
Search And Rescue Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"This is an ongoing active search and rescue operation."
"Unfortunately, the big headline of the day is that 53 people so far are confirmed to be dead. That number will almost certainly grow as the search and rescue efforts are ongoing."
"Let's remember, the first thing that's important is for us to continue to search and rescue and find the six workers that are still missing."
"Scrappy is a search and rescue vehicle... I want Scrappy to be capable of running big equipment."
"Every hour that goes by, the chances of finding a missing person just go down."
"Rescue in the survival situation is never a guarantee I mean ask any dead person that's a fact always always always actively promote search and rescue."
"This is an incredibly complex search operation requiring both surface and subsurface elements, and our unified approach is critical."
"FEMA has teams in Kentucky supporting search and rescue efforts, along with disaster survivor assistance teams."
"We're trying to hold up the best we can, but with, we have hope, is the thing. Hope is what keeps it going. Hope is because the search is not over. Search is not done. We will find him, no matter what."
"Our work is not just restricted to mountain or wilderness search and rescue... our skills are also deployed by the Welsh police to search for vulnerable or missing persons..."
"It's a moment that you as a search and rescue professional you never want to deal with."
"They're going to start from the off ramp and work their way back up they're going to try to find the kids and they're going to try to find her"
"Within 20 minutes the Coast Guard helicopters arrived and dispatched two search boats that scoured for hundreds of miles to no avail."
"We'll find her. No, we're not leaving without her."
"We're not giving up on the search and rescue efforts because we believe there could still be void spaces where somebody could survive." - Unnamed official
"These are not easy missions to be doing on I mean it was not easy for them to be on that pile in Surfside and search for people..."
"People are found in locations previously searched."
"Thanks for listening to these creepy and surely tragic search-and-rescue stories."
"The amount of volunteer search-and-rescue teams who have reported to the command center is remarkable."
"What followed was the largest, longest, and most complex search-and-rescue operation during the entire Vietnam War."
"Lost is not alone, hearts and prayers for echo search."
"Multiple forces were launched for search and rescue operations, recovering items from a stationary debris field, including the mishap pilot's survival kit and unopened parachute."
"At this point right now it seems like Bob had dropped a couple of his arrows and the SAR team had amazingly found them in the middle of the thick bush."
"A drone played an important role in finding a missing woman."
"Every search is successful because we are able to rule out where somebody is not."
"As we mentioned previously, drones are the ideal tool for search and rescue operations in hard to reach areas."
"Success is when you can help other people as much as you help yourself."
"I love search and rescue. I'm never going to stop as long as they'll let me fly and search."
"Thanks to them drones allow us to search areas that are difficult to access and within close range where a helicopter may not be able to get to, let alone people. This fella is very lucky to have come out of this alive."
"Aviation Rescue Swimmers: Ready to go into harm's way to complete the rescue missions in the most extreme environments imaginable."
"It would save search and rescue hundreds of man hours by using one of these. If you're hurt or injured, and I, you know, possibly 95 percent of my cases would be solved if people just used one of these."
"It's amazing for Eileen Simpson, the efforts of a highly trained RCMP dog helped save her life not once, but twice."
"Children probably affect me the most out of all the searches that we've done."
"They found a small shelter and tracks that matched her boots now so was that 6 000 feet on the sixth day soldiers were at 13 100 feet on a very steep slope boulder slope and they found Ellie's body face down deceased."
"Missing pensioner found by drone, highlighting the drone's role in search and rescue."
"48 hours is still a very quick turnaround from being declared missing and found safe."
"Dogs are very responsible for turning up bodies, they genuinely are."
"As a search and rescue organization we are very well trained however there's a lot of things that are happening that are completely out of our control."
"Ninety-eight percent are ultimately located, most safe and well."
"Each time I read a case where somebody's been found by a search and rescue person, a search and rescue person will have that memory for a lifetime of saving a life. Huge."
"I think the worst feeling that a search and rescue member can experience is being there and not having anything you can do to help."
"I cannot tell you the number of times that victims and victims' families, they're missing a loved one and they want resources brought in, specialized resources, right? And the local search and rescue group plays king of the hill and says, 'Nope, no more people are coming in.'"
"I just want everyone to know that we're going to find Gannon."
"The aftermath sees a large search and rescue operation to account for missing persons."
"Perhaps one day we'll find some clues as to how a seemingly ordinary hike turned out to be one of the largest search-and-rescue efforts in the park's history."
