
Personal Hobbies Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Look, I'll have you guys know that I have a Thanos body pillow and also a limited edition Goku Black body pillow, and I may or may not have a Kefla figure which I may or may not do stuff with on the weekends. No, but for real, I do like both of these verses a lot."
"I enjoy doing this, so hopefully we'll do another one next month."
"For ten years, birthday parties, family get-togethers, I was kind of like our family photographer."
"I got good rhythm; I used to play the drums and the guitar."
"You'll build up this fabulous little collection of terrible pieces of strange art that make you laugh every time you open it up."
"I collect all the members of NCT, I can't pass up anything 10."
"Encouraging them to seek stuff outside of YouTube, which is like what are some hobbies that you're into instead of a weird like toxic pair of social relationship."
"Hobbies are things that you do that you enjoy, and if you enjoy asking the question are there non-human intelligences here, then that's interesting."
"I was really into hybrid animals for a while."
"Two years ago when everybody was trapped guess what some people started doing listening to music reading novels and writing poetry."
"You recognize him from many a movie, but 250 million dollar man Morgan Freeman likes to fly private."
"I've got a bunch of movies that I've never seen before."
"I actually love cooking and I find it loads of fun."
"I'm the guy who you hand me tangled string and I'll sit there for six hours peeling it apart... I love stuff."
"I've been doing these photo dumps on Instagram, I love doing it because I basically use it to share my favorite quotes from books that I'm reading at the time."
"I love dancing... it's been my therapy since a kid."
"I always have a book with me, even if I know I will not have any time to read."
"Ever since I was young, I have loved arcades, and it's been a dream of mine to build my own arcade at home."
"I will have a blast with the Troy Axall T22."
"His passion for physical pursuits continued with interests ranging from wakeboarding to rock climbing."
"My work by day, game by night. That's how my life goes."
"It's a really small slice of time that you can just add to your schedule to give yourself a moment to sit down focus on this video get some knitting done."
"I want to be playing games for the next 40 50 years as long as I'm around."
"Life's about balance, and for every ratty only fixed half of it Mopar I build, I'm due one Porsche masterpiece."
"I love candles I'm obsessed with candles and the fact that the fragrances and all of the like ingredients in these candles are all-natural is really nice."
"Everyone has some kind of weird hobby or a guilty pleasure, something that you're afraid of if people find out they'd make fun of you."
"One of the best parts about being in Sayulita is having my motorcycle."
"Once I started working out, I do it too much. I started growing vegetables, I do it too much. 'Cause, you know, once I do something, I just do it."
"He's a collector of many things, arts and artifacts."
"I like to be outside... go on hikes... spend time with my family." - Tinashe
"Summoning is like a therapeutic thing for me, especially dual summons."
"I love to cook, I do some bomb cooking videos."
"Recently, I put in these plants that were in my other two marvel studio."
"I personally really enjoy working with cooling solutions and good coolers and if I'm gonna build a computer for myself I like the idea of spending more money on a better cooler just because to me that's a fun part of the system."
"I realize this game is one of those games I could potentially get addicted to."
"When we do what we like, we don't see the time go by."
"Playing Beat Saber makes me stronger, faster, and works out my whole body."
"I almost like to find challenges, you know, even like I'm a trail runner and my favorite trail runs is when I am in the elements."
"Have fun with it. Do what you enjoy doing and everything is cool. Sometimes it works out for people, sometimes it doesn't, but as long as you're having fun, that is the main thing."
"I wanted to play Animal Crossing, and because I wanted to build this thing, and I wanted to do it on stream, I was like, 'Well, I gotta stream.'"
"She loves running, so I got her winter running gear."
"If you're already into yu-gi-oh you're not going to stop playing it until you finally have a real awakening."
"Golf is now his new love, it's also given my stepdad a newfound love for the game too."
"I'm completely obsessed with them (sunflower planter boxes)."
"Beautiful sea glass found in Japan: I will chew on these until I have no teeth left."
"Rodeo talent: not just a fun hobby, it's a sport."
"I would play Tobacco Road a hundred times again, I don't think I can play it enough in my life."
"Whenever I'm stressed, I like to listen to my vinyl collection."
"Thrifting, if you are an OG to this channel you guys know that I've drifted all throughout high school and university and always been a huge part of my DIY journey."
"I'm trying to find happiness in other things... I've been watching a lot more TV shows, trying to cook with salmon."
"I love to listen to audiobooks on audible... I've actually listened to like six books in the last couple of months."
"Improving a skill that you already have, getting more into a hobby, or starting a whole new project like a work project—maybe."
"I'm just really enjoying base building, if I'm going to be honest."
"And of course there’s the silly satisfaction that comes from collecting a bunch of stuff and knowing you have it if you need it, I always like that."
"You can actually do two of my favorite things."
"I get more excited about my plants shooting than I do anything else."
"I can't wait to use my little stickers when I journal at the end of this month."
