
Public Expression Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"It's important to express these things right because if you do it publicly, you are building a network in which you can judge the world better."
"Let's go make sure that love is living out loud in public."
"At the end of the day, if he feels like I'm wrong, then he can get on his platform and say that I'm wrong."
"In darkness there are memorials written not by kings or priests but by ordinary people committing their thoughts to stay for centuries."
"Let's go Brandon ladies and gentlemen that is it yeah all right and finally."
"I don't think social media's going away but I do think... some of the things that I would post a few years ago wouldn't be certain things that I would post now."
"We have had enough. We are over this. We are realizes. Maybe they're watching you. Maybe they're hearing you say 'enough is enough.'"
"The first amendment is supposed to give us the right to speak out. I always tell people we don't have the first amendment so we can talk about the weather."
"You don't have to thank companies, especially the ones that just took away your livelihood after telling you they care about you for so long."
"People are well within their rights to complain right now."
"Safe horny: a type of Attraction you're allowed to show in public unashamedly by Progressive standards."
"If Joe Biden can read that [ __ ] out loud in Congress, why can't a [ __ ] rap fan rap a Kendrick Lamar bar?"
"There's a lot of anger from people who have had their rights stripped and they spoke based on that, rightfully so."
"Yeah, it's [ __ ] embarrassing, yeah, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"No one will deny you a peck on the cheek at the airport when you say goodbye to your lover."
"Start social media because there's areas that you're strong in, and if you have something to say, there's no reason not to get it out there."
"That's why I'm so against this War and why I talk about it"
"You know, it's saying the stuff that the American people want to say and they can't say it. Final Boss can say it, we can say it, we could say it in the ring, some politicians can say it too as well."
"Everyone that goes on socials wants their views, feelings, and opinions to be heard."
"Social media is the open mic night of the world."
"Trump voters they're vocal. They wave the flag, they yell Trump Trump Trump MAGA. It's easier for them but there are Democrats who are scared to speak up but they're not scared to email in private someone they trust."
"When people yell freedom in America, it's only the freedom to have a gun and telegraph what you can do with everybody."
"I think it's not the internet that's like making people go crazy it's just the times that we're living in and they have the access to have a voice."
"Memes are in themselves a representation of the power of the people."
"People do need to watch what they said on social media."
"Moxley and Brody Lee eloquently expressed what I've thought about them for years."
"Putting yourself out there and giving your opinions can be scary as a Creator."
"You get assholes like Trump mmm you know cuz he's willing to say what I'm thinking like no he's an asshole."
"India's democracy still allows for citizens to voice their opinions."
"The first amendment does not require us to have to go and push ourselves off to the corners in order to practice our faith especially if it's just simply taking a knee like he's tying a shoe in the middle of the field."
"Cardi B slams Biden over inflation, rapper says grocery prices have tripled and it's outrageous."
"I have principles and values, and I wear them on my sleeve."
"If we're not allowed to speak in public, then I demand free speech on social media platforms."
"You want people to be able to say controversial things, especially in controversial times."
"Shut up and sing because you don't know what you're talking about."
"It's terrifying releasing a video that you know is going to be flooded with disagreement."
"It was time for the silent majority to become unsilent."
"Let's go Brandon! Oh my god, what a sick burn! What can he do? Can he do that? Oh my god, from the rapture, holy [__] yeah, whoa!"
"People before Highways Day was a manifestation of bubbling frustration."
"There's an opportunity for Christians to proclaim their faith publicly again."
"Never say something out loud that you wouldn't want published in The Wall Street Journal."
"God is good for real. I gotta just give, I never really take the time to give thanks to God on any platform, not even alive, that's crazy."
"Everyone else can be angry, do you know what I mean, and everyone else can give their opinion and say how they feel but I have to think twice about my tone or because, like, because just because I'm black basically, do you know what I mean?"
"Both Superstar quarterbacks... boldly unapologetically and authentically declared gratitude to God for their being there and gave clear testimony."
"Disney fu, how many more? I wish I could say it really really loud."
"How else are the people supposed to let the world know what they actually think?"
"Your identity is not as fragile as it used to be, now you can stand in your own energy and proclaim loudly."
"Express yourself responsibly; it's a small price for a better community."
"A few vagina hats and a crazy Ashley Judd tirade does not a modern civil rights movement make."
"Is it worth standing up and saying what you believe and saying what you believe to be true?"
"It's standing up for what you believe in and expressing your opinions."
"Proper spiritual leadership begins with proper spiritual practice, demonstrating the centrality of prayer in your life by actually praying and not being afraid to carry that forward into the public space."
"People are losing their fear as well because usually people keep their mouths shut in these places when they support Republicans but with Trump, you get this kind of courage."
"You can forgive in your heart, but making it public is like meritorious manumission, rewarding good behavior in front of others."
"New Yorker, he's on the balcony singing, 'Shut the [ __ ] up!' That's great. Hey, douchebag, shut the [ __ ] up!"
"Graffiti allows for public displays of anti-capitalist sentiments without requiring the permission of the capitalist mass media or the state."
"This is how you distinguish yourself from the rest... this is how you invest in a future in which the public is not scared to say the right thing."
"Athletes have every right to their opinion and the right to express it... they have no right or reason to expect to be free of criticism."
"I'll remind all of you... I'm already censored on just about every platform."
"I call it the Slim Shady effect because you're saying things that everyone has felt that everyone has said to their close friends and their family in the privacy of their own home."
"We need to stand up for our rights and make sure that what we believe is out there in the public Arena."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You ain't saying nothing yet if you keep silencing us like this."
"It's crazy that we even have to be so cautious about it, good lord."
"Enough is enough for JT. I'd like to say one other thing, I'm also a veteran."
"What Cameron Diaz is talking about here is expressive individualism."
"It's time for them to take the gloves off, it's time for them to stand up and just share publicly what they know..."
"When Dana White feels a certain way about a fight, you better believe he's going to let the public know about it."
"I do prefer it when people don't plaster their political beliefs all over their clothes or their decorations."
"That's what grief meant to her it was so heartbreakingly beautiful i was just out here in the club crying and it was it was very very emotional."
"It's on command, rules are rules. Let's go, Brandon!"
"I think begins with a b this b is bollocks the queen's jubilee is bollocks and you're gonna go poet are you being a negative [ __ ] again I'm like yeah I am but let's go and figure out why."
"Just because you are one of the first or the loudest to speak out does not mean that this is an isolated experience."
"The pressure I feel too is not necessarily to have those kinds of takes but the pressure is even when I tweet anything yeah it does feel sometimes like you have to be able to back your [ __ ]."
"Imagine being able to dance in the middle of a restaurant like that."
"God doesn't need secret lovers. He wants you to be public with your love for Him."
"Publicly acknowledge Christ before men."
"Kanye's whole thing, he's saying he's not crazy, this is just a public prayer."
"When I hear the name of Jesus sang in our malls, it gives my heart joy."
"If I win, I'm going to trip [ __ ] and cry on stage."
"It was real. It was probably the most real moment I have ever publicly shown."
"He loudly declared that he loved the person who was by his side."
"How do we begin to... express that love and that love in public for our fellow citizens in ways that keep them safe and alive?"
"I'm so excited, guys, you have no clue. I screamed in the Walmart."