
People Power Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The power will always be in the hands of the people."
"The power belongs to the people and the people can make a difference."
"The victory depend on the people, not the weapon."
"It's not about the money, it's the people that's the power."
"Democracy is about letting people be in charge."
"Music is always safer in the hands of the people than in the conference rooms of any elite."
"The power rests with the people, not the government."
"Sovereignty is not in Parliament, sovereignty is in the people."
"The power of the people is greater than the person in power."
"The power of the people has always mattered more than the people in power."
"Community and people are the greatest resource."
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
"That shows you the power that the people actually have."
"Real change happens from the actions of people, not institutions."
"Maybe you can manage to tax the millionaires and fund it, because it is sort of saying there is actually people power and it can do stuff."
"The source of power in the US Constitution is 'We the People,' not supernatural."
"The power is in the people, and love will change everything."
"So her solution is that the people have to take power. This is the only solution."
"The very existence of this propaganda proves that the real power actually lies with the people."
"The victory depended on the people, not the weapon."
"This just shows the power of the people the power of collective intent."
"That's how we win: through people power, bottoms up."
"The most important structure in a democracy remains the people."
"This is not a right that is dependent upon your zip code, geography should not determine the quality of your humanity."
"The power of the people, that is the way that we will make this change."
"You cannot underestimate the power of the people."
"History has demonstrated again and again that masses of ordinary people have the ability to change society, for better or worse."
"When the people decide something's gonna happen, no matter where it happens, the people get their way."
"It was people-generated; it was people power."
"History is not made by individuals, it's made by the masses of our people."
"The Constitution doesn't create the people, the people create the Constitution."
"A state cannot be created by decree but by the forces of a people and in the course of generations."
"Referendums basically take power away from Parliament and give it to you, the people."
"The strength of Gary is its people, and I believe that the people are the greatest strength that we have as a nation."
"We don't make Revolution, the party doesn't make the revolution, the people make the Revolution."
"You just don't get it, an army is nothing. 'Cause those ordinary people there, they're the key."
"Our most powerful commodities are people."
"Not government policies, but people power."
"Democracy is the system to be decided by the people for the people."
"The strength of democracy is not relied on technology itself, but on its people."
"Democracy... people rule, that was the beginning of democracy."
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the people."
"Democracy is government by the people."
"If the people are in opposition to Parliament, then Parliament is not the sovereign; it is the people."
"A referendum is a commandment to Parliament. It is a demand from the people."
"We have to remember stuff doesn't come from politicians, it comes from people."
"The people were the real rulers in fact, and not merely in theory."