"Please don't monetize all of your interests. Save some things as a hobby just for you."
"I loved the spread of like what's in my bag and celebrity would share what's in their bag those kinds of things always like excited me so these videos are kind of like my little reach into my younger self and what I love and still love doing."
"I was bummed out. I feel like everyone has hobbies, you know."
"Every week I would find one... I hit this mother lode of about 40 of them."
"Every time I go picking there's always some kind of a theme and today the theme was definitely owls."
"Setting up a new computer is like top ten one of my favorite things to do."
"I'm not a professional, I'm just a girl who likes to smell good."
"He loved paint, he worked in his workshop, and he loved going up to our ranch in Northern California. He loved it there."
"Aren’t you just glad that your family member has something that they love?"
"If I lived near water and owned a canoe, I think canoeing could become my major obsession in life."
"Get a hobby that you love, something that grounds you and puts happiness in your heart."
"Thanks for all the videos. As a teenager, I quite enjoyed electronics, spent a fair bit of time building headphone amps. Didn't everyone?"
"I feel like my friends know this, I love organizing, moving things around, I like cleaning."
"This hobby of yours isn't making my job any easier or safer. Maybe so, but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a space walk in my skivvies."
"I pretty much just spent all my money on plants and I'm not mad about it."
"Jamming on a guitar: even his tender profile says so."
"Let's have a laugh with it 'cause I have played this game to completion twice now."
"I just came back from seeing my family like we went to this like Antique sale stuff like that like I have a lot of just random stuff that I've been buying that I want to show you because I feel like you guys appreciate it I don't know."
"I mean, we play a little bit of guitar, you know. What, you're talking about songs? Yeah, I could probably play a few hours set, you know, but I'm not like an elite guy."
"Dating for fun? Get a hobby. Go swimming. Don't use another person's heart for fun."
"This is what I do now... I like making things from scratch as much as possible."
"I bought all those seeds, and then I was thinking about, you know what, I really want some Foxglove flowers this year."
"Wow interesting indeed she has a clutter your bedroom's over here rocking chair where's that from that's actually the first piece I ever refinished."
"I built it to race in the street... and I was hooked from that point on."
"I made this little bag. I love crafts and I love just making things with my hands."
"I'm never not doing these again, I'm obsessed."
"I get a ton of joy out of my planner spreads what can I say well pastor I'm just trying to share the joy with you guys."
"Healthy, healthier for him, but he loves cooking, so he had so much fun making them."
"I'm gonna go drive my go-kart after this in excitement for what happened with Tesla."
"Doing something you enjoy cannot be a bad thing."
"I'm a huge belt fed guy so I love the belt feds that's fantastic."
"I'm just having so much fun with this book journal."
"My perfect day involves building restorations, adventure, stillness, sunsets, and maybe a little history lesson."
"One of my greatest joys, I think, with Ashley, is watching her ride."
"The only person that matters in your doll world and in your conversation about your dolls and what's going on with you is you."
"I enjoy messing with the mustangs, but I love Jesus."
"I'm not a man of means by any stretch, but I enjoy old items, particularly antique and vintage books and documents."
"I love doing stuff like this especially when I have the time just to go out to practice and test."
"Just do things you love doing during your free time."
"We love finding random little toy shops because we always get... well, you guys know, you see in my room I have tons of just crap everywhere of like cool Collectibles."
"Finding something that you actually enjoy is such a game changer."
"Saturdays and Sundays are my favorite days of the week because I get to do things I love and spend time with the people I care about."
"If collecting your dolls is the thing that you want to do, then just do it."
"He liked poetry, he carried Goethe's Faust around with him, he played the cello, and he liked painting."
"I always noticed that the guys had some pretty unusual hobbies, a lot of them did, and they were pretty immersed in those hobbies."
"Some people have therapy animals or therapy hobbies; I have a therapy road."
"Tiger Woods is dominant in his hobby, Roger Federer is dominant in a sport."
"What matters is that you're having fun and you're climbing because that's what really matters."
"Just keep busy doing things that you enjoy."
"I love thrifting, I love shopping sustainably."
"I absolutely love my toy world Devastator, he's remarkable."
"I do love walking through tunnels. It's one of my things."
"I hope you guys make all the leg warmers or over the knee socks that your heart can take."
"I like to go to lakes; I'm a picture-your-person too."
"It put a smile on my face every time I rode it."
"Michael Strahan's passion for cars has been evident throughout his life, and he has owned several high-end vehicles while also showcasing his interest in cars through his television work."
"One of the most fun things to me is getting to try different scents and perfumes."
"You may be spending a lot of time alone, just doing the things that you love."
"Music's one of my best friends, and acting's like someone I see once in a while that's super fun to hang out with."
"I'm so thankful to have something like climbing and surfing, things I literally love to do by myself."
"Your mental health and things you like to do are important and crucial to you."
"It brings back memories when I used to ride horses, just makes me smile."