
Animal Intelligence Quotes

There are 390 quotes

"Coco the gorilla...was able to use complex sign combinations, which indicated sophisticated cognition."
"Scientists claim this tricky African bird is in fact a pathological liar in the animal kingdom...Drongos can catch up to 23 percent of their daily food by making false alarms and stealing their targets' dinner."
"Dolphins... have the ability to pass the mirror test, which is being able to recognize themselves in a mirror."
"Our right to live our lives...there's certain animals that are far more advanced than us, like dolphins."
"We have no idea how intelligent these animals are."
"According to new research, dogs do understand the meaning of nouns."
"Other animals are not idiots. In fact, some of them are so disturbingly smart that it kind of makes us have to rethink what intelligence actually is."
"Asian elephants were tested by painting a white 'X' on their cheek and then putting them in front of a mirror. The elephants would look into the mirror and then touch the 'X' mark on their face, meaning they were self-aware enough to realize it was their own reflection they were looking at."
"Not only can dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror, they actually figure out mirrors before we do."
"A pig is not a dog, they are very, very smart."
"These animals can problem solve, they can feel emotion, they can recognize."
"Some animals strongly dislike being cooped up and come up with ingenious ways to escape."
"Pigs are practically sentient creatures. They are... The only animals more intelligent than pigs are elephants, chimps, and dolphins."
"The dog getting back to Murphy and Buddy, I think the dogs just solved this thing. I really do, I really do."
"It's amazing how intelligent these birds are. By the way, crows have a very good memory - they remember people by their faces, so this Black Beauty certainly remembered its saviors."
"Sharks are pretty smart as they kind of are. They've been around for millions of years."
"It reminds us of how brilliant the animals we share the earth with really are."
"Octopuses are not just about their flexible bodies, they also exhibit remarkable intelligence."
"Cooper was dubbed a canine Einstein, his media career has taken off. A dog with both the looks and the brains is hot property."
"I have not met a more intelligent, compassionate, emotional animal in my entire life."
"Coco's IQ was measured at somewhere between 75 and 90, meaning she had the intelligence of an average three-year-old human child."
"Stoffel the honey badger was a notorious escape artist, finding creative ways to break free."
"Otters, the most intelligent of all mustelids, are part of the rare group of animals that create and use tools."
"According to this idea of dolphin intelligence, they are on the same level of intelligence as humans."
"Dogs are smart... They can smell strokes, see seizures."
"I need to go and take this little one out because he is so clever he learns that when the green screen goes down it's time for a walkies."
"Cephalopods possess problem-solving capabilities and can navigate complicated mazes."
"Squirrels create a mental map of the area and recall every hiding spot."
"Bees are remarkably adept at navigation and remembering important locations."
"Sea lions have many surprising abilities, including problem-solving and rhythm."
"Crows have an incredible understanding of the relationship between certain things."
"Raccoons are actually highly intelligent, maybe even smarter than you or me."
"Goats have a much higher level of conscious thought than other creatures."
"Bears are wildly intelligent and they will [ __ ] you up."
"The amount of intelligence that they have, the depth of intellect that they have..."
"One of the things the Neuralinks allow Pager to do is to play his favorite video game Pong."
"Miniature Schnauzers are awesome dogs, they are extremely intelligent."
"It's taken this clever one-year-old just a few minutes to solve a puzzle that baffles nearly every other species."
"It's very possible that animals that show this kind of different kind of intelligence can be intelligent in a way that we don't expect them to be."
"Witness the futuristic feat as Neuralink unveils its ability to empower monkeys to play video games using only their thoughts."
"It looks like an act of sheer luck, but then it knows to pull the door towards itself to get inside, which is just creepy beyond belief."
"Imagine being held at gunpoint bear with me by a literate animal and the only hope of rescue is bear with me tweeting a coded message."
"Scientists long believed that only vertebrates could demonstrate any form of complex intelligence."
"These large cats often exhibit near human intelligence."
"They are also known to be exceptionally friendly, clean, and intelligent."
