
Britain Quotes

There are 464 quotes

"So to find the true origins of Britain A.D., I've had to look beyond the headline-grabbing figures...and instead, I've turned to the real heroes of these lands: the ordinary Britons in their millions who invented our diverse and resilient culture."
"Dark age Britain was a time of intellectual as well as economic advance."
"Not only had Britain survived the Roman withdrawal, refashioning towns and resurrecting trade links, she had started to lay the foundation for an intellectually exciting future."
"By the middle of the century, there were more than 6,000 miles of railway track in Britain, connecting more of the country than ever before."
"Welcome to British politics as we head into another extraordinary evening."
"I don’t pretend this change will be easy – change rarely is – but this is the change we need if we are to make Britain the great meritocracy I want it to be."
"This is the plan to deliver them and to set Britain on the path to being the great meritocracy of the world."
"We will keep faith with them in the critical days that lie ahead, and whatever happens, Britain will not waver in our resolve."
"Britain was the only country of the six major belligerents... that fought the first day of the war and fought the last till the end of the war, the only country for the entire war."
"If you support me, I know that we can build a better Britain."
"In AD 43 though, the Romans would conclusively prove that these islands were real, when they began their conquest of the land that they called Britannia."
"Dinosaurs have been discovered all across Britain."
"Nowhere in Britain is more than 75 miles from the sea."
"Britain comfortably outperforms countries such as France in anti-discrimination protections."
"I want us to be a truly global Britain, a magnet for international talent and a home to pioneers and innovators."
"Dawn of the final day, only a few hours remain. This is what I'm going to take from Britain right now."
"He represents still for a lot of us in Britain this sense of what our spirit is."
"The Romans further implemented their culture in Britain."
"The British had an abundance of opium thanks to their Indian colonies, and many Chinese were willing to pay good money for it."
"Infuriated by this destruction of valuable product without compensation, Britain proceeded to send in naval forces."
"70 years on from the wind rush and Britain is again leaning on its former colonies."
"He had become Britain's first modern celebrity."
"Britain is in the final stages of a reckoning with its own history."
"If there's any country that has a claim to being a good moral force in the world, it's probably Britain."
"Britain was the first country to declare war on it, was in the war on the first day, and it was there on the last day of the major belligerence on both sides."
"Adding the French and the British together, you still don't get anything remotely capable of taking on the Russians in Ukraine."
"Relations between China and Britain have not always been easy."
"Britain was among the first states in the history of the world to abolish the slave trade."
"Politeness does mean something in Britain today."
"One of the largest and most complex examples of prehistoric architecture in britain."
"Margaret Thatcher never forget that she single-handedly stopped the rot that had beset Britain."
"Let us now take a tour of western Britain in the sixth and seventh centuries."
"Ruth Ellis's execution was... the last woman to be executed in Britain."
"Holloway was always going to have a place in the British psyche..."
"Britain needed a repeating rifle and through the 1870s they would try a number of designs."
"Elections do not give you the opportunity to express that in Britain, but this referendum did."
"He has dominated political life in this country for over a year now."
"The Viking raids on Britain... began with a raid on Lindisfarne in 793."
"This could be some of the best prehistoric archaeology in Britain."
"These generations first started farming and rearing cattle in Britain."
"In Britain today, the gap between rich and poor is wider than it was when Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist."
"Britain's broken. How on Earth did we get into this mess?"
"In this fractured state of Britain, really the only unity is the crown."
"This was the biggest burglary in Britain ever recorded. They got away with £14 million worth of cash, gold, and jewelry."
"I just like the idea that if you live in Britain you could join a beach, a piece of coastline, and you could walk and walk and walk and there wouldn't be a single landowner who would come and say you're walking on that."
"I'm stepping out across Britain to discover 100 remarkable places that have shaped you, me, and the whole world."
"The shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar."
"In sheer practical terms, it means that the British have literally hundreds of thousands of men to continue the fight."
"Britain imports no energy from Russia for the first time on record."
"If Britain had been occupied, it would have been a vicious regime."
"Britain's a pretty small island but it's steeped in more recorded history than almost anywhere else."
"Britain quickly made it clear which side it was on in this war."
"Wealth inequality is getting worse and worse and worse and I think it's like the defining thing about Britain these days."
"Britain may be heading towards a position of historical crisis."
"Apparently, the bells never rung in Britain."
"Britain invented the modern world, from the English language to the spread of capitalism around the world to the Industrial Revolution."
"Welcome to digging for Britain."
"The British favored the idea of a soft empire which allowed them to dominate trade across the world."
"The British then installed their puppet as Sultan, and as one positive takeaway, the British forced him to outlaw slavery."
"Some call it page one of British history."
"It was quite amazing what they achieved."
"Nothing quite like this had ever been found in Britain before."
"This was really quite spectacular."
"You've devoted yourself to entertaining the British nation one way or another."
"We're preserving a very special part of Britain's heritage."
"Stonehenge is at the center of an extraordinary concentration of Neolithic monuments found in southern Britain."
