
Criminality Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Socio-economics is directly tied to criminality."
"Systemic poverty leads to positions where criminality is the only way for some to make it out of the hoods they're born into."
"The overwhelming narrative should be Charles shouldn't have done this, full stop, because doing this is a crime in some cases."
"Because when you finally come to the conclusion that giving a hardened criminal a private army of hardened criminals was not in fact a good idea after all, then I suppose leaving makes a certain brand of sense."
"This guy is a predator in every single definition of the word."
"We didn't have protests last night. We had criminal acts."
"Criminality can wear a badge, and criminality can be someone without a badge."
"No one's talking about criminalizing poverty it is a criminal act to live on a public street."
"You can't deny it is an element of Glamor to be super criminals."
"Criminal does in fact mean things that are against the law."
"Deliberately spreading misinformation... making criminal acts."
"Many regular people just genuinely had a great amount of respect for the Kray twins."
"Just because you say something in broad daylight doesn't automatically make it not criminal."
"You making smart moves, homie. I appreciate the investment, our business, these guns, and uh, gonna give us the edge we need for real." - Franklin Clinton
"Every single word you could throw at it, it should be criminal."
"It's about the offshore Financial system and financial criminality is a key component of this."
"Putin's not Hitler but he's a criminal just like Hitler was."
"Being a gang member committing crime doing a bunch of stupid [ __ ] is not worth it."
"If they could turn the [ __ ] clock back and go back in time and start over again and not be a criminal they will."
"We live in a day and age now guys where murderers Killers drug dealers criminals Etc are glorified."
"It actually has, you know, he's not our first criminal president."
"This cements the fact that they are now partners in crime."
"A strong case really can't be made here. The lack of empathy sometimes can be connected to criminality but not reliably inappropriate laughing or wanting attention are not tied to criminality at all."
"I think that the state over relied on Diane's inappropriate reactions as they called them laughing at the wrong times not seeming to be empathic appearing to want attention people tend to believe these behaviors are linked to criminality."
"He's a criminal and a fascist, and yet why doesn't America kind of still celebrate him despite knowing that these crimes are so clear?"
"My silence at such a time would be criminal."
"If you've got a culture that refuses criminality and actively raises children to be decent and honest, then you get much lower criminality."
"It's part of that sort of criminality of the system that's been created when that's maybe the best option that's available to us right now."
"Imagine what a shitty world we'd live in if we viewed everyone around us as a criminal of the highest degree."
"It's his own criminality that's brought this all on him." - Jessica Denson
"We talk about honor amongst thieves; we got to stop being thieves."
"There is no honor among thieves; take it from me."
"Theft is wrong, we all know theft is criminal."
"Having the state take over more and more society provokes criminality."
"Herbert was known for antisocial behavior and low-level criminality."
"He was now wanted for multiple counts of murder in different jurisdictions."
"Trump surrounded himself with unsavory people, people willing to accept criminality or at best unethical conduct."
"He created this world around him where he was in total control, not just talking about the sex trafficking, but everything."
"Each of the three underbosses heads up a distinct criminal element within the city."
"Because one is a group of people who just wants equal rights and the other are literal criminals who 100% of no one with brain cells respects at all."
"If you're a criminal and you want to meet other criminals, the best place to go is jail."
"They're criminals, real criminals, representing us in Congress around the globe."
"The bottom line is this: Our so-called government has long since been nothing less than a state-sponsored criminal syndicate."
"I think there's a difference between being cancelled and being a criminal."
"Purposely trying to spread AIDS is an act that only the most nefarious people would do."
"People forget... real potentially criminal actions that people have taken in the scene on a massive scale."
"The criminal element of this city made me guilty of a lot of things, but being quitters ain't one of them."
"No, no, no, no, no. You deserve that. You're a criminal."
"When one plays the criminal game, there are several hazards to committing crimes that you have to accept."
"My first brush with the law, it had to be '87. 87 when I caught that body, I'm on time, okay?"
"Her big role model was Bonnie and Clyde, and that she was going to kill nine people just like Bonnie and Clyde had done."
"Rodney's criminal record began when he had abducted and abused an 8-year-old girl."
"Mike didn't work as a criminal because he loved drugs and violence. He did it all for his family."
