
Arabic Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Why do you love Arabic so much? Because it's got... I think I said that right."
"The Sahaba understood that Arabic preserves the integrity and proper understanding of the religion."
"The standard of Arabic to judge whether something is good Arabic or bad Arabic is the Quran."
"Abdul Malik introduced Arabic as the lingua franca for the whole area."
"I'll cut you right there for just a second to say, I think people might not realize it but Arabic is the richest language on earth with the largest vocabulary."
"Each verb form in Arabic offers a unique perspective on action and intention."
"The Quran remains to this day the gold standard of Arabic literature."
"What is the Shan? Shan means literally in Arabic anyone who deludes someone from truth to falsehood and anyone who deludes someone from good to bad from benefit to destruction. That's what the word Shan means in Arabic."
"The Arabic language has such a complexity that it can be used in so many different unique ways, and I think that stems from the beauty of the language."
"Even the Layman Muslim should try and learn Arabic because it will make him understand his religion much better."
"I've kind of wanted to learn Arabic for a long time, I talk about this all the time, my sister Mary, she speaks fluent Arabic, and so I get a lot of exposure just through you know, talking and interacting with her as well."
"Nearly every word in Arabic is based on a combination of three letters that together form a root."
"Arabic when you hear Arabic you just hear Alba but now when these guys are reading it, it becomes so romantic."
"So inshallah I'll just say it in Arabic and you can repeat it. 'Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah.'"
"...these texts do establish that in this area, the Arabic writing tradition, right, that we know in Pre is established and people are positively writing it in Arabic that we would identify as the Arabic that is used to put the Quran down in writing."
"When you move up now in a key that you have to move into Arabic because there are no longer translations."
"Marcus's racer proudly displays his racing name speed star written in Arabic long."
"The Quran is the greatest source of Arabic, and the Arabic language would never be preserved like it is today without the Quran."
"This fragrance is another example of Arabic brands creating something really nice for a very attractive price."
"Learning Arabic in an accessible, easy, enjoyable way, and focus on building vocabulary."
"The nature of Arabic at the time of Islam's origins is still debated."
"Rich in Arabic means to not need anything anymore. I don't need anything anymore. The nafs, in its primitive state, wants things. And it doesn't have the aql, doesn't have the knowledge to know what things it needs in order to not need anything anymore."
"If I quote to you from what we have in the Quran, I can quote it to you in the Arabic language."
"Arabic influence in the New World would be a soft power, one that can be just as influential as any hard borders on a continent."
"I do love Arabic, Arabic and French I always say are my two favorite languages."
"If you want to teach or learn Arabic just to understand Quran, the best book is this book called 'Monhaj al-Quran'."
"The Arabic language was in existence long before the emergence of the script that we call Arabic."
"Evidently, Arabic's time had come."
"The English word 'lute' simply comes from the Arabic word 'Alud'."
"It is thanks to them that two-thirds of the stars that have names have Arabic names."
"Sakina is tranquility, it is peace and calmness."
"It's estimated that there are around 3,000 to 4,000 English words that have come from Arabic."
"As salam o alaikum (Peace be upon you)."
"Learning Arabic is never too late to learn."
"Izar means to flourish or to thrive in Arabic."
"The Arabic language was preserved through poetry."
"There was actually one huge linguistic source of early Islamic Arabic that wasn't being used, which was the Quran."
"Arabic language and literature had played a fundamental role in the emergence of Western culture."
"To us Muslims, we know for a fact that the Quran was revealed in Arabic to an Arabic speaking messenger."
"The Arabic language is a prerequisite of Islamic knowledge."
"Welcome to the spice Bazar, the name of the spice Bazar spices Bazar in Arabic."
"We are talking about the Arabic language which predates Queen Victoria by centuries."
"Arabic is really not that hard, of course it's work, but it's not impossible, you can do it."
"The official language in this country is Arabic."
"The first book in the Arabic language is the Quran."
"The Quran opens the door to what was the greatest achievement in human history at that point in time."
"Ancient Arabic is far more sophisticated, far more advanced, far more complex, far more intricate, far more involved than proper Modern Standard Arabic."
"The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters."
"Arabic is written from right to left."
"Arabic is largely phonetic, which means words are pronounced exactly like they're written."
"Arabic is a cursive language that means every letter in a word connects to the letter before or after it."
"This discussion is actually very widespread and it's very common in the Arabic speaking world and in other languages."
"Assalamu Alaikum everyone, I hope you're all doing well."
"It says 'love yourself first' in Arabic."
"They try to drain into English something of the richness of the Arabic vocabulary."
"Arabic is not an easy language to learn."
"If you just dig a little deeper about Arabic, you would know that there are over 22 different dialects."
"Algebra comes from Arabic. It's a very good thing if you can learn it."
"The word 'zero' has its origin in Arabic as well."
"Sofa... you can thank people in Arabic-speaking countries for that."