
Effective Strategies Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Surround yourself with your target language. This way, you'll be completely immersed in the language without realizing it."
"Community policing works the best. Let the regions deal with the problems themselves first."
"Maintaining and improving body and mind is not only easier when it’s fun but usually more effective too."
"Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Check who you're dealing with."
"Thank you here's another example using your alt and then following up with paranoia can result in some free kills."
"It's an extremely powerful way of trading, a powerful way to predict what the market's likely to do next."
"Staying at home, practicing vigorous hygiene, and maintaining social distance is the most effective weapon in this war."
"Keep using that megaphone, that's the right play to make."
"Absolutely, so you know especially if you find this one of the best ways especially on this composition."
"Combining diet with resistance training was one of the most effective fat loss methods."
"One of the only shortcuts that actually works."
"Democrats were able to come into a political space and do something that was effective."
"Demonstrating case studies of where we've been able to make meaningful impact by doing things differently."
"Focus on what works, keep putting energy into it."
"This right here will probably be one of the best examples I can show of what actually works for women."
"That's how the game should be... You formulate a strategy that works."
"The secret sauce to life: focus on what works."
"In each of these phases, good use of the mounted weaponry is a surefire way to bring Fatalis crashing down to the grounds."
"Praise, Thanksgiving, joy, and rejoicing are extremely potent weapons to use."
"Mount them, press C, and you just cause flat-out devastation."
"The most effective way is to participate in the boycott divestment sanctions campaign."
"Keep things simple around here. KISS Theory Occam's razor principles in effect."
"I need to find what works well and when I find what works well I'm sure I'll elevate my game to a next level."
"The children who do the best in the research I've done for the boy crisis are the ones who have checks and balance parenting."
"The boycott was among the most effective tools of the civil rights movement."
"Stick to your guns, especially if you've got something that works and people like."
"Things actually go a lot smoother when you just do that."
"Most studies show that when you tell somebody you're being bullied... bullying stops and it tends to stop immediately."
"Using the right hashtags is one of the best ways right now to grow on Instagram."
"This build is really fun while also being really good."
"What you're talking about is just something so extraordinary and effective."
"Focus on what works, it'll make things work out better."
"Isn't this really the way that people learn?"
"Sometimes you do have to get a little bit rackaraga on them, but it works."
"Locating and taking down yotan as soon as they spawn is single-handedly one of the best ways to ensure a saga run is completed successfully."
"Let's keep it simple, let's do good business."
"That just works, doesn't it? That just works, we are building into a very interesting team right here."
"The buddy system, chat, the buddy system, it doesn't fail."
"I'm literally pulling it this way and letting it stop and float up and this thing floats so fast up it floats right back into the fish's face."
"Build your team in the most effective way possible."
"Simple vanilla stocks and bonds can be just as effective as complicated strategies."
"The method I will tell you you will actually get somewhere man."
"One knock push strategy is powerful in the close and mid-range."
"There are things that can be done that would be much more effective at improving the public safety of all Virginians that do not touch the constitutional rights of anybody."
"I've spent decades trying to figure out what works and what doesn't on the topic of success."
"The thing that they saw that would work was combining private enterprise with human rights."
"Even putting a disc lock on your bike and a bike cover over it, that's going to have a great effect at deterring burglars."
"Strategies should be based on model practice; model practice are strategies, activities, or approaches which have been shown through research and evaluation to be effective."