"So expect a bunch of super intelligent Danish-speaking cows to take over the world anytime soon."
"Dolphins are incredibly smart, caring, and loyal."
"Crows are very intelligent for animals. Their brain size relative to their body size is of the same caliber as many primates."
"Our animal friends are often underestimated and deserve a lot more credit than we give them."
"Orangutans are easily some of the smartest and most beautiful of all primates."
"An octopus amazed a diver with its amazing color-changing camouflage."
"Chaser the canine Einstein: learning 40 words and keeping them in her long term memory."
"A wild crow solves a complicated eight-part puzzle to get to its food."
"An orangutan has been captured performing do-it-yourself repairs better than some humans."
"Coco instantly connected with Robin, using over 1,000 signs to share her feelings and thoughts."
"Extremely docile, calm, and level-headed, they are instinctually non-aggressive and are natural guardians to those that they consider to be part of their pack."
"However, dogs aren't the only animals capable of protecting their owners from impending danger."
"It's fascinating... it's incredible they're the smartest creatures I swear on the ocean floor."
"German shepherds stand at the top of the canine royalty for a reason."
"Animals are the true brains behind our planet."
"Listen, man, Kevin, the fact that you could have an intellectual discussion with your pet raccoon doesn't surprise me in the slightest."
"Independent biologist Ben Kellum... believes these animals can remember the distant past, analyze the likelihood of events in the distant future, communicate, and sympathize with each other."
"Their intelligence allowed them to adapt better than other creatures in their ecology."
"They recognize people's faces they hold grudges they like celebrate their dead"
"Chris crows and ravens are some of the smartest animals in the world"
"Both Koko and Michael showed the world that gorillas were capable of complex emotions like loss and grief."
"She had emotional depth. She could love, learn, and grieve similarly to humans."
"There's nothing like it in terms of its mental capacity."
"Dolphins are smart, but they are nowhere near humans."
"Dogs are our best friends forever when it comes to animals and one reason we love them is that sometimes they're even smarter than we are."
"Sam Stolking's Labrador puppy Cory began licking her when her insulin pump stopped functioning, ultimately saving her life."
"Experiments such as these prove that many animals have an unprecedented level of understanding of human speech and communication."
"A real-life planet of the apes may be just around the corner."
"Dogs can bring newspaper inside and hand it over, what a good boy!"
"Parrots have the ability to mimic human speech and are often a favorite pet."
"Pigs are amazing animals because they are so smart."
"Dolphins weren't just well designed, they were also trainable, adaptable, and extremely intelligent."
"Elephants can be a devastating combination of smart enough to do anything and big enough."
"Birds are some of the most ingenious creatures on the planet."
"An octopus named Otto has caused an aquarium outage by climbing to the edge of his tank and shooting a jet of water at a bright light that was annoying him."
"Prepare to be amazed... Paul the octopus was used to predict the results."
"Monkeys are definitely the smartest animals in the world."
"From problem solving whales to skateboarding dogs, join me as we take a look at some moments of animal genius."
"Science makes one fact undeniably clear: some dolphins are noted for seeking out social encounters with humans."
"Bees can actually be trained to recognize human faces. They have actually been shown to remember those faces for up to two days. It's extraordinary."
"Monkeys have always had something of a reputation for being intelligent and also unpredictable."
"In Las Vegas, the climate skews the odds toward a new kind of strange display."
"Chaser had become a worldwide sensation for having learned over a thousand words."
"Joanne Altman of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, almost died from a heart attack, but her fat pot-bellied pig called for help in an unexpected way and saved her life!"
"Scientists developed a vending machine for crows, and they were smart enough to use it. They even made their own tokens!"
"German Shepherds are highly intelligent, loyal, confident, and courageous."
"Parrots: the highest dexterity of any bird, excellent tool users."
"Corvids: high intelligence with a vast social aspect, top-tier build."
"Dogs always know what's up in movies. Dogs are perennially smarter than people in movies."
"Reptiles are way more sophisticated than we think they are."
"Save the baby: ...this mother elephant... called upon other pack elephants to help get the child out..."
