
Takeaway Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"If there's one thing that I want you to take away from today's lesson, it's to take action."
"Create value in people's lives so they can take something away."
"The most important thing that I want you to take away from this video is to actually take action."
"The one thing that I want people to take away from this is just to be good to each other."
"Summing up, the takeaway from today: control of the body mind."
"So I hope the video was helpful and I hope you went away with something at least."
"If you take away anything from this video, it's that it's the workflow that you're purchasing; it's not the hardware."
"Honestly, my biggest takeaway is, at time of writing, no comedian on this planet has anything to fear from ChatGPT."
"The first takeaway is that MS is common."
"So the key takeaways of this talk: Remember, functor is something that has map. Monad is something that has flatmap."
"I really hope you guys were able to take at least one thing away from this video."
"What I took away from it is breakfast is very important."
"I hope you enjoyed it and maybe took a thing or two away."
"I hope you gleaned something useful from it today."
"This is something that I will definitely take home today."
"If you take anything home from what we talk about today, I think these are kind of the four things to at least be aware of."
"...most people aren't interested is the big takeaway here."
"In closing, what should you take from this? Dig everything."
"The biggest takeaway for me driving this at home on our streets."
"The real takeaway here is connect with your core audience."
"Hopefully you took away some good stuff from this one."
"The beauty of the show is that everyone can take away something from it."
"Has everybody heard something here tonight that they can take home?"
"To those of you who watch till the end, we hope you take something with you."
"That's the key distinction to take away from this video."
"Hopefully you guys learned something from that video, hopefully you took something away from it."
"The big takeaway from this is be consistent, try new spots."
"If you walk away with anything today I hope it is with courage."
"...it was the biggest takeaway from this competition for me was just how much of a joy it was to work on this film."
"If you walk away with nothing other than the cool tools that you learned how to use and this tip, I think it's worth it."
"There's stuff that you absolutely can pull away from it."
"Hopefully you guys got something out of this, gives you something to think about, gives you something to chew on."
"If you don't take anything away from today's class, do this one."
"Hope you guys are able to grab something from this video."
"My biggest takeaway is you can enjoy time alone and and you can Embrace that and there's nothing to feel ashamed of or to feel like you have to be a certain way because of what you see online."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me. I hope there is something you can take away from this video."
"So many things to take away from this, gear-wise."
"I hope you have enjoyed this YouTube video and have taken away something from it maybe."
"Maybe one of the ways that we can wrap up is just talk about like big takeaway either from today's conversation or from the nomadology plateau in general."
"It's kind of a cool thing to kind of like take away from just more like a session."
"What's your takeaway? We're action takers here at Think Media."
"Hopefully this video as a whole has been helpful for you. Remember the main takeaways from this video, those four steps I introduced you at the beginning could very well be the most helpful piece of this video when you apply those practically."
"So many tips I know you guys took something away from this."
"If you learn one thing from this video, it's this environment context concept right here."
"You want to really find one thing that really registered with you today."
"If you take anything away from watching today's video, let it be this: our dot size dictates the resolution we are able to achieve."
"A huge takeaway that you might see from this is adding, taking profits on steep declines."
"So I really hope you learned something and I really hope you took something away from this."
"This is probably one of the takeaways from the book whenever I first got it."
"If you're going to get anything from this video, get these."
"If you take anything away from this video, take that thought away."
"Picking up your takeaway is buttery."
"That's why I took away from it, thinking wow that's amazing, that's really inspiring."
"The information is solid so hopefully that's the key takeaway here from this video."
"...I really hope that this video has given you something to take away."
"What is it that we're trying to get you to take away from this video?"
"This has been a journey, and I hope you guys got something out of this."
"If anything do you want people to take away from getting a chance to meet you for the first time?"
"This is so fundamental, so core. That's got to be the biggest takeaway here."
"When you're done watching the show, what's the one thing you want them to take from it?"
"There was more good to take away from the interaction than bad."
"I love roast, that's like a comfort food to me, so like if I can get a roast dinner on a takeaway, then that's what I'll go for."
"I'm gonna take a lot of this home. I've learned a lot of things here and we're literally only on day two."
"When you walk out of the theater, there's something that you have that you get to take home."
"Learn something, maybe take something away from it."
"The collaboration is the thing, and that's what I'll take away from this."
"There's no compromise, right? That's the big thing, and that's what our big takeaway is from this."
"That is the important take-home message about white balance."
"The greatest takeaway is a lesson in humility."
"What I want people to take from it, I think, is that what it's actually about is the relationships between people."
"Once you see how much value it delivers for your code base, for your work, I think that's a huge takeaway."
"I hope you're able to take something away from this and learn a little bit."
"That's really the one thing I want you to take away from today."
"Finding a dish that you just really like and can kind of imitate the quality of a takeaway is so great because when you make it at home obviously it's much cheaper and it's just a great way to have a really delicious meal whilst also being budget friendly."
"Hope you got something out of this, guys."
"I think my greatest takeaway honestly was the experience and the connections that I got."
"I hope very much that you'll be able to take something of interest away with you."
"That's what I want you to take away from this."
"Hope you can take something away from that."
"Fish and chips are usually eaten as takeaway food, with the fish wrapped in paper, and the chips covered in salt and vinegar."
"Good luck, remember everything you remember, you'll take home with you."
"Here's the takeaway, because you always have to put a positive spin."
"Let this be a little takeaway: if you leave this lesson with nothing else, you'll walk away with this awesome lick."
"There's always something positive to take home."
"I take what I can, what I learned from this I'll take the best that came out of this and take it with me so it's not all in vain."
"I hope that there's some sort of jewel, a gem in there that you can take with you."