
Attitude Change Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"But as time has gone on that attitude has changed quite a bit. Most physicists today I would say go into these questions with a lot more humility."
"Change your vibration, change your thoughts, change your attitude, and watch, just watch what happens."
"Attitudes follow behavior; they do not predict it."
"Don't change attitudes; set behavioral expectations."
"Humanity varies considerably in this respect. At one extreme are open minds, ready and willing to entertain new facts, even if they are incompatible with their previously held attitudes and beliefs."
"My attitude toward homosexuality has changed. I came to the conclusion that I was wrong."
"Changing your mindset really, really does make a difference."
"Change your circumstances by changing your attitude."
"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude."
"Every day we have a chance to change how we feel by first changing the attitude we have towards ourselves."
"Christian communities can help shift convictions and attitudes."
"Gratitude changes your attitude and it shifts the energy around you."
"I hated that, but sentiment quickly changed after they started winning."
"I don't understand why people can't be positive, why can't you be positive about that result, get rid of your negativity and be positive!"
"Hopefully, people can change their attitudes and learn to treat people with respect."
"The overall attitude of the team was just getting really negative... but I can already feel a change."
"I am ready to change my attitude and beliefs about winning."
"I wish I had this attitude of letting things go a lot earlier."
"Start giving, start cultivating that and stop taking the pity route."
"Peace comes from a changed attitude at the bottom of the war mentality."
"Stop being so damn pessimistic and materialistic; focus on emotional abundance."
"Challenge yourself to refrain from complaining, blaming others, or making excuses."
"When we change our attitude to all these traumatic events, we grasp the world in a more philosophical way."
"Kenna notices the shift in Amelia's attitude."
"If they could change one thing at all it would be attitude, it would be approach to how this virus is viewed by the public."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"I was a 99 skeptic, but when I walked out of the project, I was like a 96."
"If people smile more, they'd have better attitudes, they'd be happier, they'd make better decisions."
"I want to change people's attitudes about bowling, make them think more positively about it."
"If you want to change your life, change your attitude."
"You know how people say you give zero F's in your 30s? When you turn 40, girl, it's like negative. You give absolutely none."
"You have the choice to turn a negative into a positive."
"You won't give birth to nothing until you break that nasty attitude."
"Stop being miserable and start being awesome."
"The company is also going well because Hickory changed her attitude."
"It's all about changing the attitude about what we're going through."
"I'm going to try to be a little bit less of an [ __ ] and try to be a little bit more relaxed and more okay."
"I believe you're leading the way and changing a lot of people's attitudes without a doubt."
"Pulaski, on the other hand, not only grows to regard Data as a friend, she soon stops mistreating him on the basis of him being an android."
"I got a whole different attitude about weed because of you."
"I guess I'm most proud of the change in attitude in the part of the people and evident among our young men."
"As you make the decision of your will to pray for your adversary, something amazing virtually always happens and that is your attitude toward them will begin to change."
"Having gone through that has really changed my attitude towards life."
"It's like we can take you in and in a short amount of time just change the mentality, you know?"
"You know you can see a real change in Cory, his whole attitude has changed 180 degrees."
"But one day I just said, 'That's it. From now on, it's fun.' And I just changed, and now it's a fun deal. If something blows up, it blows up. I'm not upset."
"Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different."
"...when you add that third pedal and a shifter in the floor, that's going to change everybody's attitude."
"Change your attitude, look at the positive side of life."
"That's quite the turnaround D could have brought about such a change in attitudes."
"I got a new attitude, just do what you want to do for you."
"People's attitudes have been amended; so many people feel that they have the right to remain at home and work from home."
"Be more positive again, don't be a misery merchant."
"Times have changed, and I really don't think there's any need for this kind of attitude."
"Taking the time to serve my family and make this an extra special night just changed my whole attitude."
"Please take pictures, I want you to be inspired, and I've done a full complete turnaround in my attitude."
"I Found Love in later life and it does make you less of a grumpy old b."
"A brand new start puts a pep in your step, and a pep in your step changes your attitude, and your attitude changing changes your outlook on life."
"I think the upness of music and the happiness and all that sort of thing... it gave me a whole different attitude about music."
"I started working harder, changed my attitude and it kind of ended up just being my main source of motivation."
"I recently was told to have a better attitude, so I'll just have a more positive, can-do attitude."
"I noticed that when that chip went away and the bad attitude went away, then things really started to come to me."
"Vedantic perspective will help in changing our attitude towards the work."
"When you start seeing them as needing your support and help rather than just punishment, then you change your whole attitude towards them."
"One of the most common functions of communication is to change people's attitudes and to change people's behavior."
"All it is guys is a shift of mindset."
"Change comes in attitudes when people meet people on an equal basis."
"It's different now, we give what we give willingly."
"Got a brand new attitude in my spirit since He changed me."
"399 has changed people's attitude towards grizzly bears."
"This experience has been a life-changing experience. I feel better; my attitude has probably changed."
"Economic and political objectives must be sustained by ethical objectives, which presuppose a change of attitude."
"We've got to change Dad's attitude if we're ever going to have that house in the country."
"A lifetime of grumpiness is a small thing to set aside."
"Once drivers learn how to use them, their attitude towards roundabouts drastically changes."
"Having had the opportunity to check this watch out in person for a little while, I have to say that my attitude towards this watch has changed drastically."
"Right, from now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy."
"Change your posture and lift your gaze."
"Ask yourself better questions that will alter your focus, which in turn alters your attitude."
"People change their attitude depending on whether they have money or not."
"It seemed that your attitude has become different. Well, that's a plus point, I suppose."
"Now that people understand more about sustainability... people's attitudes have changed a little bit."
"Everyone who spent enough time on my stream knows people's attitude changing is a huge part of my advocacy."
"...it's nice just the whole change in attitude of somebody listening to science..."
"From yesterday to today nothing has changed, only my attitude, then everything changes if you change your attitude today."
"It is amazing how once you spend a little bit of time with the species that you might not think much of before, it changes your attitude."
"Born again, yes, but they interpret to be born again is simply a change of attitude towards life."
"I need to be thankful, and that gets you out of a bad attitude real quick."
"We must alter our attitude and approach. We should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation."
"People see change when it comes to your attitude."
"If you can get into the frontal lobe—the executive brain—and set up a cognitive strategy, you can start producing positive attitude hormones that will then change your attitude."
"I used to be really, really pissed off all the time... but I find there's so much more enjoyment in life if you could just smile and be happy."