
Contrarianism Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"What is it that you believe is true that most people believe is false?"
"Be brave when others are fearful, be fearful when others are brave."
"Innovation tends to have to run the edges. The people who successfully innovate, they're often quite happy to go against the drain."
"When everyone tells you you're crazy, you're the one that's insane."
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who was running the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." - C.S. Lewis
"I think everybody's got a little bit of contrarian in them."
"If you're buying and it feels really dumb and everybody's telling you what's wrong that's usually the right time to buy."
"No follow opportunity, go look at where everybody else is going, go the other direction."
"To be a contrarian, you're gonna stand out a lot."
"A contrarian reasons independently from the ground up and resists pressure to conform."
"You have to do the exact opposite of what everybody else is doing."
"When everyone's on one side of the boat, the opposite actually happens."
"That's a real-life example of contrarianism, buying those types of leisure companies when you're in the midst of a horrific pandemic."
"When people hype something, I just go the other way."
"That's gonna be my tactic from now on: the opposite of what everyone accuses you of."
"What's hot for me at age 71? I'm better off investing in what's not."
"Don't look for what's hot, look for what's not."
"I'm glad to see so many people bearish because I think that that sets us up to do a bit better over the next few months."
"Do the opposite of everyone else."
"There are definitely times when it pays to be the contrarian."
"Whatever the great majority is doing at any given circumstance, if you do exactly the opposite, you'll probably never make another mistake as long as you live."
"Whatever the great majority is doing, and given circumstance, if you do exactly the opposite, you'll probably never make another mistake as long as you live."
"If you believe that the investors have yet to fully commit to the understanding of this new reality, it's a contrarian bet to be buying here."
"All I'm trying to do is make money, and to me the simplest way to make money is to go opposite people that are losing."
"When everyone is going up, you go down. When everyone is high energy, you're low energy. When everyone's low energy, you're high energy."
"If everyone's going right go left if everyone's buying something go look and try to find something else that maybe is underrated right now."
"Contrarians nationwide proclaim this to be the best Radiohead album and they're wrong, but it's still a damn solid album."
"My slogan has been if you're not a contrarian you're going to be a victim."
"Legacy is important. If you want to be the person to strike it big in your family, then you need to watch what most people are doing and do the opposite."
"Observe the masses and do the opposite."
"His default position had always been to buy whatever was most hated."
"Skepticism calls for pessimism when optimism is excessive, but it also calls for optimism when pessimism is excessive—contrarianism, or doing the opposite of what others do."
"Exactly this type of thinking produces exceptional returns when Mr. Market is deeply prejudiced against what you know to be a wonderful business."
"That was a ridiculous amount of wealth creation very quickly, just by questioning what was widely the consensus thinking at the time."
"I don't think it's contrarianism but it's definitely distrust and fear and that's very real logic got him reason."
"...so if you are feeling particularly Brave and you're a contrarian investor then typically you'd look at these cheaper countries which are usually cheaper for a reason and think about whether that represents an opportunity and often it does..."
"To be a great investor, you need to make a contrarian bet."
"The market hates it, and that's the moment when you should think, 'Well, let me think about this. Let me dig deeper into this, right?'"
"Think on you. Don't follow. When everybody's buying, you sell. When everybody's selling, you buy."
"Observe the masses, do the opposite."
"Most people want to follow the herd, but the herd is usually wrong."
"What are most people doing? And then do the opposite."
"If you just kind of go with what you hear by most people, that's why most people in the market don't make money."
"You almost need to have conventional perception be wrong for the market to then say, 'Hold my beer, I'm going to show why everybody's actually wrong.'"
"I said the reason it works: I didn't know the rules. So, I looked at the rules for the banks, conventional banks follow. Each time I looked at their rules, I said, 'Once I learn how they do it, I just do the opposite.' Then it worked."
"It's all about due diligence, skepticism, and having the guts to go against the crowd when your analysis tells you to."
"Instead of sipping on the housing market Kool-Aid like everyone else, Michael Berry decided to make a legendary contrarian move."
"Barry's foresight and the conviction to swim against the tide made him and his investors more than 800 million dollars."
"It's all about independent thinking and the jaw-dropping rewards of going against the crowd."
"I'm happier when nobody agrees with me. In fact, I've had my best performance when nobody agrees with me."
"I'm always a contrarian when thinking about investing."
"Slavo thought deliberately provokes disagreement; he hates the culture of agreement."
"The best investments are the ones where we are the confident we're right and everyone else is wrong."
"When everybody's fearful, it's time to be greedy. When everyone's greedy, it's time to run for the hills."
"I'm a contrarian when I see things wrong, I get excited because I know that it's an opportunity to see God's power at work, God's wisdom at work."
"Investors make money most safely and most easily when they do things that other people are unwilling to do."
"To be an intelligent contrarian you have to know what others are doing, know why they're doing it, know what's wrong with what they're doing, and then figure out if there's appropriate action to be taken on that."
"When everybody's screaming in fear and they're selling low to buy lower, it's easy for me to come on here and just be like look sellers are exhausted just like at tops when everybody's is greedy for 100k that's usually a reversal."
"We've incentivized a level of contrarianism and conspiracy thinking that is just at the fringe."
"It's becoming contrarian to be a crypto skeptic instead of the other way around."
"Buy when most people, including experts, are pessimistic, and sell when they are actively optimistic."
"I'll go with the contrarian. The contrarian person that just has to disagree with everything anyone says and go take the opposite,"
"For someone to do the opposite, it brings a lot of questions."
"...if everyone is rushing to the exits, the odds are pretty good that you might find a bargain or two."
"So anyone out there in this business park or on the High Street will tell you it's a bad time to buy cuz the Market's falling but you just said to me it's a great time to be in cars because the market has fallen so actually You observe the masses do the opposite."
"The Brilliance of being a contrarian, the Brilliance of understanding Apple is really a Lifestyle brand."
"Whenever society says one thing, you always do the opposite."
"Always do the opposite of what the herd is doing; that's how you're going to be safe and preserved."
"...the truly contrarian thing is to think for yourself."
"Contrarians are often wrong, but when they're right, they're very right."
"If your 18-year-old golf caddy tells you you're wrong about something, then you're probably right."
"If you do the opposite of what the USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services tells us to do, you get extraordinary results."
"It's pretty easy to be contrarian, it's hard to be contrarian and right."
"Anyone who tells you otherwise is just being a contrarian."
"Look at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite."
"When you see the whole crowd going one way, you go the other."
"If you want to be successful, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite."
"When business publications tell you stocks are dead, you should take all your money and buy stocks."
"In this business, you have to be contrarian and right."
"I think contrarians tell the truth, and being a truth teller is something that's quite difficult."
"You can live yourself a great life simply by doing the opposite of what they do."