
Advanced Civilizations Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Through her actions, Sothis gave rise to the highly futuristic civilization of Agartha."
"The simulation theory proposes that our entire reality is a computer simulation created by an advanced civilization."
"Maybe they were a lot more advanced than we think today. They had an understanding of architecture, medicine, the cosmos, and even the process of aerodynamics that's simply impossible for their time period."
"The anti-kythera mechanism: a testament to the advanced technology of ancient civilizations."
"Any alien civilization that had the technology to come here would likely have a full understanding and command of genetics."
"There is no law of physics preventing a civilization perhaps a million years more advanced than ours from reaching the planet Earth."
"Even though you have no idea where they come from, there's a whole advanced civilization way more advanced. You're gonna kill these guys and start an intergalactic war."
"We would after all finally have confirmation that life much more intelligent and advanced than us has been visiting the planet."
"An advanced civilization would be indistinguishable from magic."
"Whoever created Puma Punku had very advanced lost ancient high technology."
"These mysterious artifacts suggest the civilization responsible was not only advanced but possibly once more advanced than modern man."
"The phenomenon can be explained using a more exotic extraterrestrial civilization hypothesis. Missing stars can, in fact, be taken over by highly advanced intelligent civilizations."
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"We got a spiral staircase up at the top of the spiral staircase is a map table oh boy this was an advanced Society."
"This means that if this was indeed left by a craft the beings who made it would now if still in existence be unimaginably more advanced than the modern man of Earth."
"Whoever drew up those original source Maps thousands of years ago had a level of technology as high as our own."
"Plato described an advanced civilization, legend was preserved by Egyptian priests as the story goes Atlantis was a great empire of engineers and scientists."
"During the void Century, there was a highly technologically advanced civilization."
"Civilizations that have evolved where they can shift between 3d light astral light pure consciousness none of the whole thing that's what was up at Mount Shasta very advanced civilizations very high levels of consciousness attainment."
"What if first contact is the point that you find that you are stuck in the middle of an enormous, slow galactic war between highly advanced civilizations and there’s nothing you can do about it."
"The alignments discovered in regards to ancient sites provide compelling evidence for this intelligent and extremely Advanced ancient civilization."
"The Atlantans were not just an advanced society but could also generate energy and had sophisticated communication, transport, and even weapons of mass destruction."
"Our entire existence might be an artificial construct generated by an advanced civilization or higher intelligence."
"And now, the pleasure was savored by sentient self-aware people."
"If one civilization in a galaxy can produce black holes, it could dramatically increase the fecundity of the universe as a whole."
"The Amazon long thought to be a pristine Wilderness before Europeans arrived was home to Advanced societies."
"Ancient civilizations had advanced architectural, astronomical, and mathematical knowledge."
"Are ancient artifacts remnants of an advanced past?"
"Extraterrestrial intelligence or far future human would be indistinguishable from god because think of all the attributes we give to god."
"I think any race sufficiently advanced enough to travel the massive size of the universe would have little need for the primitive elements on our planet."
"The advanced civilization seeks to help humanity remember who they are."
"Perhaps planets that host some sort of life are relatively common, but those that host advanced technological life are quite rare."
"If other intelligent life exists in the Milky Way, and is reasonably close, there has been enough time since the formation of the galaxy for other civilizations to have plausibly arisen and become highly advanced."
"However, with this knowledge that the world used to be more advanced, we open up some truly incredible possibilities about the lore of the ancient world."
"An advanced race may have other motives that may be unpredictable."
"Could they have been inherited from an earlier, more advanced civilization like that which the Egyptians themselves described in their own history?"
"There was some kind of cohabiting between human beings and let's say advanced intelligences."
"Stop being an arson to your planet frankly if higher intelligence is watching some idiot burned down their own planet do you think something that advanced would want you on their ship?"
"What this one little joking dialogue opens up is a catastrophic end to all the advanced civilizations of the world."
"It seems almost certain that if other beings more advanced than ourselves do inhabit other sectors of the universe then it's quite probable there will come that day that moment in time when official contact can be made."
"Astrobiologists often speak of something called the great cosmic filter, which prevents the evolution of life into these super advanced civilizations."
"If there is a Type 2 civilization out there, they're probably using an incredible system to harness energy, like a Dyson Sphere."
"The ultimate picture of cosmic sociology is one where civilizations hide in the darkness of space, attempting not to be noticed. If an advanced civilization notices another civilization, the logical response is to eliminate."
"A Type 3 civilization would have developed Technologies and techniques far beyond our understanding."
"The foreign depth of advanced civilizations beyond our planet requires the imagination to peer through the lens of possibilities."
"We are being visited by several species of more advanced... civilizations."
"If a very advanced alien race were to come to this planet, they would probably see humans the same way that many humans in general see other primates."
"AI civilizations may be more advanced than ours, managing the complex logistics of interstellar travel and the ecological balance of terraformed worlds."
"If those telescopes were used to find Dyson swarms, type three civilizations, it would work exactly the same way."
"Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus."
"Perhaps over the horizon of history is some advanced world civilization."
"Aliens might have their own version of the internet, a galactic internet, which could rely on gravity-boosted radio signals."
"It is highly possible that advanced civilizations have in the past, or may in the present, try or have tried to contact us."
"The pre-long night society was advanced."
"Nevertheless, we can still speculate over building one… and, indeed, some have proposed that an advanced enough civilization could even build itself on a sophisticated network of wormholes."
"You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are actually sightings from some object created by an advanced civilization."
"Randall Carlson's theory proposes the existence of advanced human civilizations that thrived long before the commonly accepted timeline of known history."
"They were extraordinarily sophisticated."