
Personal Convictions Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I'm always asking myself, is this a hill God has called me to die on? Because you're going to die on it. There is some group that will crucify you. You're going to get canceled and crucified, and there are some things I'm very willing to be crucified for because I know God has called me to that hill."
"Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them. She's an important leader in our party and in our nation."
"I have my personal convictions, you have yours. We're all so different, and that's okay."
"Be someone who holds fast to her convictions and her self-respect. Be independent."
"What do you care what people think about you if you do God's will?"
"I found out that usually you will collect evidence to support whatever verdict you've already decided to believe in your heart." - Pastor Steven
"It has nothing to do with money, you guys. It has nothing to do with money."
"There's always gonna be opinions, my thing was, do what you do and stand by that."
"People will believe what they choose to believe."
"It's about arguing that the things you believe are wrong because my worldview is necessitated on the things I know to be true."
"He has followed his convictions and the history of the world has been changed."
"I would that you be hot or cold. Yes, stand firmly in what you believe in, in your why because it'll be easier for you in that day."
"You really believe this? Tell me about that."
"Why would I compromise my deen right at the expense of Allah's anger to make somebody else happy? That's not loyalty."
"I struggle to accept that answer because I don't want the criminals to win."
"I give all the [ __ ] about the work... I give zero [ __ ] about people who don't understand." - Neil Gaiman
"It's not defending truth, you're defending something that feels more real than truth to you."
"Despite her struggles, Mary remained steadfast in her beliefs, facing adversity with grace and determination."
"I would never impose my own personal convictions upon the law." - Amy Kony Barrett
"No amount of shame, insults, guilt, or the need to be right is going to change it. Reality is the same."
"People can disagree but that doesn't mean that doesn't change the truth."
"Two things gonna happen when I die, I promise you this: Hell will rejoice because I left the battlefield, and I will make Jesus Christ proud."
"I've always been a firm believer of the paranormal but I've never been scared of anything."
"Stand up for what you believe in and don't let people push you around."
"I'll die on this hill by myself. Everybody ain't lying on you, we see the pattern."
"I don't pull my punches. I'm 66 years old and I've got a strong view on what's broken and I have a hard time being quiet about it. It really pisses me off."
"Opinions are what we hold, convictions are what hold us."
"Developing a strong opinion about certain things."
"Our truth, my friends, is an absolute treasure."
"Stand your ground and your beliefs. Protect what you have created."
"A bad boy is someone who stands for what they believe."
"There isn't one common belief system where we all believe the same thing. So everyone holds to kind of different ideas. I hold to a biblical view of our enclosed cosmology."
"I feel superior to things people tell me when they don't make sense."
"Every single belief has a root. Everything you believe to be true has come from something you've been exposed to."
"I'm never gonna apologize for having an opinion on anything."
"We learned that we can all be like Batman because he is ultimately a set of beliefs a set of convictions that anyone can uphold."
"It's so obvious to them... I don't want to eat a dead animal."
"Being willing to fight for what you believe in, fight for what you desire, fight for this connection."
"You're going to burn some bridges... but you have to stand on your square of what you think it has to be."
"Stand firm and strong in what matters to you."
"Give me liberty or give me death. I'm going to stick with my convictions no matter what anybody says to me."
"I just remember thinking even at such a young age that I would never want to send my kids to that kind of babysitter or daycare."
"If they want me to stop exercising my constitutional rights, they're gonna have to give me life in prison."
"I don't want one thing in my heart against nobody or no thing that would any in any way hinder my walk with God."
"I am willing to defend my beliefs for the sake of my children."
"Resolved not to defile themselves with the royal food and wine."
"If you have to take a break from the internet, go do some thinking, read the Bible, read the founders, read the Constitution, and work to develop your own convictions about what is right and what is wrong."
"She had very, very strong beliefs."
"Inherited faith traditions that we picked up and start the question, what are your own personal convictions and based off of those convictions, what actions need to be taken?"