"He killed two people. Not just Nicole Brown Simpson, but Ron Goldman."
"Seeing how arrogant he is, knowing how charming he apparently was back in the day, and knowing how smart he is, I wouldn't doubt it if there's 150, maybe even 200 victims out there."
"If you want to be a criminal, you need to be a little bit smarter than the idiot in this story."
"What a great story of revenge against a career criminal. It's about time she got put away."
"It's important that criminality is the product of a process, criminalization."
"He was about the most treacherous sociopath in organized crime during that era."
"Charlie Manson was a failure as a criminal in every way."
"His reputation as the world's greatest Criminal Mind is backed by an impressive track record."
"Not everyone's a criminal. Poverty and oppression deny mall jobs."
"He fits into that quite nicely, he's a risk taker, he's an habitual criminal."
"So, he's a risk taker, he's an habitual criminal, he breaks into houses, and he's a sexual offender."
"This is a groundbreaking case because we don't see levels of evil like this in the world."
"John of God is a monster and a rapist."
"It should be criminal to not tell somebody. The idea that you're the same thing as a biological woman is just not fact."
"The best terrorism investigations are conducted on groups of individuals who engage in criminal activities to further their social or political goal."
"He was now officially a serial killer at the age of eight."
"He was violent dangerous unpredictable a complete criminal."
"If you weren't a good guy, you'd be a great criminal."
"Hardy was a dangerous individual, he was a real danger to the public."
"Violence is a crime, and we do not condone criminal activity."
"This ain't nothing but a family full of felons."
"Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong was actually very intelligent."
"He was wanted for financial fraud."
"The thing that ensured his infamy in the hierarchy of infamous criminals."
"Full Sutton has the worst of the worst."
"Steve James is a career drug trafficker, what we in the business call a lifer."
"One drug enforcement agency GI Joe's and their drug dealer counterparts headman and the head hunters."
"I mean I've met with pimps I've met with guys that sell fentanyl I've met with Kia boys"
"Whether anyone will ever be concretely identified as the Zodiac Killer remains to be seen but until then, the Zodiac will remain a man with a target on his chest."
"I think I'm actually about to get into the criminal daycare, y'all."
"Penguin mostly just sticks to theft, whether it’s fine art or faberge eggs."
"I met people in prison who were arms dealers, rapists, murderers."
"He was all about the smash and grab, organized chaos more than organized crime."
"Even though I totally against criminal activities I don't think that's a criminal activity. I think people want privacy even when they don't do crimes."
"It's called a gang, yeah, a gang."
"The dividing line between the criminals and the cops blurred."
"By the way, if you’re wondering what the whole ‘Barefoot Bandit’ thing was all about, the name came from reports that Colton liked to commit his various crimes sans shoes and socks."
"It has big potential at showing how he is like an urban legend to most criminals, and then some of them might have an almost personal relationship with him."
"Jeff Fort would move from gang leader to Interstate drug dealer."
"He's not your average criminal. He's very bright. He's very disciplined."
"They're starting to delve into the psychological aspects of, 'Is there something wrong with these serial killers or are they just killing?'"
"Escobar was like a ghost whose presence the police felt but could not see or catch."
"Nobody wants to be a criminal... nobody wakes up and says that about themselves."
"Imagine committing a crime so heinous that it makes you the only woman in 70 years to be executed in America."
"It's just crazy to think that someone who you get absolutely no weird vibes from ends up being one of the most demented criminals in the history of Toronto."
"Putin is not an idealistic or ideological dictator. He's just a criminal. I compare him with Pablo Escobar."
"There's a moral code among prisoners, but if you're a criminal, you don't really have a moral code."
"Ronnie Biggs was not one of London underworld's most successful criminals, but he was one of the most colorful characters."
"Canaan is a violent sexual predator he's displayed No Remorse for any of his crimes from raping a pregnant woman in front of her own mother and child to killing a newlywed for nothing more than his own self-dratification hiding behind the veneer of a Suave businessman."
"Myra Hindley, Rose West, Beverly Allitt... All these people can be described as evil."
"That's the bit of that bugs the [ __ ] I mean you hear a pedophile like 'oh they've got four years for doing that', that someone's got banged up and got a 12 for a cocaine deal or a cannabis deal or whatever it may be."
