
Sleeplessness Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"I can't not know what the heck would happen if I didn't take the challenge or find out. That's what will keep me up at night."
"You desperately want to rest or close your eyes but you can't."
"I don't care if you know one hundred ninety five thousand people love the lipstick if three people are having an issue like that that's what's gonna keep me awake at night."
"I'm very excited. I can't wait. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight."
"I can't sleep until I know that she's okay and I know that you know where she is or what happened to her."
"It's definitely uh it's definitely a one that uh makes you stay up at night even though we're not directly connected with it because again you want closure for the family you want some type of resolution."
"We got no sleep. This was some of the most insane Paranormal Activity I have ever heard."
"I didn't sleep at all last night... we've been dealing with a fire in our area... kind of a tentative evacuation notice right now."
"I couldn't sleep just thinking about how bad a betrayal this was."
"I literally did not sleep a wink the entire night."
"Now their karma is sleepless nights, listen to me."
"You would think with all of our outrage that we could direct it somewhere like that, like that to me is the stuff that keeps me up at night."
"There's so much in the universe that can keep you up at night."
"I haven't been able to sleep since. Should I have done this all differently?"
"I didn't sleep, good things happen to those who wait, and this is proof, proof right here."
"The uncertainty is pressing on my mind and I find that I am unable to sleep."
"There's just no way I'm gonna be able to get some sleep tonight, that was insane."
"We didn't even get to sleep, no look, the sun's coming up now."
"The sun is the only planet that does not sleep at all."
"I was rolling over in my bag and just trying to get into a comfortable position to sleep in but had no luck falling asleep."
"That's why I couldn't sleep, you know, like yesterday night I slept like one hour, wow, or maybe less because like the adrenaline and all things, you know."
"Imagine a world where you never have to sleep again."
"The time is currently 2 26 in the morning tried going to bed at like midnight and I have not been able to fall asleep."
"I had a new bed delivered and the old one taken away, sleeping in that bed with my memories of what I had done gave me too many sleepless nights."
"but last night I couldn't sleep very well because I was worrying"
"Terrifying tales to keep you awake all night."
"Nick never napped. He'll be awake from morning till night."
"But sleep would not come, outside the wind was sending armies of dead leaves marching across the courtyards."
"I just had the worst nightmare ever. What was it? I don't know, but I was, like, being attacked by something. Bro, I can't sleep. Man, bro, I just had the worst freakin' nightmare ever."
"I'm really really happy, I'm not going to sleep tonight."
"What the hell did I just see? I didn't sleep that night."
"I felt the fatigue behind my eyeballs, yet they refused to close."
"I just saw the best action movie I've ever seen. I'm freaking out, I can't go to sleep, I can't sleep."
"There was little if any sleep that night as excitement and expectancy filled the air."
"I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited for this morning."
"I'm not happy with this. I'm mad right now. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight."
"I didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night."
"I feel like I have not slept in the past week because I'm just so excited to get going."
"I just want this night to be over and stop pretending like I'm going to sleep tonight."
"I didn't sleep a minute that entire night."
"I didn't sleep a wink that night, every little creak or rustle outside my window made me panic."
"I've not slept properly at all through the whole thing worrying Maureen worrying worrying so in that respect."
"Eric reveals he didn't sleep well, as being in that room reminded him of the times he slept in there with her."
"...I just couldn't get to sleep last night."
"A dream must be nice. I don't have dreams anymore because I don't ever sleep. Because for some reason I wanted to be a wife and mother."
"They're having sleepless nights, lots and lots of anxiety."
"You ever go to bed at night and can't sleep because that person or that act is on your mind? That's what we're talking about."
"I am so excited, hopefully I can stay up all night."
"Welcome to the next morning we've had a sleepless night over a pair of curtains."
"I don't think any of us are sleeping tonight."
"That presence continued, and it was making us feel on edge, tired. I was hardly sleeping."
"The Navigator's job is to spend as little time sleeping as possible."
"I'm struggling with no sleep, but you'll have that."
"The boy who couldn't sleep has finally found eternal rest."
"That would be extreme mood elevation, increased goal-directed activity, decreased need for sleep, decreased risk appraisal."
"I didn't sleep for two freaking nights in this hotel, I was so freaked out."
"Sleep deprivation just didn't matter."
"I've seen a lot of people, they are very rich, right? But they can't even sleep. If you see the houses that they... they can't sleep, they can't sleep."
"The first three months are absolute - I mean, you don't sleep. You don't sleep. It's great, you know, it's really great."
"I'm hearing 'I can't sleep at night'."
"And on Christmas Eve, you won't hear a peep, but will it still count if we can't get to sleep?"
"I didn't sleep for like the first three months of our relationship because I was just like, you know, falling in love for the first time."
"I can't sleep if you don't come back."
"Lifeless days and sleepless nights, so tired of it, I can't get you off my mind."
"We booked it back to his place as fast as we could and spent the rest of the night unable to sleep, waiting for sunrise so we could feel safe going to bed."
"Depression is a kind of tired that sleep doesn't fix."
"There is no death in Jannah and likewise, there is no sleep."
"I was so excited I couldn't even sleep."