"other than knowing how to do basic obedience stuff, when we go ahead and get all our dogs certified, he is able to find lost people."
"By the time Sandra had been missing for nine days, warmer weather partially thawed some of the heavy snow that blanketed the area."
"I'm very confident we will find MH370."
"Despite the challenging conditions and terrain, searchers dedicate a significant time and resources to locate."
"The dogs actually did pick up a scent and they LED down to a local road which led the search and rescue you and the authorities to believe that she possibly may have been taken or have gotten into a vehicle on her own accord."
"A dog could search in say 5, 10 minutes where it would take a human maybe up to an hour or longer."
"Time is of the essence in search and rescue operations, and the delay of five days greatly reduced the chances of finding Jacob alive."
"Every year we get the really baffling search and rescue cases, just stuff we simply can't explain."
"Catherine defied every search and rescue model for eight-year-olds."
"EPURB and PLB technology broadcasting on 406 megahertz is received by orbiting satellites and used by worldwide search and rescue assets."
"The news of Randy's disappearance triggered one of the most grueling search and rescue missions in National Park Service history."
"Chad came up with a good acronym... SAFETY means Search And Find Everyone That's Your Job."
"When you get called out to go find that kid who's lost in the national park, you can't quit. You have to keep going."
"We take every search and rescue case just as seriously as if we're going out to find one of our family members."
"I am a firefighter as well as working for the search and rescue out here."
"That is awesome, man, I mean now you can actually carry payload and drop for search and rescue as absolutely a very very useful feature."
"We go out and do variety missions from law enforcement to national security, to what we're really here for, in my opinion, what our passion is, is search and rescue."
"We are in that vital window at the beginning of a situation like this which is why our search and rescue teams are on the ground providing that assistance."
"Ranger canines are also often trained as search animals and have a very keen sense of smell."
"This case is just one of many where people have disappeared and later been found miles outside of the search parameters commonly used by search and rescue teams."
"We're gonna look for life, fire, and layout."
"These dogs serve such a great purpose in a lot of ways to either pinpoint where that survivor is or to be able to say, 'Okay, we need to keep moving; there's a lot more ground to cover, quite literally.'"
"Most of our search and rescue work has been more for people with dementia, people with autism, lost children."
"Do you think a dog can succeed at both search and rescue and protection? Well, it depends on the dog."
"The distance they travelled surprised some of the searchers, who also made the point that to reach that spot, they had forded a dangerous stream that they were lucky not to have been swept away by."
"There's benefits for search and rescue and, of course, this free weather we've all heard about with FIS-B."
"Search and rescue is the Coast Guard's primary mission."
"It really marks a turning point in my lighting system that I use for search and rescue."
"We find people, lost people; we find substances, whether it be narcotics, explosives, accelerant."
"We have cadaver dogs that locate human remains."
"You have to commit to that first and foremost if especially if you're going to be a wilderness search and rescue canine handler."
"The dog has to have incredible, uncontrollable drive... they're not going to stop until they find it."
"An army of highly trained searchers was mobilized for the rescue effort."
"I felt a sense of duty to get this young lady's remains found."
"Why do I do this? Because I can, because I'm physically fit enough to get out there and look, and if it was me or mine that were lost out there, I'd want everybody and his brother coming out for me."
"Just a great tool to use with search and rescue."
"I was never one for the supernatural until my first year on the search and rescue team."
"It was easier for the computer to recognize that it was a life vest in the water rather than the human eye when helicopters flying over."
"The reason they found Talia so quickly is because she had Elmo on her shirt, and everyone in the United States knows who Elmo is."
"We help people in disasters, and we are also looking for people who are lost."
"Harry Oaks is a tracking dog handler; he represents Mountain Wilderness search dogs, a search and rescue unit responsible for locating a multitude of lost people in the Pacific Northwest and around the world."
"I love search and rescue, I'm a volunteer myself."
"More than 40,000 searches for lost victims are conducted each year."
"The town really had all of the searchers' backs."
"Search and rescue is a matter of goodwill and just not being jerks."
"We do all the searching and stuff for what reason? We find a victim, we didn't talk about rescue."
"Dogs have 220 million olfactory receptors which allows them to pick up the even the faintest scent, making them a vital part of search and rescue."
"Imagine 10,000 cockroach-sized robots who go through the rubble looking for signs of life."
"The Airbus C295 search and rescue aircraft can handle its missions even in the most challenging conditions."
"Absolutely not recommended to make the hike; people will get lost and they will stress the already heavily stressed first responding team."