"It's amazing how smart criminals are."
"I was a full-blown criminal in San Francisco."
"KGAN was a very well-known to the police, he was a violent serial offender, he was a prominent member of the organized crime groups."
"He was described by the prosecution as 'a remorseless and profoundly evil man who became one of the most powerful criminals in the United States.'"
"She had become, as the international media dubbed her, Germany's most wanted criminal."
"Welcome to hell. Yeah, it looks like there are so many criminals out there. We should strike [ __ ] them."
"He was more of the frenzy type of serial killer that when the opportunity arose and the urge arose in him, he would take whatever weapons, whatever means were available at that time."
"One of the many downsides of being a criminal is having to keep a secret forever."
"I couldn't let him get seven years. It was hard for me. 'Cause I sent them. He didn't want nothing to do with it. I made him go. He got caught with a gun. They were basically using him against me."
"You consider me a criminal, but you yourself have killed many of my men."
"This is a true story, this is a real guy. Whitey Bulger. He was an FBI informant."
"Anthony John Hardy, in the way that he committed these appalling crimes, has exhibited a degree of depravity that I personally have never ever come across before."
"The Coen brothers created idiotic criminals who keep making mistakes and aren't cool in any way."
"I think that my main input into the criminal world, I provided morale and I make the criminal game look like a career option."
"Even in death, Bonnie and Clyde drew crowds, over 20,000 people lined up to get a glimpse of the famous killer."
"The total income going into the coffers of the gangsters is in the region of 15 million pounds a year."
"...a monster while it's not known exactly the detail of each crime."
"He pointed out his multi-million dollar mansion that he bought with drug profits in a home magazine."
"So, when I was arrested, I had no idea what I was being arrested for, and although I had my brushes with the law and I knew that I was involved in criminality, I knew when guns were pointing at me on that particular occasion that this was far more serious."
"You ain't no criminal. Okay, if you're a proper criminal making that much, you wouldn't have time to be entertaining me here."
"But while he wasn't the mass murdering maniac most people think he was, Holmes was still a killer - and a pretty prolific one at that."
"42 times you've been busted 42 times you know you know if you think about it with nine years old if prison isn't punishment but a relief from the streets and a merit badge for manhood then traditional law enforcement can't work."
"Trafficking is disgusting, despicable, and it's one of the biggest secrets hidden out there."
"The media adopted this persona El Mataviejitas, the little old lady killer."
"You try to suppress drugs, you try to suppress drug availability, and what happens is you're handing it over to criminal elements. So, better to deal with the 10% who really have problems with substances."
"It's clear that even prior to creating his online persona, John Edward Robinson was a murderer and a persistent manipulator."
"I defy you to find a heist movie which will give you a better sense of what it might actually feel like to attempt something like an art theft if you're not really a born criminal."
"...they are dealing with a group of mercenaries who commit crimes."
"To say that he is a lifelong criminal I think is accurate."
"Wayne Perry was considered the Michael Jordan of the murder game."
"Prison is no longer the sole province of lowlife thugs."
"You think I just let you out? You are dangerous criminals and should be in jail!"
"Guns are probably easy to get it for criminal right I mean expensive yeah."
"Ted bunny never admitted it Ted bunny the only way they got him later on no he never did."
"Most serial killers are psychopaths. A psychopath has no conscience."
"You know, most of the guys I know, most of the criminals I met throughout my period in prison were dyslexic or they had learning difficulties."
"We don't go around killing people. I did not kill Eddie Lino."
"John Gotti did everything possible to contribute to his own downfall."
"Ken's upbringing was troubled, to say the least, and by the time he was 15, he had dropped out of the eighth grade to become a small-time thief and cattle rustler."
"Their first assumption was Gein was a serial killer."
"Time was running out for David Bieber."
"Things like not being able to sell your stock, that's criminal."
"The downfall of Howard and murder by Lalo Salamanca."
"We got a psych file on this guy about him about a mile long but he keeps getting away, no motive, no forensic evidence."
"I caught 11 million dollar charge. I was looking at seven years upstate at 17 years old."
"I feel it was unfair biased, she sided with the drug dealers and the thugs."
"When you deal with these kinds of very dangerous criminals, they're not traditional criminals."
