
English Language Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"By the end of day 30, you would be amazed how English has become your habit and how diverse the world of English is."
"The constitution is a living document because the English language is a living language."
"English is so hard to learn, but I am never going to give up."
"English is at the core of what we do because we passionately believe that acquiring English language skills can provide people with life-changing opportunities."
"English is a lingua franca, which means that English is the language that is used as a transaction language between people who don't speak the same language."
"Every week we make learning fun so that you can understand fast-speaking natives without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles."
"English is the language of science, English is the language of the global Reserve currency, English is the language of every new professionally produced paper in medicine."
"More than half of the Greek uppercase letters are exactly the same as English."
"The King James Version is a classic in the English language."
"English is a sign of a Protestant church right to be able to have your bible in English but to maintain all this ritual and the beautiful language."
"English can open up the world for you. That's part of dreaming big and thinking of those big goals."
"This should be your focus in life: become excellent at English, spoken English and written English, the real skill, not some paper that says you're a PhD doctor."
"the English language itself which has become a universal language around the globe"
"Todger really is one of the great words in the English language."
"There is no time like now to start developing your English skills."
"Are you finished with English at that point? No, you're not. You still have a long way to go if you want to be like a native speaker, close to a native."
"The present perfect tense: I've just come. Have you ever been there? He's already gone. I've never seen them. I haven't finished yet."
"Chaucer was the first great literary artist to raise the English language to the level already attained by contemporary French and Italian."
"English is the most practical language for maximum communication with a diverse populace."
"Shakespeare coined over 1,700 common English words."
"Walking outdoors while listening can energize your learning like nothing else." - AJ Hogue
"I've been making videos on American English on YouTube for 11 years and this is probably the most excited I’ve ever been about a video."
"English forms the connective tissue of global society as its lingua franca."
"English may be more than just a useful tool, according to the thesis of linguistic relativity."
"But you talk in English is probably one of the most Polish signals I've seen for the European economy."
"When your subject is she, he, or it, we have to change the verb."
"English is three languages stacked on top of one another in a trench coat trying to function as a real adult."
"English language today is arguably more fertile than it's been since Shakespeare's time."
"You know one of the best things about the Philippines is everybody this age group speaks English."
"English isn't a strictly phonetic language. The way a word is written in English may not give you much indication at all as to how it's pronounced in English."
"The Reformation had been accompanied by a revolution, one in which a book that had been imprisoned in Latin had become accessible to the everyday language of the English people."
"It still has rebel top English on it."
"Have the basics covered. Eat, drink, rest, and sleep well. Arrive early on test day. Constantly immerse yourself in English in the days leading up to the test."
"Mobilized the power of the English language."
"The two most important words in the English language are what and if."
"We break the rules all the time in English."
"English is already spreading around the world, simplifying into a new form known as Globish."
"English hasn't changed that much in the last 400 years."
"When was the beginning of English? Of course, it's Old English."
"What Tyndale went on to do was to translate the Bible into English."
"Name a six-letter English word that is spelt in alphabetical order."
"Together we'll get better at English."
"Whether you're learning British English or American English, these pronunciation classes are helpful for everybody."
"Speaking English and having a deeply rooted democratic culture are two of India's key structural advantages."
"I love writing in English... it gives me maybe a sense of freedom."
"It's understandable to a wide variety of English speakers because it's international in its approach."
"I'm so glad you've taken the time to watch this video. Really understanding the mouth positions for the sounds of American English can help you gain greater clarity in your spoken English."
"English language is very important... it is the lingua franca that is understood by all."
"The capital of the Republic of Ireland is Dublin and the official language is English."
"Ireland is the only English speaking country in the EU zone."
"English is an international language; it is necessary to speak English when you travel."
"English spelling is notoriously bad."
"What English word has three consecutive double letters?"
"It's possible for an English word to be composed of one single letter."
"The resultant booklet containing the detailed instructions has become one of the best sellers in the English-speaking world."
"The English language is in a constant state of evolution."
"Have to, have got to, and must express necessity in English."