"The Viking legacy has helped change the Britain we live in today."
"Haley Mills was declared Britain's star."
"Britain has the greatest number of unmarried teenage mothers in the world."
"The story of the human occupation of Britain would stretch about one kilometer, from the earliest traces almost a million years old to recorded history just the last two meters."
"The murder of Sallyanne Bowman was a crime That Shook Britain."
"Known as the most evil woman in Britain, Myra Hindley embarked on a horrific crime spree with her boyfriend Ian Brady."
"The battle over Brexit will continue. Only the coming years will show how much this coup by the country's Rich Elite will change Great Britain."
"I think it's fantastic news for Crewe, fantastic news for Britain."
"Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on us endlessly."
"The bronze age wheel recovered from the site in 2016 is the most complete example ever to be discovered in Britain."
"We know there were people here in Britain nearly a million years ago."
"It was here that the first traces of humans in Britain were discovered."
"Greatest Britain ever. I'm absolutely sure of it."
"Anglophile is defined as someone who loves England and Britain."
"This is the most important and the most significant Church in Britain."
"For over a thousand years, there are more deer parks in Britain than any other part of the world."
"Britain is dangerously divided at the moment."
"Britain built an incredible 000 steamworker motors."
"Aerial symbol of Britain's might... it is a magnificent and majestic sight."
"Britain, land of Heritage and history, but what mysterious Secrets lay buried in its Nos and crannies?"
"The framework of class in Britain therefore extends Beyond mere accent or financial status."
"1759 will be known as the year of miracles in Britain."
"In Britain, you can almost make a poem out of that."
"The history of Britain has often been shaped by war, our ancestors fought to defend their land, their cultures, and their beliefs."
"I suddenly realized... that Britain has always been a diary-keeping country for many centuries."
"In the United States most mothers get like 3 months of maternity leave... sometimes you're not even really getting paid during that time."
"How is it that basically everything cool and important was invented in Britain?"
"Britain really changed the world...truly amazing."
"In that time the Saxon strengthened in multitude and grew in Britain."
"The Battle of Britain is about to begin."
"Britain would fight on if necessary for years if necessary alone."
"For Britain, this war was not fought for cold, hard, dispassionate calculations of national interest, but rather principle."
"The second foundational principle which drove Britain towards war was the postulate that aggression cannot be rewarded."
"There has been a major decline in pub culture across Britain."
"It's been a sort of seismic year for the monarchy and therefore for Britain."
"The majority in the country still value the fact that Britain has an identity rooted in hundreds of years of history, law, tradition, and institutions."
"Britain has fallen victim to this carnival of populism, polarization, and post-truth."
"On Britain's role: 'Britain was the one who said enough is enough and not only said it, not only led by example but enforced it.'"
"Luke video games are no longer the biggest entertainment medium in Britain really wamp wamp for all of us really to be completely honest."
"After the ravages of 1940, all Europe had fallen to the Nazis. Only Britain remained unbeaten, defiant, and powerless."
"What is the real reason that other countries were so hesitant to step in and help Britain's Wizarding Community?"
"Behind all these Posh shops lies a story that changed Britain and the world."
"Britain Britain Britain, no today we're looking at our casual UK so that my UK friends watching can feel at home and everyone else can be culturally enlightened."
"The Industrial Revolution was here and it would change Britain forever."
"Britain's trading worlds are inextricably linked with the development of Britain's Empire."
"Britain managed to lay the foundations of its global Empire in the late 18th and early 19th century."
"Britain's battle for trade and empire happens in the Asian world and in the world of the East India Company."
"Let's take a look at the names of British monarchs then."
"The Roman conquest of Britain led to nearly 400 years of occupation and inclusion in one of History's great Empires."
"Some people on the left of the labor party who are seized with this kind of real sense of excitement. They want to rebuild Britain and they've got these great plans to do it."
"The value of hard work restored, sticking plasters rejected, the Tory era of division over, a Britain standing tall again."
"By the end of the 7th century, Christianity had spread across the whole of Britain."
"This is a word that is commonly used in Britain and commonly used here in America and it means completely different things."
"Britain was changing, yet remained curiously stuck in the past."
"Britain deserves a government ready to take tough decisions, fight for the living standards of working people, and deliver a sustainable plan for growth."
"The government announces a state of emergency in Britain."
"A secret cave in Britain revealed by a landslide."
"By the end of June Britain and its empire were standing alone against Nazi Germany."
"Britain's manufacturing productivity has increased significantly."
"Britain's best-selling car for almost a decade."
"Through the swirling snow they will fight and bleed and die, die in one of the savagest days in the entire blood-soaked history of Britain."
"Britain cannot continue to be so unprepared."
"Immigration on the whole has been very good for Britain."
"Most people realize that immigration has been very good for Britain."
"For the first time ever, Britain was cool. Not just the weather."
"The Royal Navy boasts a rich history dating back to 1546, making it one of the oldest and most distinguished navies in the world."
"Britain being a leader in human rights across the world, you know, some would argue, well maybe not quite a leader but nonetheless a pretty good record."