"Dolphins have a cerebral cortex that is 40% larger than humans and they have their own language."
"Elephants are intelligent enough to experience every human emotion like compassion empathy."
"Chimpanzees can learn and utilize hundreds of symbols from human sign language."
"Lulu, the pig, ran for help when her owner had a heart attack, saving her life."
"They're considered to be one of the most intelligent species of bird."
"Chickens have strong color vision, great memories, and can recognize over a hundred faces."
"Monkeys are extraordinarily intelligent creatures who have long captivated humans."
"Puffins are amazing for many reasons, but for me, the thing that's most amazing is that they probably have some kind of map inside their tiny heads."
"Octopuses are some of the most intelligent creatures in the sea."
"I love alligators, they're super smart, they're easy to train, they're amazing animals."
"Mackie just threw up. She may be the stupidest dog I've ever met."
"I've never liked eating seapods because of their intelligence and because they're rad."
"Lions are actually pretty intelligent animals."
"Dogs are really smart, they can really understand what you want."
"Raccoons are one of the most intelligent animal species on the planet."
"This incredible display of intelligence proves the gorilla knows he's not hungry and how to convey this to his handler."
"Sam the Raven is smarter than a lot of you that are watching this video."
"Monkeys can learn to use money; scientists taught capuchins to exchange silver discs for treats."
"I feel like I can like sense that he saved them, you know? Yeah, they're very smart."
"The entire zoo was evacuated to get free, she used a stick, she short-circuited the wires around her enclosure."
"Here's a dog that knows how to play volleyball."
"Dolphins are some of the most intelligent animals you could ever find in the wild."
"Animals are a true blessing; they can comprehend emotions far more complicated than we give them credit for."
"Rabbits are intelligent, practical thinkers. You'd be surprised just how many situations they can get themselves out of."
"The concept of uplifting isn't just confined to humans bestowing intelligence upon other earth animals."
"Believe it or not, researchers have found that at least 20 of Moscow's metro dogs have actually learned how to use the subway."
"Maybe Alfred Hitchcock was on to something with his horror movie 'The Birds,' there's definitely something shifty about these hyper-intelligent crows."
"Humans like to think that we're the smartest animals on earth. I am now thoroughly convinced we're not."
"Amazingly, Masha had been able to keep the young child shielded from the harsh conditions outside."
"There's smart dogs, the smartest dog in the world is stupid, you know it's true."
"Fantastic tricksters, dolphins have entertained humans for generations."
"Octopuses are very, very intelligent beings."
"That's crazy, they're smarter than we give them credit, that's for sure."
"This extraordinary display serves as a testament to the intelligence and adaptability of animals."
"Intelligence: The indominus rex could outwit and strategize assaults against humans and retain long-term memories in detail."
"According to a shocking report from National Geographic, intelligent corvids, meaning a group of birds including crows and ravens, pay particular attention to dead friends."
"Chimpanzees have been shown an ability to not only use simple tools but are able to solve many kinds of problems posed to them by human trainers and experimenters."
"I feel like this monkey is still smarter than the last one."
"Great white sharks are so much more than brutal killers; they are sophisticated, elusive, and smart animals."
"...animals sometimes they know more than we do."
"Animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for."
"But birds can learn language and they can communicate with you so it's an exciting frontier."
"Fish are much more intelligent than many people assume and aren't purely ornamental and really shouldn't be considered as such."
"The brains of the animals that lived in this communal way with lots of stimulation to the brain via toys and interaction with humans and other rats had significantly more synapses in their brain."
"I had to find an animal almost Godlike in its mental powers."
"Ravens far surpassed chimpanzees in intellectual capability."
"So this is what I'm saying, I swear the shrimp learn which shows uh another level of intelligence really, doesn't it? They learn where to go for their food."
"Turkeys that manage to survive in the wild are way smarter than they get credit for."
"Orangutans possess remarkable intelligence that sets them apart from many other animals. Their ability to solve puzzles and use tools showcases their cognitive prowess and adaptability."
"Bees are capable of performing basic math and understanding the concept of zero."
