
Memory Aid Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"My rule number one when learning new words: Try to find a story that will sit together with this new word in my brain."
"I'm constantly writing down what I have to do because if I don't write it down I will forget it."
"If you can only remember Omaha, you have a Taiji move you'll never forget."
"Cookie can write his friend's request in a notebook just like Mommy, then he won't forget him anymore."
"So, it's good to find out synonyms for your word, because the more connections you have to a word, the more you will remember it."
"Everything having a place is really important to them because then they can remember, 'Oh yes, that's right, these are where my blocks go...'"
"By breaking down each lesson into smaller bite-sized experiences that quiz information repeatedly yet practically, it's so much easier to learn, process, and remember."
"For some reason immediately after the meetings are over I forget everything that we just talked about and what I can do is just have AI summarize for me in bullets again actionable items from my meetings."
"Bottom line is make connections between facts and information in your brain because it might help this information stick around longer."
"You don't have to remember where it goes or how it goes back together because they can just watch this video."
"I really love the front facing bookcase... it helps them to remember a lot easier which books are their favorites."
"Without Git, you would have to resort to trying to remember what you changed."
"It helps keep me sane; I don't have to worry about writing down passwords or having trouble remembering them."
"I record all my daily happenings. There's no way I'd remember it all otherwise."
"If I don't write it down, I'm probably going to forget and then the day of is going to occur."
"Sketchy is so useful for recall of pharmacology that I even used it throughout my third year clerkships."
"The power of music to actually stick in your brain is a great language learning tool."
"I think one of the best ways to ensure that I don't forget something important is when I'm cooking, when we're doing stuff and we are out of it, I write it on my list right away for those kind of things."
"What am I supposed to do on this how do I buy this and then I remembered my flash cards."
"Remember the principle: 'you don't need to remember case names, just remember the principle.'"
"I will have you know that I literally typed it on a notepad document on my PC in front of me so I did not forget."
"You have to remember the name, chalupa with no tomato, no lettuce, no sour cream."
"One thing that might help you remember is 'five or more, let it soar; four or less, let it rest.'"
"We've got to remember the order: red, orange, yellow, green."
"Remembering the sentence 'slow green frog landed in my cup of sherbert' helped me."
"It's like a morse code but the easiest way to remember was 'All good moles stay young.'"
"So, now, we're looking at it. The red, for me, was originally on the left side with the prong facing me. Now, I'm going to remember it pneumatically. Red will now go on the right if I'm looking at the front."
"If you want to have someone remember something, set it to a simple melody."
"Series help players remember plays easier."
"These 15 points are no doubt helpful i mean they help break down the story into something that's much easier to digest and easier to remember."
"The scene descriptions are used to jog your memory about what each scene is about, and will be transferred to each Call Sheet later on."
"When you're doing stuff like this, if you're not sure of where specific parts go back, take a picture of it. That way you'll have something to go back on as a reference."
"A good piece of practice when you're doing stuff like this is to use a camera, take a photograph of all of that, just to make sure that you don't forget."
"As soon as the test starts, write down key formulas and ideas on scratch paper."
"Take a lot of pictures of your stove; that way, when you're done, you'll have a reference to go back and look at if you forgot how something goes back together."
"The mnemonic 'FASTHUG-BID' helps to ensure that many things are not missed in the busy environment of the ICU."
"Using a passphrase is a great way to have something that you can remember in your mind."
"You don't really have to remember any of that, you can just save the expression."
"Think of your note-taking of essentially being a second brain."
"Whatever is important, I have to do or I want to remember, I just stick it in here."
"It's crazy bananas. If you ever forget how to spell it, all you got to do is remember that Gwen Stefani song B-A-N-A-N-A-S."
"I love writing notes with colorful pens; it makes it so much more fun, and I feel like I remember everything better."
"It's a Time Saver and plus it's your little external brain, it's remembering everything for you."
"Lefty-loosey, righty-tighty, it really helps to remember that."
"I'm constantly writing notes. I guess for me, I'm a person who, if I write it down, I retain it."
"Use checklists... very important to make sure that you did not forget anything."
"When I write it down, I remember stuff better."
"OIL RIG is a way of remembering the difference between oxidation and reduction."
"If you are doing pneumonics to try to help remember, you are going to be processing at a deeper level."
"Pivot longer and pivot wider functions make more sense, easier to remember."
"These connected insulin pens... capture the dose information from the insulin pen so you can remember exactly when you took your insulin, how much you took."
"By giving someone the first letter of a word, it will help them remember the word."
"It's like you're leaning on a tree; that's what I always say so people remember."
"Remember that, save that, keep that, write that down somewhere."
"Chip's nose is black and Dale's nose is red, and if you need help remembering, you say chocolate chip."
"It's really helpful to have a specific way to play through a new set of chord changes just so I have this kind of mnemonic device."
"Without comments, you will forget the reason why you wrote a particular piece of code a certain way."
"Keep a notebook. It helps you with things you don't know... even the act of just writing it down kind of cements it in your brain."
"Remember, righty tighty, lefty loosey."
"Sing the official colors of the rainbow to remember, of course: red and yellow and indigo and green, violets and orange and blue."
"Getting bins and organizers helps you remember and know what's where."
"A mnemonic for Marfan syndrome can be remembered by the letters in the word 'Marfan's'."
"Acetylcholine is involved in memory and stimulates movement."
"The goal of any EXO cortex is to get organized and not forget things."
"This ensures that you don't forget some of the key points while explaining your slide."
"We will work with exceeding speed and flexibility; it's an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory."
"Just remember that R is for radius."
"Evernote helps me remember everything."
"I am a woman that has a slow memory, and I say thank you for this planner because it's a great tool for me to remember important things that I have to do."
"If you have a large number of photos and you can't remember when you took the photo but you can remember where, then this feature is really, really good."
"If you ever want to know how a fifth sounds, just think of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'."
"I always like to do it in blue with the answers because one time I read that blue makes you remember things more."
"I love the idea of kippus being used very personally, not as something that you can send to another and expect them to read, but something that only you can understand."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy to remember, you want to stick your hand in there when the grill is off, cool and not warm to the touch."
"It's so perfect for just keeping in your pocket, writing down things you just want to get in your brains."
"I really love this image... especially if you're trying to remember the specific elements of tetralogy here."
"We highlight and it's saved the text, doing that creates a record to refer back to that lessens the cognitive load upon learners."
"The expression builder is very useful because it has access to all these functions and these rules, so we don't have to commit them to memory."
"To help you remember the determinants of exchange rates, I have come up with a useful acronym that is TIPSY."
"Pro tip: If you ever park in a garage, take a picture of the column."
"If you forget that just spell this backward, you will remember it :)"
"Keep a journal. It's an invaluable tool, my external hard drive."
"If you remember 'DEAD CLIC', that will be easy for you to remember how to calculate the debit and the credit."
"The saying for lines of the bass clef are Good Boys Deserve Fries Always."
"I find writing it down physically helps me so much more."
"30 days past September, April, June, and November."
"If you're struggling to have your life kind of in order, if you're struggling to remember specific important information... you get the point."