"By 1914, Britain is more than rich enough."
"To make Britain a country that works for everyone, not just the privileged few."
"In this new series, some of Britain's most infamous and influential characters have agreed to go on camera and tell it how it was and is."
"Britain in the 1970s: a time of great cultural change."
"The post-neoliberal Britain is in need of large-scale innovation."
"We're gonna find the biggest, brightest, most exciting star Britain has ever seen."
"France signed the Anton gordial in 1904, agreeing to leave Britain alone after centuries of mutual slaughter."
"I will never ever complain about the weather in my country in Britain ever again. Not after this."
"When you think the pain that she's been through this week never believe this woman is able to sort of put that somewhere in her brain and then get on with representing Great Britain."
"Britain's foray into code-breaking saw individuals like Francis Walsingham highly esteemed for their contributions."
"It is vital that Britain grasps the opportunity of AI to grow our economy and modernize vital public services."
"The fight for the future must go hand in hand with the fight for every pound. That's a Britain built to last."
"Join me as I explore the story of the airfields that have helped shape Britain and the world."
"A complete sea-change in Britain’s political economy was necessary, if there was to be any recovery or any future at all."
"Britain has been great, is great and will stay great."
"Understanding of Portugal's huge geographic significance to Britain's navy and trade led British Prime Minister Canning to note in '37 and '38."
"Here in Britain, we can have all four seasons in a day."
"Suez was a turning point in British post-war history."
"She modernized Britain. She did. She started to put it, uh, how it should be."
"So just imagine, you're an American GI and you've arrived here in Britain in this small old village in Wiltshire, Old Thorn."
"Timothy Chalamet says the sexiest accent in Britain originates in Hull."
"Britain gave the world some wonderful inventions."
"Those virtues were real and make Britain worth living in."
"I appreciate the dreams and hopes of the British people."
"The best television in Britain is the vision of individual creative minds responding to the values and events of the society around them."
"it was so nearly something that paid off for the Brits"
"Life in Britain during the early Thatcher years was hard."
"It's Britain's answer to Route 66."
"Many claim that Britain stood alone against Nazi Germany in the early parts of World War II."
"Liverpool Cathedral is Britain's largest church."
"Britain was more progressive, open, free, and rich."
"It is amazing how the world wars literally shaped the future of Britain."
"I had no idea how important this was to British history."
"We have really struggled to remember how enormous a power Britain was."
"It was briefly Britain's most popular export car, which may have been in part due to the fact it looks so deliciously American."
"It contains a really quite magnificent manor house with both royal connections and connections to some of the most important events in British history."
"Just as Britain is taking on quite a few Americanisms, I think the same is true in reverse."
"The dissolution of the monasteries changed the religious, hierarchical, architectural, topographical face of Britain."
"As the summer of 1940 drifts slowly by, Britain is still very much at war."
"This has been called the largest miscarriage of justice in British history."
"The Nazi menace, like a creeping pestilence, slowly stifles the life out of Europe, but here in Great Britain, thanks to our brave forces and the gallant men of the Home Guard, we continue to breathe the sweet air of freedom."
"We stand here, shoulder to shoulder, on the shores of dear old Blighty."
"There's a new spirit of enterprise in Britain, and this government is backing it."
"Despite public outrage, the death penalty was never reinstated in Britain."
"The abolition committee set about this task by mobilizing a campaign that would gather the support of millions across Britain."
"For many centuries, Britain was a dangerous place."
"In Britain, a lot of the distinctive styles are also tied up with the period in which they were built."
"From now on, Britain will be governed in the interests of all its citizens."
"This is the forgotten story of the defense of Britain."
"Britain, an island nation, depended for her survival upon maritime trade."
"Britain's favourite pet... we spend ten point six billion pounds on them a year."
"Britain's second Empire, a hidden financial empire spanning large parts of the globe."
"This vibrant landscape had been steadily evolving since the early 1950s, primarily fueled by the burgeoning interest in jazz within post-war Britain."
"Durham Cathedral is known as one of the great Norman buildings of Britain."
"Every region of Britain has its own special word for alleyways, 'vennel' being among the more logical of them."
"Well, welcome to Britain. Literally five minutes ago, I say how nice the weather is getting, and now it's raining."
"Nelson, Lancashire, perhaps the most diverse town in Britain."
"Beautiful British birds are a much treasured addition to the nation's countryside."
"The Transpeak service from Derby to Buxton is a classic British bus journey."
"It's been great to see a full day of Britain's life - from the airport shift workers at Heathrow, to the party goers of Preston."
"An epidemic of UFO sightings covers the British map."
"The National Health Service... symbolizes modern Britain."
"What makes Britain great: David Beckham's right foot, David Beckham's left foot, come to that."
"In Britain, we have the chimes of Big Ben herald the new year."
"I just love it; I love how they highlight little micro Seasons that you see in Britain all through the year."
"Countryside is beautiful, Britain is an absolutely beautiful place."
"The hoax has gone down as one of Britain's greatest."