
Culture War Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Intersectionality, reusable plastic bags, gender pronouns, culture war is obsessed with inequality, sowing division among us as the issues become more and more niche."
"Every dumb culture war actually cuts in Trump's favor."
"We're in the middle of a new phase in the culture war that first started in the 1960s, but instead of left against right, now each side has fragmented into different tribes fighting amongst themselves."
"Is the culture war a product of America's enemies sowing divisions online?"
"The conflict over critical race theory in schools could be the defining battle that brings regular people into the culture war and turns the tide for the better."
"It's not the right to start this culture war; it is the left that started this culture war, and they target children."
"We're now in year 14 of a major culture war."
"The right is winning the culture war by demonstrating that the left is willing to be this radical."
"What I worry about is a decision by people who want to win a culture war to say, actually, we're going to give up on that, we're just going to level it as hard and often as we can, and that'll show them."
"I feel like if the right and the Republican Party institutionally goes down this road of trying to match the left punch for punch on the culture war, it's going to undermine other fundamental values it has."
"The success of 'Sound of Freedom' means that anti-establishment, anti-woke, libertarian-minded individuals, conservatives, affected liberals, whatever, this group is actually engaging in the culture war."
"I'll do all the culture war stuff but I'm also good at the job and I'm competent."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we can win this culture War."
"It's amazing and hilarious how panicked they are that they're losing the culture war."
"It's hard to fight against a culture war without a culture."
"It's the people who lean away from culture war fights who end up losing."
"Activists who incessantly wage culture war find themselves caught in a culture war."
"We have weaponized social media and outrage culture. It's a literal culture war now."
"This perpetually online culture war bully (beeps) that's Trump, man. He did this, he broke Ted Cruz."
"The assault on gun rights is the one area of the culture war where the left has consistently failed."
"You best start believing in culture War Stories; you're in one."
"It's no longer it's just it's not culture war there's a power grab happening."
"It's not abortion, guns, and church closings that made coronavirus a culture war; it's the clash between people who think those things should go one way and people who think those things should go another way."
"I think this is, a, a partial parental revolt sparked by the pandemic of the last two and a half years, and I also think it's part of a little cultural war."
"What they really like about the Republican Party is... the culture war stuff."
"It's a culture war issue insofar as a woman's ability to be financially independent."
"This culture war bickering and you know, the constant escalation of cultural and political issues is an excellent distraction for the people to keep us fighting each other instead of going after the machine that's keeping everybody down."
"It's incredible to me that there are so many folks on the left in this country who believe that the right is fighting the culture War."
"The culture war is what people are hit with in the face every day. They're not hit with policy every day."
"In the culture war, you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. That's all that matters."
"The culture wars are all that matter. Here's why President Trump is going to continue to maintain his base."
"The culture war issues are the places where the progressive left is the most separated from the rest of the American population."
"This is conservatives playing the culture war and winning."
"True comedy is that if this is the way that the left wants to promulgate culture, they are going to lose... President Trump should only be hoping and praying that if that actually happens then it will propel him to victory again in 2020."
"It warned that if the government isn't going to do something... a culture war... was going to become huge."
"The guys over at Public Square... created the easiest way to win the culture war."
"People don't care about Biden. They would rather watch their cannon fodder for the culture war."
"The first casualty of a culture war is the truth."
"I try to ignore [the culture war]. I live in the real world, not on the internet."
"The culture war will not be fought on the physical battlefield. Instead, it will be fought on the digital plain where words are as devastating as heavy artillery."
"Every time this kind of culture war tactic from far-right Republicans is used, it works."
"We are playing offense with a sense of urgency to win America's culture war."
"Trump understands that there is a way of stoking the culture war so that the left will be so deranged as to supply him with fresh evidence that he alone can protect middle America."
"That is not an obsession over a culture war, that is an obsession with fairness with what's right."
"The culture war has a unique ability to turn people into moronic hypocrites flipping on their stated principles."
"Both parties push culture war to distraction."
"In a culture war, the way to win is to maintain positivity."
"They've really turned this into a culture war, right? It's like the reason why the Nazi Germany worked for Hitler was because he was able to turn his country against the minority."
"Everything becomes a culture war issue very quickly... it's just terribly important that's not how we talk to each other in the years to come."
"The only way Republicans can win is by weaponizing these culture war issues."
"This is exactly what the disgusting woke industrial complex looks like folks."
"The real culture war is between corporate values and human values, and the American courtroom is where that culture war is fought viciously every single day."
"I'm sort of over a lot of the culture war stuff... the political polarization... none of these people actually believe what they're saying or tweeting."
"So, as the economic stuff, trade, immigration was shifting, 2020 comes along and reinvigorates the conservative movement's sort of culture war push. And that's all kind of what's in the mix right now as the right broadly kind of tries to figure out what it should be post Trump."
"What is culture war if not just the contest over what kind of manners people are allowed to have in public?"
"Sometimes these moralistic arguments that get shot like cannons from the corner of the culture war can very easily be met with a retort that's pretty illogical."
"There is a cultural war going on in our country for the soul of America."
"Conservatism only works when there's something left to conserve and the culture war is a trap set by the devil who enjoys his popcorn as he watches us daily bashing out the words."
"Neutral is not possible in a culture War"
"...one of the biggest losing games of a culture war ever on YouTube."
"This culture war that we're in, this divisiveness, this polarization is only going to keep continuing if civil discourse fails."
"Remember your apparent differences and distinction from people on other sides of the culture war or political arguments is not as significant as your fundamental shared goal to create a space in which all of us can express ourselves."
"Our politics are dead and frozen in this cult sterile culture war."