
Racial Discrimination Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it."
"The idea is to make less niggers so they won't have to build houses for them."
"If you have names like Tyrone, Laquisha, Asha, or Chanel, you are much less likely to get a callback on your resume."
"Treating people differently based on race...is unacceptable under the law."
"The Constitution does not allow us to preference one racial group over another racial group."
"We should try our very best to treat people without regard to race, both in our personal lives and our public policy."
"Being the target of racial discrimination and racism is one of the most dehumanizing things that can ever happen to a person."
"We need to acknowledge that these things exist... Black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of crimes, more likely to be incarcerated for minor offenses."
"Segregation, it's such an ugly word, isn't it? It conjures up thoughts of racial discrimination and unfair social and housing practices."
"The government prevented African American families from getting home loans, cutting them off from generational wealth accumulation."
"Acknowledging that Black people are where they are today largely because they were discriminated against because of their race is just the fact of the matter."
"The legislators in North Carolina went out of their way to exclude many of the photo IDs and get rid of voting methods predominantly used by black citizens with the aim of reducing that turnout in elections."
"Eugenics is literally a modernized pseudoscience that was based merely on racial discrimination."
"If you're white with a felony conviction, you'll get more callbacks than a black candidate with no record at all."
"The whole intelligence thing, or the IQ thing, it's used by white supremacists to justify the mistreatment of people."
"What's happening to people of color in this country right now in 2019 is wrong."
"Lenders deny mortgages for black applications at a rate 80 percent higher than that of white applicants."
"I don't want to start anything, we're not here to have a crazy argument. Just, I'm curious, do you support discriminating against people based on race?"
"Everyone should be on the same side of this. What we've seen here is a police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man for four straight minutes while he's being told...that he cannot breathe."
"You've got the Trump administration, the Trump campaign trying to disenfranchise black voters in Detroit."
"As a black man, I'm sick of seeing our people murdered for no reason other than hate."
"Jim Crow laws systematically stripped black citizens of their rights."
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 formally dismantled the Jim Crow system of discrimination."
"It will be very, very, very, very difficult for universities, state and private, that accept federal funds, which is nearly all of them, to discriminate on the basis of race."
"My life became a hundred times better when I found a way to support myself without having to look in the face of some condescending white man every day."
"I just want people to stop being given inferior medical care, employment, social standing, police treatment, education, and simply because they are a different skin color, they're people."
"We got ourselves a new unique 'get woke go broke'—McDonald's is sued for 10 billion dollars by Byron Allen own networks alleging racial discrimination."
"Is racial discrimination wrong? Absolutely, hell yes."
"If I was actually a true full citizen of this nation I would not have been even charged."
"You don't judge each other based upon our humanity but on the color of our skin."
"Not a single woman who was identifiably black was offered a bid until 2003."
"Every dollar of increase in income for whites added like five dollars in wealth. Every dollar of increase in income for black families added like 70 cents in wealth."
"More educated African Americans would report less discrimination due potentially to also being of higher socioeconomic status."
"Last year the Federal Reserve Board found African-Americans have denied credit for homes at twice the rate."
"The left is calling Trump racist for pointing out discrimination against white people."
"They've got no education... this system of racial separation was called apartheid."
"Black people couldn't vote, and wouldn't be accommodated at restaurants, parks, hotels, schools, or just about anywhere really that was used by white people."
"I hope we care about black issues when it's not done by a white police officer."
"The best way to end discrimination on the basis of race? Stop discriminating on the basis of race."
"We have an undertrained, heavily militarized, ineffective police force that's been found time and again to abuse its power, especially towards people of color."
"The challenge is too full. We have a challenge when it comes to wage discrimination across race and gender."
"Detroit bank calls police on black man depositing payout from a racial discrimination lawsuit."
"Racially motivated 911 calls are such a problem in America that some city and state governments are now passing laws to get it under control."
"We've consistently undervalued Black neighborhoods and Black property."
"Two black students had the police called on them today at Georgia State's perimeter campus for being two minutes late to class."
"African-American World War two veterans were scorned by the GI Bill this Veterans Day remembering some of our veterans who protected a country that did not protect them."
"If you use reason to argue back you're participating in a system that was created by white men in order to exclude women and racial minorities from being able to argue on their own terms."
"I'm not demonizing white people, I'm demonizing white supremacy."
"Black Canadians continue to experience anti-black racism, hatred, and discrimination."