"These orangutans are actually incredibly intelligent creatures."
"New Galilean crows are supposedly wicked smart because they can design their own tools."
"They haven't lived this long by being stupid. They know that in enough numbers, humans can and will kill them."
"Whales and dolphins have the ability to name themselves as babies."
"Animal minds are magnificent arbiters of conflicts of interest as they try to figure out how to optimally behave in an environment."
"Komodo dragons are profoundly intelligent animals, which made coaxing them through the pathway relatively easy; it varied depending on the individual and how they were feeling that day."
"Sperm whales have a neocortex six times the size of ours."
"How clever is this dog, also knowing he needs to wait to cross the street."
"These animals are far more intelligent than we think; they're great at problem-solving, they deal with incredible things in the wild."
"Animals, he says, are much smarter than most people believe."
"He really is an intelligent horse, and such intelligence is making him realize that the other way is better."
"Goldfish have better memories than people think."
"Capibaras are one of the most intelligent animals, people even say they are smarter than dogs."
"Oh clever dog," said Fatty, patting Buster.
"German scientists discover that fish can do maths."
"Cows are considered to be intelligent animals who interact with each other in a socially complex manner."
"Pigs are very, very smart creatures."
"Cichlids are some very smart fish, they have amazing personalities."
"How is it that crows are so profoundly intelligent?"
"These mental skills certainly set crows apart from other animals."
"In the animal kingdom, intelligence has evolved in many different ways in many different creatures."
"She knows her left from her right foot. I'm teaching her left and right wings one at a time."
"Guinea pigs are really smart, so if they recognize your voice as like a voice of kindness and you taking care of them, they're normally pretty comfortable coming up to you."
"Animals are really... very intelligent and they're having just as rich and a profound experience in life as we are."
"It's no secret that orangutans have an impressive level of intelligence."
"The reindeer really are the smartest of all ungulates."
"They were like humans; if anything, I got a strange sense of intelligence, warmth, kind hearts."
"Suda is described as the Leonardo da Vinci of elephants."
"Pigs are extremely intelligent; they are one of the smartest animals on earth."
"Some parrots and crows display problem-solving capabilities better than seven-year-olds, better than some adults I've met too for sure."
"California sea lions are intelligent, have good memories, and learn fast."
"Chickens have the general intelligence level of a seven-year-old human. They're capable of remembering names and faces and commands."
"The intelligence of these animals is just amazing."
"An animal is as intelligent as it needs to be through its own sensory organs to perceive the world."
"A lot of people don't realize the horse is a thinking animal."
"These animals are so socially and emotionally intelligent."
"She's a Shetland Sheepdog, so she's a very emotionally intelligent breed."
"Alligators are smart, the whole family."
"Dolphins may be the closest things to humans, for real, for real."
"As we learn more about other animals, dolphins, chimps, and so on, we often are able to recognize that they're very close to us in terms of intelligence."
"They chose the ape because it had the greatest brain capacity and also it had the hands."
"He looked at me with an intelligence that you don't see in an animal."
"They're intelligent animals and they deserve respect."
"People say you have a memory of a goldfish, but actually these fish are quite smart."
"Chimpanzees have an understanding of tools that are best used for specific jobs and thus they hunt out tools that are going to meet the needs of the task at hand."
"Crows living in urban and busy areas are known to take nuts from trees and then place them in the road for passing cars to crack open the shells."
"The most unbelievable thing a chimpanzee can do is use symbols for objects and combine the symbols in a sequence to create a complex idea."
"People say fish are stupid, but I remember one time when I came home and I forgot to feed Finny, the way he looked at me, he knew."
"They are animals but smart like a human; been here a long time, they know how we think and what makes us scared."
"He's an intelligent animal, right? He looks like he could talk to you."
"Lobsters are very smart. If you've ever caught them before, you know how hard they are to catch."
"They can actually recognize individual humans."
"The myth that Goldfish can't remember anything is false. They have GOOD MEMORIES!"
"I would never eat octopus because the poor things are so intelligent."