
Divine Energy Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Feel the creator's love as you read and absorb the loving energies that are here for you within this message."
"Divine feminine energy uses both emotions and logic."
"Could you explain it as being the energy of God? Oh, absolutely, yeah. I would say emphatically, it is God."
"You're sort of like coming out of the shadow here really tapping into that divine masculine energy within."
"You met this person because you needed more understanding of divine feminine energy."
"Prayer releases a golden stream of spiritual light, life, and intelligence."
"The image of God is light... it's a metaphor for the divine energy."
"Realize that you have the potential you have the capacity to do whatever you need to do just reclaiming that sort of divine energy that's always been with you."
"I care a lot more about whether or not we are going to be able to bequeath the democracy."
"Tap into the divine loving energy in your heart."
"Tap into your heart with divine intention to connect with that spiritual energy within you."
"You're going through major transformation, tapping into your divine feminine energy to create magic."
"You are a bridge, connected to the elements, Mother Earth, and the divine."
"This is divine energy, divinely guided energy."
"The fusion of faith is a miraculous energy source of the Creator Himself."
"If you have a divine feminine energy inside of you, we are here to protect it and make sure you understand your true power."
"We're all divine energy, just expressions of divine energy in physical form."
"It's a powerful cycle of change, flowing with that divine energy, being tuned into it, and trusting in this new beginning."
"They're guided and supported by divine energies."
"We are all spiritual. We can all connect to the Divine energy."
"Faith is the Divine energy of God released in His word."
"Your intuition is growing, embodying divine feminine energy."
"The empress is representing divine feminine energy. This is creative energy, this is bringing beauty into the world energy."
"There is an infinite amount of divine masculinity and femininity to go about, and you have the vessel in your body."
"This is a very spiritual person here, very connected to the divine energy."
"Anyone that loses you regrets it immediately because your divine energy blesses everyone you come into contact with."
"You have a rare Divine energy that people naturally become obsessed with."
"When the Holy Spirit falls in with us, He releases power that causes us to release divine energy."
"Prayer is exercising on God's energy, not on the energy of the flesh."
"You're tapping into that divine feminine energy."
"The real power comes from the divine, but tools like crystals can enhance the energy of your dreams."
"If you think that through the divine energy it is the divine essence expressing himself, though it's not the full expression, you are not out of the terms of piety."
"The power of God's in me, the power of God's in my car, I'm wired with the power of God."
"Love is not an emotional thing; love is a divine flow."
"The more you get rid of all these worries, thoughts, behaviors, the more energy can flow in from the Divine."
"Heaven and hell are states of being sustained by the energy of God, by the grace of God."
"Someone who's tapped in, connected to Divine energy."
"Regain powers and blessings by coming into your Divine energy and truly merging with the Divine."
"Speak it, you set the goal, the divine energy is in God's word to cause the heart to bring forth the manifestation of that."
"I am not of this world, I am pure God energy."
"What that more will be is of your own choosing, but know that your making is a co-creation between your own soul, body desires, the Divine warming light of creation energy that is inherent within you, and conditions and catalysts in your inner atmosphere and outer world."
"Let your Divine mother manage your energy, your spiritual energies; let her take those forces and use them for your benefit."
"This common energy is actually a most uncommon energy inasmuch as it is the pure energy of divinity itself."
"The energy that saves sinners and heals the sick is divine, and love is the principle thereof."
"You're channeling this Divine energy and it's probably coming by the way of intuition, it's coming through the Instinct."
"Jesus's uncreated divine power and energy interpenetrates his humanity."
"You're manifesting something out of thin air."
"We are created out of divine energy."
"Through meditation, I understand now that I'm a proportion of the divine energy that created me."
"We are the offspring of divine energy and we are here to experience ourselves and to learn the ultimate profound lesson of love and light."
"God is this powerful energy, this Creative Energy that loves us unconditionally and allows us to Free Will what we want to do with that energy."
"The love of Sophia is like the 18th dimension, highest supreme energy of love."
"Nothing can defeat Divine energy, nothing."
"The pure God energy, the only way we can encounter it, is like a child that doesn't know because we don't know."
"You're someone that's very abundant, you're also someone that walks in divine energy so you're protected."
"Love From Beyond as an overall energy, there is this divine presence in this reading."
"The Divine energy within existence is one with the Divine Transcendence beyond existence."
"The Empress is showing exactly that, this divine energy that we are radiating, our solar light, and the universe is radiating life and light and love right back at us."
"You really are being truly guided by a beautiful Divine energy."
"You are a precious creation of the Divine energy. You need to believe in yourself that you have the ability and the capability to manifest what you truly want in your life."
"You're really giving like god, goddess kind of energy, like Chosen One, god-gifted type of vibe."
"You're a being of light, baby, you are a creation, a divine source of energy and life."
"Once you realize that you are the empress, you are the divine feminine or the Divine masculine energy here."
"This truly is where the divine masculine, the sacred masculine energy on the planet, is really arriving in a very powerful way within all of us."