"Over 50% of minority service members have said they've seen white nationalism and white supremacy and racism within the military and this is increasing numbers from a few years ago now it's one in three."
"This brother is spending more time in jail for burglary than that cop is going to spend for the murder of a young black man."
"A black man walking dogs in a park is suing the U.S Park service for a wrongful arrest."
"Why do they intern them? Because they saw them as others. Because they saw them as dangerous."
"The Department of Justice claims Florida Republicans intentionally targeted Black voters with restrictions which will surely hamper turnout in the upcoming midterm election."
"There's been a long tradition... of white physicians treating black patients like they are subhuman."
"Well, I just saw that video, you just saw that video, and you know he didn't have to do any of that. He chose to do it and he chose to do it based on the color of their skin."
"A government program that provides taxpayer money to individuals based on race plainly violates the law plainly city of Evanston is unlawfully hiding records about its extremist reparations program."
"Racism towards white people can manifest itself in the United States."
"Florida teacher tells a black student that black people are beneath white people according to the allegation. This is insane."
"The burden of suspecting other people on the basis of their lineage is so great."
"I think it's so harsh, especially with the racial abuse. I think it's disgusting."
"Court sanctioned racial discrimination in college admissions is contrary to federal law."
"Black people are redlined, told where they can and can't live, and where they can and can't go to school."
"There were actually laws in the books that said black folk couldn't do certain things."
"People are dying because of the color of their skin."
"Colorism is a huge issue in black communities and it's a huge issue in many communities of people of color because of whites."
"No one has been disrespected like black people in this country."
"Blacks were kept down not by the application of law but by the failure to apply it when black southerners migrated in later decades to northern industrial cities."
"Blacks in the 1930s and '40s tended to view racial discrimination through the lens of class exploitation."
"White folks are starting to experience what black people and natives and others have experienced for a very long time."
"Telling black people 'we don't believe you' is actually worse than even saying the n-word to me."
"Blackballing is nothing new for black creators though their white counterparts won't always face the same career ruining simply because they have the privilege of being complex and nuanced human beings."
"A lot of stories are coming out and a lot of people are finding clips of certain documentary films showing how black people are specifically um targeted to be left out of profiting from the black hair care industry."
"Such disheartening experiences persist in several countries around the world where racial discrimination is not just a problem, but an alarming reality."
"If it's a white person, oh the police will do anything and everything in their power."
"As an African-American child growing up in the segregated South, I was told, one way or another, almost every day of my life, that I wasn't as good as a white child."
"I agree with the court's holding that racial discrimination in higher education admissions will be illegal in 25 years."
"They called him 'HP Arnold.' He felt that it would take 10 years to train a black man how to be a pilot."
"That cost is not baked into blackness. That cost is baked into Ados."
"You can be Guatemalan, you can be a lot of different shades and colors and ethnicity in this country and still suffer daily racial discrimination, but we're talking about a different cost that extends all the way back to slavery."
"It's so shocking when you're in a place where you think people are there to have a good time and share love, and then experience racial hatred."
"Bumpy Johnson experiencing the hatred of the white population all his life and due to his skin color unable to make a prominent figure in the criminal World suddenly became the Godfather of Harlem."
"The Voting Rights Act was designed by Congress to banish the blight of racial discrimination in voting which has infected the electoral process in parts of our country for nearly a century."
"Witnessed and intervened in a clear case of racial harassment on my flight today. The response? Victims moved for peace. Is this how we handle racism now?"
"Every black person in the country would tell you the police abuse African-Americans non-stop."
"Racial discrimination or racism, I'm simply referring to an action that results in disproportionate unfair or unjust treatment of persons from a specific racial group."
"Those who entertain fantasies of a colorblind society amid so much systemic racial discrimination need to get a grip."
"Native Americans occupied the land and yet could claim no title, and African Americans and non-Europeans were prevented from laying claim to homestead parcels."
"Labor unions were permitted to exclude non-whites from membership."
"The presence of African-American families in these areas detracts from the desirability of their immediate neighborhoods and constitutes a sufficient hazard to justify a fourth grade red rating."
"Unfortunately, while the Homestead Act technically opened lands up to any U.S. citizens of any race, because free blacks were denied U.S. citizenship until 1868, they missed out on a lot of the best land."
"In this country, we created the criminalization of black people."
"Using peremptory strikes in a racially discriminatory manner was unconstitutional."