"The King James Version is a monumental artifact in the history of Bible translation and the history of the English language."
"English is really actually much more regular than you think, and it's decodable."
"The combination of Norman French words of Latin origin and Anglo-Saxon words, a Germanic language, created the English language that we use today."
"Just focusing on English language teaching and producing resources for English language teaching, I think it's wonderful."
"In this lesson, I'll wrap up this series of English lessons."
"So welcome to this English lesson about phrasal verbs part four."
"If you understand the four main conditionals, mixed conditionals are a piece of cake."
"Who is used as a subject pronoun, and whom is used as an object pronoun."
"English is quite a fluid language that doesn't always have hard and fast rules."
"Hopefully you are ready to learn some common phrasal verbs in English."
"English is widely spoken in Malaysia, which makes communication for us so much easier."
"IELTS is probably now established as the world's number one English test."
"Every English translation has shortcomings."
"This would be very important for both the language he spoke and the way in which it affected the English language."
"It's really cool to see how South Africans have their own take on the English language."
"Thank you for helping me learn English."
"The common language of English sidesteps the need to explicitly pick and choose which one of the many Indian languages becomes the national language."
"To really enjoy these stories, we need to understand a little about the English language at the time these works were published."
"The tales grew so popular in the telling that they're credited with forever changing the sound and appearance of the English language."
"English is so robust, it's so versatile, it's so exciting."
"He found English as a dialect and left it as a language."
"He made up all the words, dude. I think he created the whole English language."
"English is a language more than 1500 years in the making."
"Words have come and gone, definitions have changed, and spellings have evolved beyond recognition."
"...English doesn't just rise in a vacuum, it rises because there is a need for English Studies, nationalistic need maybe, but then it is also exported into the world."
"The English version of the Bible remains the noblest example of the English tongue."
"I'm an English teacher and I post content here on YouTube to prepare students for their Cambridge First Language English exam."
"English has five diphthongs: 'I', 'ow', 'oy', 'ay', and 'oh'."
"Why do we call him the father of the English language? Because when he chose to write Canterbury Tales, he chose to write in English."
"The passive could not have survived in the English language for 1500 years if it did not serve some purpose."
"English has always been collecting and opportunistic."
"IELTS is respected as a valid test of English proficiency."
"I am going to say that there is no English question that we can't answer."
"English is the language with the most words."
"This might be the first time this has been reported in English."
"Learning English is a journey we start from one place and we move towards another."
"You can express yourself in English. You can form relationships in English or be professional, or just be yourself in English."
"One reason that the French language remains hugely influential is because it is a huge part of the English language."
"Morphology can be productive even in English, so 'faxed', 'Skyped', 'Britta'd' are words that have been produced from existing words."
"The Internet further strengthened the dominance of English."
"English is indeed a stress-timed language."
"We want to support the locales DE and EN for German and English."
"E is the most common letter and appears in 11% of all English words."
"The English language is a wonderful language."
"The English language, for as long as it has existed, has had the singular 'they' pronoun."
"There are forty to forty-five phonemes in English."
"English is not guesswork; it is a very logical language that operates by a set of rules."
"English is a powerful tool for expression and developing your best life."
"It's my hope for you that you will harness the power of English to live your best life."
"English is going to be the method of communication and it's already become the global language."
"Speaking English is a great door to other opportunities."
"The King James Bible is a beautiful work of English literature, an ornament to the English language, a masterful use of the English tongue."
"Learning the English language actually makes it much easier to practice than learning anything else."
"The great vowel shift refers to a major change in the pronunciation of English vowels."
"The English verbal tense system is pretty sophisticated; it has a lot of variety to it."
"It's not just about understanding English, it's about understanding how the exam works."
"The Japan Times is the biggest and oldest English language newspaper in Japan."
"We will take your English to the next level."
"This is really natural English, real life English, completely."
"I'm going to teach you English through cooking."
"Henry IV was the first king of England since the Norman Invasion whose first language was English."
"Once you understand how to learn, learning English becomes much, much easier."