"Nessun Dorma means 'nobody sleeps.'"
"Good morning, good morning, I didn't get much sleep last night cuz I knew that this was sitting in my driveway right now."
"It's Derby day, I haven't had much sleep."
"Counting sheep is ineffective as a cure for insomnia."
"I am so excited for what is coming, I couldn't even sleep last night."
"Can't sleep when I hear the sound of cicadas."
"What is sleep when you have pure romance?"
"It's old, it's Japanese law that if you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone's dreams."
"Recently adopted a golden retriever puppy, running on zero sleep but she's worth it."
"The mind is in a sad state when Sleep, the all-invading, cannot confine her spectres within the dim region of her sway."
"24 hours in the day, I wouldn't sleep."
"All I want to hear is the message beep. My dreams, they've got to kiss me 'cause I don't get sleep, no."
"Is it possible to use coffee and chocolate where you never have to sleep? That's definitely a question on my mind."
"And you must be the reason Liam hasn't been sleeping well lately," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
"Nessun Dorma means no one will sleep."
"But it still keeps me up at night, the slim chance that it's all true."
"I love you so much that I cannot sleep knowing that I've not heard from you."
"I barely slept last night. I mean, how are you supposed to sleep the night before you become queen?"
"We're gonna be up all night, we gotta tell you one thing tomorrow too."
"Reading is the best medicine for when you have insomnia."
"There goes my heart beating 'cause you are the reason I'm losing my sleep. Please come back now."
"I'm so excited I could hardly go to sleep last night; I'm in pins and needles."
"I'm so hyped up right now, I'm not gonna be able to sleep."
"What keeps me awake at night are these bio threats."
"I don't think I'm going to be getting much sleep tonight."
"I lie awake at night with the details of each sin running through my mind."
"I was struggling to sleep because of all the ghost stories that my dad was telling me."
"I must not sleep, the moment I fall asleep, she's going to do it."
"Does anyone else start thinking about stupid stuff at nighttime and then they just cannot sleep because of it?"
"I couldn't sleep last night, I was so excited."
"We're going to be doing a sleep stream... we never actually end up getting any sleep at all."
"After months of sleepless nights under the Midnight Sun, I am now enjoying sleepless nights under the night sky because Aurora Borealis season has begun."
"Who needs sleep, that's what caffeine's for."
"I hope you enjoyed this video; I hope you can sleep tonight, I'm not sure if I'm going to."
"I lose more sleep over the fact that a man is sitting in a six by eight cell for the rest of his life for something he didn't do."
"Dreams that keep us awake and do not allow us to sleep help us build our destiny."
"I've spent countless hours going over this in my head to the point where I can't sleep at night sometimes."
"I didn't sleep after 4:00 a.m. because my back was too stiff."
"Legend says when you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream."
"I’m super excited. I couldn’t sleep last night."
"I didn't get any sleep last night I was too excited!"
"I've been so excited to collect my car today and I literally could not sleep last night."
"I'm excited. I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping the night before, I'll tell you that right now."
"If you shut your eyes but cannot sleep, count these animals as they bleep."
"That's fine, I didn't need to sleep tonight."
"Sometimes when you're excited, you don't need sleep."
"You're so excited for what's going to happen tomorrow, and you can barely fall asleep."
"I couldn't go to sleep knowing that you were upset."
"This was so powerful and so emotionally devastating, I think it's going to keep me up at night for a while."
"He loved so passionately that at nighttime he slept no more than does a nightingale."
"If there was one thing that was good about Gaara being jinchuriki... it was that since he never slept, he never needed pillows."
"I'm home, hey, I'm worried I won't be able to sleep tonight because I'm so excited."
"Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep"
"I'm not gonna be able to sleep, I'm sure."
"I'm so excited about things coming into fruition that at times I can't even go to sleep."
"The city that never sleeps, New York City."
"Disclaimer: Some of my videos have been known to prevent people from sleeping at night."
"I couldn't sleep last night because I'm so excited."
"I heard about a man who claims that he hasn't slept since 1962."
"I did not get a lot of sleep last night, but I was very excited."
"But there was to be no sleep; all through the night, we were in a wakeful readiness."
"You don't sleep when you have kids."
"I haven't been sleeping because I want everyone to feel safe."
"Disgraceful," spluttered he. "I didn't sleep a wink last night, it was so quiet, and now engines come whistling suddenly behind me!"
"The city that never sleeps, that would explain the appearance of tiredness."
"I didn't get any sleep last night; I was tossing and turning."
"With this much sugar and caffeine in my system, I absolutely won't get to sleep before midnight tonight."
"Crazy, but it feels alright. Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night."
"Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?"
"I confessed. I couldn't sleep; my conscience was eating me alive."
"I was so excited last night I couldn't sleep."
"I think I'm so tired I'm not tired anymore."
"There are three books in here that actually kept me up at night."
"How many nights can you stay awake?"
"I never really put up a fight, didn't follow my dreams, and now I'm losing sleep."
"You know how sometimes you're so tired, and you just can't fall asleep? That was me last night."
"This is somebody that's losing sleep over you, over not talking to you, over this separation."