"He was a bank robber. He was a hitman. He was a murderer."
"Most murders are not going to commit that crime again."
"For the gang of thieves, it was a close call."
"He may have been a good Samaritan in his community, but there was nothing charitable about Michael Hurley's drug dealing."
"A smart person does not necessarily equal a successful criminal."
"Once you know that, and you start working with someone who's committed crimes, even murder."
"The cocaine trade has spawned some of the most powerful and notorious criminal structures on the planet."
"...it's an institutional criminality which we're supposed to be in favor of, you know, so you're taught in schools and colleges it's the best thing to have institutional structures which turn you into a murderous criminal..."
"Charles Manson is the prototype of a brutal cult leader, manipulating followers to commit his violent crimes."
"The aftermath okay all day I thought the guys in the helicopter were just local cops busting my balls over lufthansa but they turned out to be narcs they've been on me a month long tap surveillance everything sad day for you you're not supposed to get in the drugs."
"People who have secret fantasies and people who are planning a crime, they're not the same but they can look very similar."
"It struck me that this is the loneliness of the long distance criminal."
"That's the loneliness of the long distance criminal."
"What's interesting and different about this category of murderer: family annihilators were overwhelmingly not known to criminal justice or mental health services."
"Flowing from the stories of several other criminals, it can be observed that they all have some form of emotional trauma, physical abuse, or family issues."
"He just gave his life away for him, and I bet my life that he robbed. He's done that all his life."
"He's the oldest mobster in history. No one ever got that old."
"John Gotti killed people. Okay? He wouldn't have risen to where he was if he didn't."
"Fat Tony Salerno is making, in and around, 50 million dollars a year."
"You ever see those documentaries or like Gangland and they just have a guy on camera and he's like, 'Hell yeah, I killed 12 people when I used to roll with them.'"
"It takes a special kind of person to take an ambulance, you know, vehicle typically used for transporting the sick or injured, and instead use it as a getaway car."
"By contrast, the Allied performance had been inept to the point of criminality."
"All it takes to see how this might work is look at the drug cartels around the world."
"...the image of these parties morphs from exclusive fund to potential criminal exploits."
"It's not a thing you sit out and say, 'Oh I'm going to be a super criminal' and make my living from this forever more."
"Bad parenting does not make somebody a criminal, bad parenting does not mean that a person should be charged with a crime, it makes them human."
"Our Billy wasn't born a criminal, Clarice."
"Okay John, I guess you're free to go. It's official. I've been working Scotland Yard for 30 years and you're the smartest criminal I've come across."
"My opinion of David Wen Roberts is that he's an extremely dangerous man. He's been shown to be on several occasions. He's murdered two women. He's now serving life imprisonment. My opinion, he inevitably."
"Apparently the criminal gang was also creating tutorial videos on how to blow up ATMs which they had been selling to other criminal groups."
"Coburger's online presence was limited until his arrest; his academic pursuits primarily focused on criminality and psychology, aligning with his family's inclination towards education, especially in psychology-related fields."
"The dark saga of Larry Taylor extended even further with revelations about his potential involvement in other heinous crimes coming to light."
"I believe he might be a dangerous psychopath or even worse, a serial killer."
"I grew up thinking Al Capone wasn't a bad guy."
"Don't make this an issue about freedom of religion or anything else, make it about what we know which is violating of criminal law."
"A complex mind," said Holmes. "All great criminals have that."
"One fat, one short, one lean, these horrible crooks are different in looks but equally hard and mean."
"Speech in furtherance of criminal conduct does not receive First Amendment protection."
"I think he's trying to start up another criminal organization because that's what Crocodile does."
"Even the biggest gangsters in the world had some kind of legitimate business."
"If you can stop the childhood trauma, you can stop the criminality."
"Gunmen are not gangsters, gangster is the whole package."
"Well over that line, well out of bounds, and indeed potentially arguably criminal."
"People who willingly gatekeep those resources and have more for themselves than could ever possibly use in one lifetime while there are people starving and dying should be treated like the criminals they are."
"Even though he is a criminal, his ingenuity is remarkable."
"Setti prospered in the twilight world of motor car sales in Warren Street, which masked a broad spectrum of criminal enterprises."
"The James hle Asylum was built to house a burgeoning population of the criminally insane."