lot because we're raised in these families that teach us what to expect of the world, they teach us what to expect of other people."
"It's what captivated me about it when I was 11 years old."
"How our parents did or didn't meet our needs as children and even teenagers shapes how we act in our future relationships."
"My mom raised me on Pinky and the Brain and The Simpsons."
"To this day yup yup, oh what a save to this day my mom because I made her watch it, you know, like a thousand times as a kid."
"You show this to 10 year old DeAngelo and expect him not to get obsessed."
"The child in you has to be in there because that's why we played music in the first place."
"Disney is such a firm and foundational corporation to much of our childhoods."
"Each of us is golden by nature, born knowing truth, connected to our bliss. But then we went to school..."
"I grew up on a housing estate, working class, with a very outdoor lifestyle. The Boy Scouts were like a fundamental part of my childhood and growing up."
"Abusive, tyrannical, dictatorial environments feel like home to us."
"I wanted to be what I saw around me growing up, even dyed my hair blonde."
"Children up to 20 months old completed their meals when they watched SEO Jun's videos."
"What draws you specifically into individuals amongst other things, but this is a huge piece, is how closely that person reminds you of your early childhood caretakers."
"Help them to see that that burden of childhood there may have been carrying all those decades wasn't just jolly bad luck it was actually planned fuel or fertilizer."
"They never found their identity from a freaking Barbie or a plastic potato."
"Bob Marley's childhood was marked by poverty and social unrest, deeply affecting his music and commitment to social justice."
"Someone read stories to you and taught you to dream."
"With a catchy name and signature bow tie, Bill Nye taught generations of kids that science can be cool. Cool is just what I want to talk about today."
"Events in childhood can dictate character, from parental influences to school experiences to peer interactions."
"Barbie teaches young girls how to become good adult wives, so that parents felt safe buying her."
"Politics ruins everything, but when it starts ruining childhoods, that's the point at which even the adults should take a step back and say what are we doing to our kids and what are we doing to society."
"It motivated me as a kid. I don't got a choice, it's mandatory."
"Children are wet cement, and you've got to be very, very careful about what you do with it."
"They've witnessed something in their childhood that's why I feel that twin flames they tend to have a trauma bonding, they tend to have an unwritten knowledge or understanding of each other."
"The colors you experience the most as a kid are usually the colors you carry the most as an adult."
"I really like the message that fairy tales spread and the magic that they get to impact not only my childhood but childhoods all over the world."
"It was the complete and total belief system that I subscribed to as a kid. Do the right thing, do the good thing."
"Steve Burns is seriously one of the most fascinating public figures that I grew up knowing during my childhood."
"We design our programs to be threat agnostic ensuring that we can combat a broad range of domestic threats."
"My childhood is the reason why I'm here today."
"This is my homage to someone who I look up to and who inspired me as a kid."
"Children more than anything mimic who you are."
"Childhood has a profound impact on how a person will end up as an adult."
"We have never been more aware of how deeply influential narratives in early childhood are."
"I just always wanted a cat after reading that book and specifically a ginger cat."
"Crazy Horse was a mystical person since childhood."
"Inner child believes negative motivation will inspire you to do better."
"That kind of cemented what I wanted to do. I was 12, I think."
"I grew up loving loving loving Robin loving Robin Williams films he is still by far one of my favorite actors."
"She taught a mindset that they carried with them into adulthood."
"That's why the motocross theme really bridges across because that's what I was doing as a kid when I was so influential."
"That's just instilled in us as kids, right? That's so important because it's the same premise from when you start in a rap group in the hood with your friends."
"I first became interested in history as a 10-year-old kid."
"Sometimes the things that affect you the most as a child are the things you become most passionate about as an adult."
"Your childhood has a huge influence on you, and many of us don't even realize it."
"What you have done in your childhood growing up for Christmas impacts what you do as an adult for Christmas."
"We all have a relationship to money that we were taught as kids, and a relationship with money as adults that comes from that."
"Children's opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles are all shaped by the environment they were raised in."
"I have met so many people in my business now, the business of theater and music, who were huge Barney fans as children."
"The toys, books, technology, clothes that we let into our children's lives have an impact."
"Peterson's videos have been a catalyst for many children to become interested in wildlife, as Sir David Attenborough was for me when I was their age."
"Stories told by the poets have as profound an influence on the mind of young children as gymnastic exercises have on shaping their bodies."
"I blame my childhood, but it's up to me, the person I am now, to fix this."
"What our childhood was like dictates and has some sort of say in what our adult life is like, and we still believe that now."
"It feels like your childhood has kind of become a bedrock for a lot of your career success."
"In everything that we are and become, we are made by our childhood."
"You're influencing the majority of children before they go to school."
"Everything goes back to the childhood; that's where everything's modeled for you."